Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
The best start is to go a website like bullbearings or put an entry into for September

It'll give you a start on the basics and what makes company shares move and save a lot of hassle learning after the fact

HER is up 20% today, the bottom price was its rights issue. Super high volume compared to previously, does this sound like a good drill report ?

said that its 70%-owned flagship Paguanta Project, where it is undertaking a number of work programmes to investigate the potential for an open pit mine at the surface of the Patricia deposit, has returned excellent results. The best results from the drillhole re-sampling were 15.0m at 132.3g [Silver ] per tonne (g/t), 2.8% lead and 0.4g/t gold, including 4.0 metres at 319.0g/t silver, 6.2% lead, 0.9g/t gold (from 14 metres down hole). The field work programmes have now been completed and full results are expected within 8-10 weeks.
Drill Hole Re-sampling

PTDD073 15.0m @ 132.3g/t Ag, 2.8% Pb, 0.4g/t Au (from 13m down hole)

including 4.0m @ 319.0g/t Ag, 6.2% Pb, 0.9g/t Au (from 14m down hole)

PTDD096 10.8m @ 69.7g/t Ag, 1.9% Pb (from 47m down hole)

Surface Sampling

821826 - Line 1 1015.0g/t Ag, 10.7% Pb, 1.4g/t Au (Sample length 1.1m)

821827 - Line 1 258.0g/t Ag, 5.0% Pb, 0.6g/t Au (Sample length 1.1m)

821848 - Line 2 75.4g/t Ag, 2.2% Pb, 0.3g/t Au (Sample length 2.1m)

821994 - Line 3 9.9g/t Ag, 0.0% Pb, 9.9g/t Au (Sample length 1.0m)

822111 - Line 5 518.0g/t Ag, 1.0% Pb, 0.2g/t Au (Sample length 0.7m)

822119 - Line 5 583.0g/t Ag, 11.0% Pb, 0.3g/t Au (Sample length 1.2m)

822124 - Line 5 484.0g/t Ag, 2.8% Pb, 0.6g/t Au (Sample length 1.3m)

822162 - Line 5 615.0g/t Ag, 1.0% Pb, 0.3g/t Au (Sample length 0.9m)

822123 - Line 5 315.0g/t Ag, 6.4% Pb, 0.6g/t Au (Sample length 0.7m)
Just the gold alone is decent/good

HOIL was up 20% yesterday, again likely well justified and good vol. They done the impossible market wise and monitised Iraq assets in order to gain revenue/profits. So a return to norm now hopefully from the abyss, possible 300p I think

If GLD can climb over 159 it should become natural that many miners pop like this
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
2.98bn omg :o Are they likely to grow in asia. FB is not so big in asia and has no revenue from mobiles here either hence its plunge, also something like 5x IPO shares are being sold by insiders potentially in next six months. If I had known that, I'd have shorted I swear
1 Oct 2006
Opened up shareprice, everythings green, closed shareprice, went back to bed for i must be ill.

*Waiting for the mid morning slump.....

LOL, that's pretty much what I did today too.

Fell asleep last night, woke up after being transported to Reverso-land. Looking forward to work doing all my jobs for me later, however not looking forward to them rinsing me for all my cash.

26 Aug 2012
Nr Shepton Mallett
Hi guys, been made aware of your board by another member - loving your discussion.

Did anyone make anything out of QFI (Quadrise Fuels International) this week? Poss a retrace coming there after this weeks MOA with Saudi Arabia/Aramco, but looking very good for the long term.

Another one I like is CYAN (Cyan Holdings), bit of a big gamble, they desperately need their Indian contract (with Tamil Nadu Electricity Board) to come off, but if it does........

Both risky but worth keeping an eye on in my opinion, and add a bit of diversity from the usual stocks that get mentioned a lot :)

I'm always keen to hear other opinions
26 Aug 2012
Nr Shepton Mallett
It'll be interesting to see how far they fall tomorrow, not as much as RMP or HRN that's for sure. They've still got some fundamentally good assets, but I think they're going to take a long time to recover the share price to double figures. Got to feel sorry for those on averages near 20p - it's a long road back for those guys. Mine's around 7.5p so potentially going 50% down tomorrow which is painful enough.

I notice on Shareprice that the Range Chairman has been quoted as saying there's another 2 drills in Puntland envisaged in the next 12-18 months - I wonder how they (RRL, RMP and HRN) are going to pay for them.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado

:confused: They are going ahead with a stock split then. If range somalia has no oil, those shares are going to be less then a penny I guess. I thought they had some oil on the surface so its more a question of finding it then maybe its commercial or not.

If RMP does not trade tomorrow or this week even it could be nice for RRL in that people are going to maybe go OTT and oversell their revenue from Trinidad and other interests just on this bad news. A rush for the exits is often the time to consider a buy not chasing the herd. Wish I had waited till now
They have secured off shore rights recently?

What have they done on the asx? (rrl)

Must have been after hours, see from midnight onwards.

Range already laid off some of this risk by bringing in RMP to pay an outsized percent, that was canny in retrospect
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