Tomb Raider Thread

I just want to give you guys a heads up on a potential Game breaking bug on shipwreck beach. its possible to fall into this on both 'a pirates life' and 'the fast way down' missions

When you get the mission to find the Block and Tackle from the shipwreck, do it immediately. if you choose to go exploring before hand, you could encounter a bug which halts gameplay and makes obtaining the compound bow impossible (atleast until its patched)

There is a cliff face which should only be accessible with the compound bow, however with a little patience, thinking outside the box, and use of the rope arrow, you can pull the boat over to the cliff face and climb it, triggering this bug. when you get to the top of the rock, the game assumes you have the compound bow and progresses, even though the objective is still to get the block and tackle. when you try to retrieve it from the shipwreck, the mast it is hung from has already fallen, and there is no block and tackle there.

I've fallen into this, so im screwed untill its patched. It might be worth mentioning that this happens across all platforms, not just pc.
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I see there is a few on here who have blattered their way through the game in less than 10 hours just to finish each level as fast as possible :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Got 100% earlier.

Had a quick blast on MP and it's quite fun tbh, just not enough people playing it I found so getting a match takes a fair bit of time! :(
Steam is showing 24 hours for me - 2 hours of that was benchmarking and messing with settings, etc. and another ~2 hours the game was running without me actually doing anything. So about 19-20 hours I got out of it going at what I consider middle of the road pace and 89% completion on first run through. (I do also have the extra DLC tombs).
Steam is showing about 19 hours for me, and I've still not finished yet :p

I really think it's broken on Steam, showing 117 minutes for me... And I have not been rushing through haha, I'm about half way through I think.

EDIT: This game looks bloody fantastic with the new patch! And it running a little smoother for me :)
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Bit annoyed I played through it before - I was definitely missing a shader pass on water before this patch (thought it looked like something was missing) and the sun and fire flares properly working make things look very different - tho in some ways the gloomier look worked better for the context. Also a bit smoother post patch tho it wasn't a problem before.
Loving the game so far, playing on hard and exploring everywhere i can get into :D
Not had any crashes or keyboard probs at all, everything just runs so smooth.
Also really liking TressFX, looks far better than i thought it would.
Ultimate settings at 1080p I get 55fps average in the bench though in game the dips are annoying. On ultra settings ie no tressfx I get 60fps solid in game and on the bench. Whilst tressfx is nice its not worth the performance hit.
This game looks lovely on my 42" plasma with everything max except TressFX off, if this is what next gen games will look like on PS4 etc then we're in for a treat, though I expect PS4 stuff will look better.
£24 on GMG Mike, with the code on the gaming deals, just bought it tonight due to the good things ive heard!
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