Tomb Raider Thread

If they got rid of it they would have to make things more obvious. You would never be able to find the GPS caches without a little help.

Also, the collectables are there to aid the storyline, so the idea is for you to find most of them quite easily anyway to get all the info thats in them. If they were hard to find and weren't key to the story then they would just be collectables for the sake of collectables and most people wouldn't bother trying to find them.
It's been available for like £21, might be some codes in MM pop yer ehid in there.
Well worth that mate, tbh, I'd probably go as far as to say it's worth the full RRP! :eek:
How long does this game take to complete (assuming leisurely pace)?

Leisurely, if you focus on the story alone, probably about 10 hours, since a lot of the areas are very short if you just go directly to the waypoints.

If you explore though to find all the collectibles/challenge items, then it can be double that, although to be totally honest, they don't add anything to the game other than another source of exp.
Just finished, cracking game, thoroughly enjoyed it.
Even got used to the QTES :p

Need some challenge style tombs or something I think.

Just went to finish off my achievements, bloody hell they could've allowed the enemies to respawn :( I spent most of the game using the bow, missed out on the ahieves for the other weps, don't think I can get them now wihtout starting a new game :(

Enemy respawn in some areas (hub areas like the beach) but its a bit random.
Is there any news on DLC for this? There is plenty of scope for Tomb challenges, and I might actually put my hatred of paid DLC to one side to get more Lara.
Caved in and got this. Impressive visuals and decent game so far. Certainly isn't a classic tomb raider game in the style of play though.

It's a bit of a system hog though isn't it? Getting about 38fps with high settings and tressFX thingy on. But some bits have really jittery fluctuations? Maybe will switch the hair to normal.
You'll probably get more if you turn TressemeFX off. It's optimised for AMD but makes NVidia cards suffer. Perhaps your 480 is starting to show it's limitations? I know when i was running the game on my 670@1080P I was using around 1.4-1.6GB of graphics memory.
Crysis 3 and Tomb Raider made my 680 sweat, get saving lol.

My 570 is close to full on myocardial infarction under the strain of Tomb Raider as is my Q6600!:eek: Playing on the big screen via HTPC, despite having to turn the hair and Tesellation off it's still an amazingly good looking game, it takes cinematic gaming to a new level IMO.
Could be running into VRAM limits - I've been playing on my laptop with the GPU clocked to almost 570 performance and aslong as I have FXAA on instead of MSAA and TressFX off I can turn everything up at 1920x1080 and get around 50-60fps most of the time. But I noticed it was quite frequently using best part of 1.5GB VRAM (2GB on my card) and thats without MSAA.
Could be running into VRAM limits - I've been playing on my laptop with the GPU clocked to almost 570 performance and aslong as I have FXAA on instead of MSAA and TressFX off I can turn everything up at 1920x1080 and get around 50-60fps most of the time. But I noticed it was quite frequently using best part of 1.5GB VRAM (2GB on my card) and thats without MSAA.

Could well be the Vram, I've had Afterburner running but haven't been keeping a close eye on vram usage, I've been more concerned with quite low GPU usage (60% at times) which suggests to me I'm cpu limited. (cpu is overclocked to 3.5). Been running this cpu/mobo for 6 years now, may as well wait for Haswell instead of upgrading now though.
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finished tomb raider today, cant remember the last game i finished before it, was real enjoyable, if thet make the next one similar but a bit more open world with a few side quests, it will be even better, game took longer than i expected but finished less than 70% completion, couldn't really be bothered with collectables and tombs hence wanting more proper side quests. had the game maxed with fxaa and tressfx hair, it was less than 30 fps most of the time but felt perfectly smooth and looked gorgeous, only time it noticeably slowed down was close ups of laras hair in cut scenes but since it only happened every now and then for a few seconds, wasn't too bothered and just felt like a baywatch moment lol
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Balls, just got to the 'point of no return' mark. Where it gave me the warning of no fast travel after this point... So, I have gone back, right to the start to find everything. Already I'm a little bored haha, I'm not exactly missing much, but is there any REAL reason to look for everything?

I enjoyed exploring whilst playing through, and if it's sort of worth it for skills and stuff, I am more than happy to come back to it to complete 100%.

But as of now, I'm kinda just wanting to see what happens!

You can still go back and do side stuff, etc. after you've completed the game - just after you progress beyond that point you can't go back until you've completed it.
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