Tomb Raider Thread

I completed the game yesterday after getting it Thursday as a freebee with my graphics card and I thought it was really good. really enjoyable and would play again. Graphics were impressive and was a joy to play.
I sacked this game off when most of the gun fights (in a fake corridor) seemed to be like this:

Nice hair, but at the start when she's hung upside down, her pony tail dangles upside down whilst the rest of it just stays the right way up. It looks ridiculous, with things like that you may aswell not bother trying if it's going to look half-arsed.
I sacked this game off when most of the gun fights (in a fake corridor) seemed to be like this:

Nice hair, but at the start when she's hung upside down, her pony tail dangles upside down whilst the rest of it just stays the right way up. It looks ridiculous, with things like that you may aswell not bother trying if it's going to look half-arsed.

Did you enable the option to use the fancy hair technology?
I feel a bit silly for asking this but how do I swing a brazier into a sack to burn it? I thought just running into it would do it but it hardly moves or goes sideways. Is there a key I have to press instead to move it? I'm probably hitting it from the wrong angle!
As long as you disable SSAA performance is pretty optimal since the half a dozen patches lol. TressFX does look good but it's not worth the hit on frames if it's making it choppy.

SSAA 4x with two way Titans is pretty yum

Why thank you sir, turned off SSAO and have gained about 15fps and still looks pretty darn sweetabix!

Not running titans but I am dam impressed with how my 7850 is handling some current titles on high/ultra
Just beaten this, thoughts below:

+Good graphics, handling outdoor areas and tombs equally well. I especially liked the skyline, sunsets etc
+Excellent performance, typically 75-150fps
+Decent story
+Action-packed set pieces
+Proper tooltips for controls based on last device used, I played with a gamepad for platforming and keyboard&mouse for the shooting sections
+Unintrusive guidance i.e. press a key to get hints/objective indicator means you can play normally just exploring etc without anything in your face, but have it as a fallback when you get stuck, I wish more games did this
+Skills/Gear development gives it a bit of extra purpose rather than just ploughing through the story

-Perhaps a bit too easy, the tombs are basically a single puzzle compared to something like the Assassin's Creed series which makes you work a bit harder, and combat is basically just you going around headshotting people for fun. I think I probably died as many times from miscalculated jumps into an abyss as I did in combat
-Final boss a bit of a let down as it is basically a QTE with not much in the way of genuine combat like you get for the penultimate boss
-Felt like they missed an opportunity for a couple of vehicle sections e.g. manning the gun on the boat
-Maybe a bit light on actual tomb raiding but to be fair I'm not sure the game necessarily suffers from it

Overall it kinda felt like a cross between Uncharted 2 and Far Cry 3, which is probably a good thing. By far the best Tomb Raider game I've played; I tried Anniversary back in September and it was pretty terrible, 1 & 2 I found frustrating. This game has actually won me over and I would play another if they continue the new style
what was it that made tomb raider 1 and 2 frustrating for you? i wouldn't be surprised if thats what made tomb raider great for most people that played from the start.
I'm about two hours in. Enjoying it so far but it's a shame the Tressfx makes such an impact on the fps. The camera work in the cut scenes is also pretty poor. Not a fan of the qte either. Apart from that seems really good.
what was it that made tomb raider 1 and 2 frustrating for you? i wouldn't be surprised if thats what made tomb raider great for most people that played from the start.

Agreed - I think the people who are playing it now and really enjoying it are probably people who've never played 1 and 2 at the time they were originally released. I really enjoyed Anniversary as it had some really good puzzles in it and best of all no QTEs.

For me a QTE is because they've run out of ideas.

Agreed - I think the people who are playing it now and really enjoying it are probably people who've never played 1 and 2 at the time they were originally released. I really enjoyed Anniversary as it had some really good puzzles in it and best of all no QTEs.

For me a QTE is because they've run out of ideas.


I played and owned the old Tomb raiders and I still think 2013 version is a much better game :D
The only real change that sets the apart for me is the difficulty setting. The old TR games where a much harder game to complete, then the newest version but for me that didn't make it more fun.
I got Tomb Raider in 1997 so not technically 'from the start' but pretty close, TR2 I only played the demo but that would have been around the release date.

Can't remember everything I found frustrating but the crux of it was
-Difficult to figure out what to do in some sections, in fact I think on TR2 I got stuck in the first cave of the demo for a while!
-Lot of random jumping about at ledges hoping I'd catch hold of one
-Controls felt awkward (possibly I could have fixed this with a different controller, who knows)

TR2013 on the other hand, you get instincts to help out when you can't figure out where to go, also Lara talks outloud in places, or there are other crutches to help you figure out where you need to get to (NPCs etc). Some might view this as dumbing-down or hand-holding, but personally running around for 10mins trying to figure out where I need to go does nothing for me, I wasted enough of my youth on such nonsense :) The way it is implemented in TR2013 with instincts I really liked, it's not like some big HUD icon saying "OBJECTIVE 50m AWAY!!", so people can ignore it if they want.

Also in terms of graphics the original games were kinda limited in how diverse the environments could be, so you'd get a lot of things looking very 'samey' whereas in modern games the designer can highlight things a lot better in a non-contrived way, e.g. a ledge in Tomb Raider would basically be some blocky bit of rock sticking out, in TR2013 they can have pipework or something.

Then there is the fact that the original games were very sterile, if you weren't fighting you'd just be in a quiet room with just the orchestral music and the sound of Lara grunting and feet hitting the groud. TR2013 has environments that feel vibrant and alive, radio messages from NPCs, creatures roaming about etc. Playing the older games I felt so alone, the story seemed to play out through disjointed cutscenes rather than a fully integrated experience.
i agree that a lot of the new tomb raider is far superior to the old one in a lot of ways, but for me tomb raider is about the location vs lara, the huge jumps, menuvers, timed runs and swims etc these were the real enemies not a boat load of human enemies with guns. the new tomb raider doesnt have a great sense of acheivement as a lot of new games dont, but tomb raider 2 after completing the temple of xian, u feel like you deserve a medal or somet.

and controller!!!!!!! keyboard is where its at.

I am stuck here, I have backtracked and explored a lot more of this area and found relics etc but I cannot find a way to the top of this bit where if you press Q the way marker shows I should get up there...but how!
What yellow ladder?!

I've only found one yellow ladder and that's in the optional tomb I found where there's a camp site and a yellow ladder. In that tomb?
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