If... If I rebuild my backpack. Hopefully it'll be returned to me.
What are you thinking?
What are you thinking?
oh ok.. There is some items on the side bench, i believe they attach to the side to allow more wood etc, one looks like "L" i suppose
i was hoping to create a backpack specifically designed for wood, and go on a wood hike and fill the 2 storage bins up
do i need the attachments ? or can you get a specific backpack?
i cant find the rift version, tried Steam, tried the Township Tale website, clicking on shop takes you to Oculus, not there either
There is only one version, that's the one you download from the TownshipTale VR. You can switch between using Steam VR and Oculus in the game's launcher. I got it working in both, I was just telling other people how to get it running in Virtual Desktop as it's easy to do with Airlink.
Sorry @melmac and guys, my daughter has been unwell so i've not had the time to even boot my Quest 2 up.
She's much better now so hopefully I can get some time soon to get involved.
What time in the evening do you all generally get on to play?
All good ideas Melmac
I'm the sort of person that gets fixated on a game, and I have to play it , at the moment it's this game, so I'll probably potter around in the game doing bits here and there
Thought we made loads of buckles last night ?
been on a while now
nearly made a backpack, just 1 more strip and the handle to find
been trying to find them, but found some bits along the way, activated my skills shrine whilst i was there gathering ore for the ingots.
im at a stand still now, need to goto mines, and also find some TNT
I managed to log in to the server late last night just to make sure all is working as intended. Must admit I had no clue what to do so will have to make stab at the tutorial at some point and look up some YouTube vids etc.
Hopefully I can get on with you guys at some point to show me the ropes as well!