Really enjoying the game but I've got a very annoying graphical glitch that happens when the game is loading a new area. It quickly flashes on my screen and then disappears. Any ideas?
close your eyes?
Really enjoying the game but I've got a very annoying graphical glitch that happens when the game is loading a new area. It quickly flashes on my screen and then disappears. Any ideas?
That's why they sell these:
A couple of screenshots...
5040x1050, Extreme settings, TressFX enabled.
On a 7950 and i5-3570k running at about 30-35fps, but even so, it's still smooth
I Think you will found an older driver release will fix it fine...but this is going away until a new driver release fixes it.
I love the game. Tbh I did not have high expectations when I got it but I'm blown away by how nice it looks and how good the gameplay is.
Loving it so far, has a real feel of Uncharted mixed with Alan Wake, mixed with LOST. Great fun
Running it maxxed out with TressFX, looks bloomin' lovely!