Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

26 Aug 2012
Nr Shepton Mallett
I made a cheeky 20% out of CNR recently, bought at 81p and got the jitters and sold at 101, after they retraced from 115 or so. Wish I'd kept hold of them, still they're looking good for another leg up if the next lot of reserves news is +ve. Might be a good time to rebuy.
29 Dec 2007
Yes markets are ironic. Range is up by 2.49% of course :confused:[IMG][/QUOTE]

Lol really?! Read the news this morning with regard to Puntland. How is a rise even possible....

I've given up with stock watching, I used to be up at 7:45 every single day to watch opening. I soon got annoyed with the seemingly random fluctuation, massive drops on great news etc.

I've purchased shares in a variety of companies (inc rrl) and I'm no longer watching any share prices. I'll come back in a few years and see what's happened.
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26 Aug 2012
Nr Shepton Mallett
Well I guess everyone was playing on it being a duster for the last couple of weeks - ever since their "Desire" moment. The rise is probably on the anticipation of reasonable news from Trinidad, which today's RNS announced would be announced later this week.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Too many smart people selling at 16 and realising 4p is cheap. Orders cleared at 4.25p and my 3.7p failed to get a buy. I sold at 16 but I buying back bits since 11 :o
I guess this hard bounce bodes well for future share strength

RMP opened today, I think that explains it some. They took the brunt of it. Down 60% and now at -40%
Its prospects lie with Georgia, off shore drills of somalia and I forget where else. Still valued at 26m not sure at all what price it should be

I will look at Rockhopper and Premier for tomorrow as they both fallen back

FXPO HOC ABG go ex div at close
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Aren't you liable to pay out the dividend on the amount borrowed though

Yea if you borrow shares you owe the div to whoever owns it. It'd be too easy otherwise
100% of div must be paid I think. Yet if you own it you must pay tax and only receive maybe 80% so shorting a div is on balance harder to do

I didnt buy any of them. FXPO is cheap and yet it looks weaker.
If the div is 2p or so and it falls 5p or so then its comparatively more profitable to buy after then before especially considering taxes

RKH could catch a bid here. HOC was a buy this morning also FRES. Silver been ok recently in line with gold, thanks to:

Red Emperor Resources (RMP) resumed trading on Tuesday and swiftly lost more than half its value as it revealed no oil was found in the Shabeel North well.

The company said the well, in Puntland, Somalia, reached a total depth of 3,945 metres and encountered metamorphic basement at a depth of 3,919 metres.

It found sand and shales but no oil or gas and has now been plugged and abandoned.

Red Emperor took the opportunity to reassure investors of its strong cash position which, after this drilling campaign, will be in excess of $16 million (£10 million).

It said this demonstrates that it is fully funded to cover any seismic programme undertaken and at least two more wells in either Dharoor or Nugaal, adding that it could potentially commit to other projects without any dilution to its share capital.
all of the critical elements exist for oil accumulations, namely a working petroleum system, good quality reservoirs and thick seal rocks.

Dharoor’s results confirm once again the presence of a working hydrocarbon system.
o rly
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26 Aug 2012
Nr Shepton Mallett
You're not wrong - by good for my PF I meant it's showing less red :)

Lets hope the ol gal can keep the momentum up. 6-7p could be realistic if Trinidad operations really get going but I don't think I'll be getting any more on the "you fool me once shame on you, you fool me twice shame on me" principle.
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