Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

23 May 2005
It's all about the end game with CNR! I'm averaging 133 with it post consolidation but happy to wait it out... ORE & OTC however :(

Fingers crossed OTC produce a JORC resource update this year at Zlata Bana. They are due news there at any time. Anything close to 500k ounces would be a result. Then there is Lutila, Cejkov that needs to be further explored. ORE is a longer term hold. They know what is there, just a case of doing the work. Drilling results throughout this year should be positive going by history of the mine. Hopefully by then the markets would have changed direction on the goldies front.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Any reason why GKP rose 15% in last few mins or just generally a crazy stock

Tue Jul 3, 2012 2:38pm GMT Print | Single Page[-] Text [+] By Evrim Ergin

ISTANBUL, July 3 (Reuters) - Iraq's semi-autonomous Kurdish region may begin selling natural gas directly to Turkey within two years, its energy minister said on Tuesday, a move likely to anger the central government and further strain Baghdad's ties with Ankara.

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in the north of the country and Baghdad have rowed for years over issues including late payments for crude, the legality of the regional government's oil deals and disputed territory.

Baghdad accuses the Kurds of smuggling their oil abroad, mainly to Iran, and wrecking the central budget by denying it revenue.
I read that last week. Peace moves between all sections of kurds and Turkey would be bullish, as (small) attacks are often afaik

Iraqi oil rundown -
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
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1 Oct 2006
Another 30% odd and I'm back in the right place with CNR, I expect a drop tomorrow though. Always the bloody way at the moment.

ORE stagnating again, really could do with that coming up a bit. Or I'm going to get out of that and make CNR my sole goldie.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado

Finance / traders glossary

I'd like to add CNR at 77p I think. Keep an eye on volume, my normal method wont load volume for CNR so I better watch it manually I guess. What was it on the way up :/

Just thinking are they listed elsewhere DE:W5XA nope thats wrong data also. Small companies have this problem, its a point in its favour for being overlooked though hence undervalued

Down over 5 years, in market cap also? gold and silver doubled price in that time

wow, I sold RKH ages ago but I own PMO so Ive come full circle here it seems
DJ Premier Oil To Take 60% Share Of Rockhopper's Falkland Oil Find

^^ RKH starting to seem better value, they paid their bills on this so, 170p buy ?

GENL cash value is 524p and share is 600 or so making Iraqi assets valued pretty darn low and they are in actual production now.

Holden, who runs a high risk portfolio with just 20 stocks, told Citywire this was 'rubbish'. He said the company was awaiting the results from test drilling in the nearby Darwin oil field. When these are published at the end of August they could transform the valuation of the company. Ironically, he said, the problems of high pressure that hindered the Stebbing well were a sign of the high level of hydrocarbons in the region. Morever, the company's discovery of a 'gas condensate' raised the chances that oil would eventually be found. He said he had bought more shares this week.

In his latest update to investors Holden says the fund’s exposure to exploration stocks has hurt the fund as the oil price has fallen. However, he is a conviction manager and took advantage of the falling share prices to top up holdings in Rockhopper, Borders & Southern, Ophir Energy (OPHR.L), Randgold Resources (RRS.L)and Cove Energy (COVE.L), the subject of a recent bidding war between Shell and Thailand's PTT.
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3 May 2004
Yup, think im done with the oilies on the AIM after this, got out unscathed..... wayyyy to volatile

On the look out for a good ISA share now

On another note AVN which i shamelessly promoted on here is doing well for me up recently from 250 touching 400,

Can only go higher from here until the launch of Hylas 2 on August 2nd

5% off evens with CNR too :D
19 Jan 2006
100% profit on CNR now. in at 2.6p (old money).

Still holding RRL - sold out original stake a while back so it's a no lose situation at the moment with them.
1 Oct 2006
Nice one booyaka, I think I'm just about to start sniffing blue again with CNR after months in the hole.

ORE is starting to depress me a little bit now, been over a month since any news and it's only a matter of time before the market sacks this one off.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Volume on RRL is not massive, its been 100m before now? I guess we'll see by day end but the news isnt that drastic either, unless this is their only well drill. Dont think it is if I remember right, just a disappointing result which pretty much is always going to happen some time.

Market generally today is a sea of red, not sure why but everything is down anyway so a double hit.
Dont think gold is especially safer then oil, the two are linked as gold is so expensive to mine hence VGM is down like 80% because they do mine gold and spend 1,600 an ounce doing so but they should improve prospects most likely and so should gold price relative to oil which they and the shares desperately need to happen.

Looking for a general bounce sometime today or sp500 to 1320 if not. Unless theres some news to say so markets dont go straight down (continually)

Will we ever see 10p again???
be optimistic when people lose hope or try to moderate the extremes anyway I think can be profitable strategy

Espana -
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Is that like the newspaper then. Telegraph is doing a fund fantasy game, cash prizes all that. Looked simple enough and I might get lucky :cool:

Is there any reason I shouldnt buy Rockhopper? was the deal bad enough to justify halving the share price or we just dealing failed dreams of riches, etc ? They are still exploring also?

RBS making new lows, on euro doubts I guess. They float directline some time this year I think, not sure they are so badly off

Of the two ABG I think is decent to own and pays a dividend. I rate gold as steady/strong, losing highs is normal still. Lloyds just needs people to pay their mortgages, should go up - simpler then rbs
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1 Oct 2006
Readjusting after the consolidation. It dropped off for no reason at all before the consolidation, and now it's gaining it's strength back.

People cite "MM games" in situations like this, but I think people just lost interest. Echoed by the volumes, which were pretty pap if memory serves.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
CNR is like a balloon under water. Its just returning to the surface, it should go to 200 or whatever if it was really doing well/ok
Im about break even on it excluding stuff I sold along the way. Selling at 160 last xmas and buying at 43 would have been nice :o

The trend in general is towards great volatility, ie. sharp spikes I think is normal for everything but in a company which has no revenue, definitely

Gold price doing well this week, it has to break upwards or its a broken record again. Probably drag CNR down with it, not that they sell any gold but in theory..

Range Resources (RRL) and Red Emperor Resources (RMP) were the two most actively-traded stocks by the users of Interactive Investor after the companies confessed "no further testing could be justified" on the Upper Jesomma sand interval in the Shabeel North well in Puntland, Somalia.

This followed the announcement on Monday that the testing of the Upper Jesomma sand reservoir had yielded fresh water. Still, the well continued drilling through the entire Jesomma reservoir section and had reached a depth of 2,200 metres.

The section contained several additional sands with oil and gas shows and a full set of electrical logs was run to determine if these sands contained potential oil zones which would warrant further testing. However, the analysis of these logs indicated that the most prospective-looking zone in the well was the Upper Jesomma sand interval that had already been confirmed by testing to contain fresh water.
Has RRL bottomed out on this negative news, I presume its still quite possible to find oil in Somalia just maybe not this year?

Water in the desert got to be worth something :(

Echoed by the volumes, which were pretty pap if memory serves.
Hard for me to track this stock and its volume but I think so
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18 Oct 2003
Anyone got any insight on why CNR is shooting up at the moment?

The grades they announced at the beginning of the month were very good.


· LIDC109 intercepted 12.2m at 34.79g/t from 173m drill depth which is 50m underneath an intercept of 34m true width at 2.31g/t (LIDC067). Grade increasing at depth.

· LIDC121 intercepted 6.65m at 32.23g/t from 111m drill depth which is 100m underneath an intercept of 15.5m true width at 7.39g/t from surface (LIRC102).

· 11m at 10.45g/t from 97m drill depth is 50m along strike from LIRC105 which returned 25.1m true width at 7.73g/t.

· 28m at 1.63g/t from 49m drill depth further demonstrates near surface open pit potential.

· Coalescence of La India Vein and California Vein continues to be proved along a 600m strike length with true width drill intercepts of 10m to 34m demonstrating continuity and width for open pit mining

· The resource on the California veins is currently 100m to 150m beneath surface.

Drilling and trenching has extended the gold mineralisation above this vein to surface. See Figure 5 cross section.
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