Tomb Raider Thread

29 hours later... the moon appeared, also:


Am I doing it right?

[edit]I must also note that the new TR is the first game in a very long time that I've played for longer than an hour at a time let alone complete.
An absolute cracker of a game.[/edit]
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I've just finished the game and it was epic. Loved every minute of it. Total play time is 20 hours and finished on 99%. Weirdly everything is 100%. Every area, skill and weapon.

Edit: I think I know why now :D
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It obviously borrows heavily from several TV series and movies LOST, the river, die hard, the descent to name just a few.
Keeps crashing with fatal error whilst trying to escape the camp with all the russian / english people :(

If you are playing through Steam then right click Tomb Raider, choose PROPERTIES.
In the new window that just popped up choose the LOCAL FILES tab and then click VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME CACHE and let it get on with it.
If there are any problems with the install then Steam will fix it.

Hope this helps. :)
If you are playing through Steam then right click Tomb Raider, choose PROPERTIES.
In the new window that just popped up choose the LOCAL FILES tab and then click VERIFY INTEGRITY OF GAME CACHE and let it get on with it.
If there are any problems with the install then Steam will fix it.

Hope this helps. :)

Thank you mate! Really enjoyed the game so far - makes me a little jumpy though haha!
Just finished, cracking game, thoroughly enjoyed it.
Even got used to the QTES :p

Need some challenge style tombs or something I think.

Just went to finish off my achievements, bloody hell they could've allowed the enemies to respawn :( I spent most of the game using the bow, missed out on the ahieves for the other weps, don't think I can get them now wihtout starting a new game :(
yeah I noticed you need to play through again to get some of the achievements..

but not an issue game is too good for only one play through..

but as mentioned, it's taken lots of inspiration from uncharted, lost and the descent... descent very much so in quite few areas, and gameplay almost like naughty dog wrote the sequences for them, it's that close at times...
I really liked the controls too, used KBM.
Thought the climbing mechanic was fantastic even if a couple of times I kinda failed at it lol.

when you start a new game does the gear carry over or is it a full on new game from the beginning? I'm like 2/3 upgrades away from fully upgrading all weapons, but getting the salvage is very tiresome when all I have to get it is birds, crabs and rats.

I was even using the rope arrow for killing them so as not to use ammo :p
I'm at about 80% complete and I'm going back through the areas to clear them and I can see that with the available salvage getting all the weapons upgraded is going to be close.

Got the bow updated fully though, its wicked!
Yeah Pretty much just used the bow for most of it.

Did have a play with the "finish him" moves with various weps on the last stage.
Shotgun to the chin! :eek:
Just started playing this and enjoying it so far :)

Story line is excellent from what Ive played so far, nice to see the games kind of revitalised the franchise :)
I think the game would have benefited more if there was no 'animal instincts' button. If you actually had to explore/find routes yourself, it would have added to the experience.
I think the game would have benefited more if there was no 'animal instincts' button. If you actually had to explore/find routes yourself, it would have added to the experience.

Ive only used it a couple of times when Im completly stuck, I keep forgetting its there but I agree it should be turned off or a limited use.
I think the game would have benefited more if there was no 'animal instincts' button. If you actually had to explore/find routes yourself, it would have added to the experience.

I had it not work a coupla times, was meant to rope arrow/zip line from a post to a climbable wall surface, but the wall surface wasn't obvious and didn't glow in animal instinct mode either lol
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