Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

8 Dec 2004
Dont like AMazon, they have market share growth from low margins and this 'new' business model. Great but they are snapping up a larger market share of the USA consumer, so they are tied to that too much for me to like them. That sector is lopsided, its liable to fall over sometime ie. USA lacks production If (as a share) they were cheap or disliked then it'd help but they arent

Retail I dont want in general however I do like Apple as they can sell anywhere in the world potentially, though they may not gain Asia so well. Even then I think they are fair value, a fair dividend stock even

Yen is up, Dollar down and euro up (+£). Which helps gold go up. In effect Japan is selling off some of what they bought abroad recently I think. April ftse low to be taken out ?

CNR pulled back nicely but I had hoped it'd come down some more. IF gold is now set to rise despite weaker market, I will have to buy back the part I sold
Again Im told many times gold will make new lows, from failure of confidence - though it never changes!

My guess on MSFT would be its topping out. Unless theres reason for new growth, I'd want them to come back down some; in the same way everything seems to alternate. They are a corporate monster, hard to judge so not one I buy but say 34.10 is a good place to hold above otherwise target 31.48.

May I ask where you "buy into gold"? A CFD or SB? Or something else?
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
All the mines have gold its just the cost of getting it so in effect it becomes like an option? (Also capital risk), but if I was buying pure gold. Sovereigns used to be our currency when we were an empire. Still legal tender, absolutely tax free. Price should be in the paper, been near 300 and in 2009 I had some at 120, 200 or so now I think ?

An etf is cheaper to trade, I'd be well out of my depth currency or commodities trading. I only watch it for reference, like the Yen vs stocks
Perth Mint will issue certificates, I think that might be free from charges
I hold Investec gold fund which buys miners, not a happy place now
30 Dec 2012
Thanks for your input.
Where do you buy your bonds?

I always buy bonds from H&L, going to be swapping my SIPP to them when the paperwork is done as well.

Also you mentioned you waited for MS to bottom out and got in on it now.
Whats your expectation/limit?

Can't remember saying waiting for MSFT to bottom out? but like I mentioned some posts ago, I have seen several "experts" on Bloomberg and CNBC in the last while mention $40-$45 range within 2 years, with profits growing from business side and the pay-as-you-go office software.
They are only 10% dearer than they were at the end of 2009 and I think the world looks a better place now than it did then (economically not philosophically)

If they can get windows onto phones other than Nokia in any quantity it might help them along as well.

Mainly though I just like most of what they do, I don't see much downside with them either.

I want to place half of my current cash into something quite quickly, though selectively, and keep a whole load on the side for any serious pullback in markets.
30 Dec 2012
Sorry I-jedi - perhaps I misread another post as your own (regarding MSFT).

Regarding H&L, is it just the SIPP or any other services that you will use with them?

I have just used them to buy bonds in the past but am transferring my SIPP from Interactive Investor to them.

Might transfer my trading account from Barclays as well to have everything in one place.

I've made quite a lot over the years with microsoft so even if we get invaded by by aliens and they shut them down I'll still be well in profit over the longer term.
30 Dec 2012
May I ask what preference you see in a CFD as opposed to SB?
I always thought SB is hassle fee in terms of tax declaration etc ?

I've never tried spread betting, probably because it has the word betting in it and I used to have a gambling problem when I was young, always use cfd's if I short anything. (though I use short ETF's some times for commodities and indices)

I pay an accountant to sort out my taxes as mine are quite confusing, so tax details don't bother me.

Most of my cfd's are thru my SIPP anyway
30 Dec 2012
Just came across the substantial fall uranium prices have had in the last 5 years and am going to take a closer look.

Found 2 Uranium ETF's

URA which is more specifically uranium focused and NLR which is both Uranium and Nuclear power.

Might be worth a little dabble.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Japan is picking nuclear back, partly as a gov qe type measure.

I bought some Apple because it seems short term stronger vs the lower price, its risen but I wonder medium term where its going. Could go to 420 and I do think its worth more at 10pe and 2.5% yield

OVerall scenario for the market is a bounce. Failing that, we go much harder lower. Its the same trend as 4th April which was a low. USA unemployment rose slightly, etc
I have a short ongoing, I would like to close that much lower
30 Dec 2012
Another Nuclear option is Cameco Corporation (CCJ) a uranium miner.

China, India and Russia to set up 130 nuclear reactors. China plans to have its nuclear power capacity reach 40 million kilowatts by 2015 from 12.54 million kilowatts at the end of 2011. Other nations like France, Romania, South Korea, Bangladesh, Turkey and the UAE are also focusing on the development of the industry.

Maybe I should have bought Amazon after all $6.33 up so far today DOH!!

Cant win them all.
18 Oct 2002
Well i finally opened a Halifax Share Dealing Account an activated it an hour ago an hopefully tomorrow morning will be buying some shares in SOLG Soloman Gold - Its an Aim listed Gold/Copper Mining Company awaiting some good news from the Ecudor Govmt

Date Order Ref Type Company Code Amount
(£) Qty Order Status Executed price (p) Net Consideration (£) Reference
09/06/2013 xxxx Invest SOLG 1750.00 36795 Active - -

My 1st ever trade/buy wish me luck :) hopefully going long with this 1
18 Oct 2002
I was initially wanting too buy at the 5p trade but there at 4.6p atm, which will probably open at 4.7 or 4.8 so ill be happy with either.

like i say im hoping too be in these for the long term,
23 May 2005
I was initially wanting too buy at the 5p trade but there at 4.6p atm, which will probably open at 4.7 or 4.8 so ill be happy with either.

like i say im hoping too be in these for the long term,

the share price doesn't always go up on good news being released. most often the opposite. it goes up on anticipation.. this share has already increased by quite an amount over the last month. there is a thing called the spike.. you don't want to be caught on it. when this share blows though it blows so can go up fast. but if news is delayed or if it doesn't meet expectation..

i wish you luck.

as for "long term".. don't get attached to any share. if you see a decent a profit get out whilst you can. ;)
2 Jan 2005
the share price doesn't always go up on good news being released. most often the opposite. it goes up on anticipation.. this share has already increased by quite an amount over the last month. there is a thing called the spike.. you don't want to be caught on it. when this share blows though it blows so can go up fast. but if news is delayed or if it doesn't meet expectation..

i wish you luck.

as for "long term".. don't get attached to any share. if you see a decent a profit get out whilst you can. ;)

yeah, if solg spikes sell it!
i was in at 6p and saw the spike to 87p - i was stupid and only started selling when it was down to 50p and then 35p.
18 Oct 2002
sounds like you still came out with a nice profit, nice one i can only dream of those figures im going to be happy with the sp going to 8pence ten at a push

like i said above this is new too me and my first trade ive not just plucked a random share tho.

my thinking is small profits at first with my next trades around the 150/250 profit if i get lucky an plan limit orders an what-nots

gotta start an learn somewhere, if any one has usefull sites they could share
right now i finding the best ive not found oneto rival it forum style is confusing somewhat
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