Tomb Raider Thread

you bought whole package or just TR 2013?

just TR 2013. I have played the other games in the past and as I said they are not the best.

One this that does annoy me is the clipping which happens with her hair. Even with the new fangled tessellation hair it still clips quite a bit and its distracting
Great game, finished it few days ago. 15 hours of really enjoyable gameplay and decently written story. Best Tomb Raider yet, in my opinion (I only finished Legend and Underworld though).
I found it more interesting once I had completed it. The exploration part, the bit which I felt was severely lacking in the main game, really comes out when you start hunting for GPS caches.
The actual story is very linear. Start at point A, go straight to point B, then C, then eventually, your done. Ironically, you don't get a proper feel for how big some of the levels are till you start looking round for GPS caches and stuff.

In the original TR, each level was huge and took a significant amount of exploration to get to the goal at the end. I didn't get that feeling with this one. The tombs took minutes to complete and were a side issue.

They need a bit of both in the next one (assuming there's plan for a next one). Keep the same engine, the same Lara, but bring back the tombs. The exploration. The feeling that you're actually lost deep underground.
Yeah the tombs were a bit pathetic. I took it as the story of how Lara becomes who we all know. Hopefully the next one is a bit more tomb raider but even if it's not i won't complain. I thought this was excellent and had me hooked.
It looks good, the story sounds like its how Lara goes from helpless to hard nut which is fine by me...and she is not looking too bad with the new graphics so thats also a bonus :p

Ah ha, this is why her boobs are smaller and she looks younger XD I noticed she gets younger and less... chesty as new games get released but at least this one makes more sense now.
has anyone seen the new DLC outfits that came out last night? Boring or what?!

When are they going to release an original TR shorts / green top skin? Surely that's what the community wants?!
I wonder if they'll continue the series after reportedly poor sales - which from figures I looked at didn't look too bad to me, however wonder if they'll continue.

the game needed more tombs, but it was a cracking game. Purchased on launch day, played through four times to the end, was such an epic game. Enjoyed it, graphics were top notch, combat was good and loved the uncharted type gameplay..

what we need now is a tomb raider with this tech around tombs and not survival..
Got this the other day when it was on offer on Steam for £14.99. Absolutely loving it to be honest. I never played much of the original games (apart from getting lost in the mansion on TR2 and locking the butler in the fridge), so I don't really have anything to compare to. I do agree with above posts however; I feel that there should have been bigger tombs, more exploration, all that jazz. Having tombs where there's a bit of dark cave, one puzzle room and ta-dah, big shiny chest just feels a bit underwhelming.

The game does look gorgeous however, and I think it's very worthy of the Tomb Raider name. As others have said, it's probably a sort of 'growing-up' story in terms of weapons and whatnot, although how that radio hasn't been broken into bits yet or Lara gotten infected from wading around in poop with wounds everywhere is a bit odd :p Never mind that with the amount of 'slides' she's gone down that her skin should be flayed from her body. It's all jolly good fun though. Could have done with toning down the amount of QTEs but it didn't impact on the gameplay too badly.

Getting quite a few BSoDs with this game, but this may be down to using such an old graphics card while all other hardware is current tech (GTX275 on a 3570k system :p)
Got a hold of this game, not a brilliant game, you get lead around to much by the game itself. But I have it now, so will persevere, providing I can.
I seem to be stuck where I am wrestling the guy for the gun. Does`nt seem to matter how hard I mash the buttons (A and D), or if I vary the mashing, I get killed. So, unless there is a knack to this, of which I don`t know, this is going to be a short game. Anyone know what I am doing wrong?
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