Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

30 Dec 2012
Well i finally opened a Halifax Share Dealing Account an activated it an hour ago an hopefully tomorrow morning will be buying some shares in SOLG Soloman Gold - Its an Aim listed Gold/Copper Mining Company awaiting some good news from the Ecudor Govmt

Date Order Ref Type Company Code Amount
(£) Qty Order Status Executed price (p) Net Consideration (£) Reference
09/06/2013 xxxx Invest SOLG 1750.00 36795 Active - -

My 1st ever trade/buy wish me luck :) hopefully going long with this 1

I do wish you best of luck but buying and selling when the market is closed is very very risky indeed. If you to buy before market re-opens at least try to do it after 7 a.m. in morning so at least you have time to read any RNS there might be that day for that stock.

I do hope that you haven't invested everything in one stock? Especially a penny stock.

They can return huge profits but can just as often wipe out your money.

As I said best of luck, as everybody needs alittle to help them on their way.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
I used to use Halifax all the time. They have a great little regular buy scheme. One of my first buys ended up tripling, though it halved on the Dubai crisis. That is Hyder

They told me otherwise, but you can sometimes put money in at like 6 or 7am and it'll buy that day for £2 which is pretty cheap. Selling is more expensive now, but they have offers quite often.
I moved to another broker, fixed charges but also 50p dealing which is a lot more freedom. The schedule thing can be good for discipline though, no excuse to rush and not to research first and it encourages to scale into a position

Solg I looked at years ago, price became a disaster then but I see its fallen into long term cheap. Look iii for shares issued, it can be deceptive.
RRL quintupled or more their shares, RBS did this also, etc Market cap is the key

This is a big problem with a lot of the AIM companies. They need funding and issue lots of shares without giving us little guys rights issues. FGP also a disaster but at least is doing rights. Worth taking hopefully

VGM doing some deal at premium to market. EMED also issue lots, still no actual revenue afaik. All of them are mine fields:o
+1 what Fendi said and I do recommend scaled positions for new players

Im still not liking GKP chances for a proper rise
18 Oct 2002
Hi thanks for your replys and especially your concern no its not all my eggs in one basket. this is my 1st trade/buy/anything to do with shares, i have reseached it via forums ( and the companies website an any other info i can find.

sites you guys use everyday im finding new by google search option

im hoping either start of next week too do my 2nd trade or in 2weeks time. not sure who im going too try with yet,

what do people think about my quick sells small proffit but regular trades
31 Mar 2012
All the mines have gold its just the cost of getting it so in effect it becomes like an option? (Also capital risk), but if I was buying pure gold. Sovereigns used to be our currency when we were an empire. Still legal tender, absolutely tax free. Price should be in the paper, been near 300 and in 2009 I had some at 120, 200 or so now I think ?

An etf is cheaper to trade, I'd be well out of my depth currency or commodities trading. I only watch it for reference, like the Yen vs stocks
Perth Mint will issue certificates, I think that might be free from charges
I hold Investec gold fund which buys miners, not a happy place now

how do you trade etfs? are those fees charged straight away when you buy those etfs or when you sell them? do you need to hold them for an x amount of time?
23 May 2005
what do people think about my quick sells small proffit but regular trades

good luck with that. do it if you can. 09/10 was a good year for it because you could actually predict what might happen - on trends. shares moved when you thought they might, pre news etc. was a good time to invest £5k+ at a time and get out @ 10%+ in a day or so. back then you saw shares go up and down each day and stay level. now it is much harder and a lot more risky as many just drop on no news. you don't want to try and catch a falling knife.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Solg is issuing shares today apparently, more fund raising. On that general basis I bought MML instead of taking CNR back as they are profitable ? Even with worse gold prices.
MML rose 17% one day before and now they lost it all, typical but hopefully fortunate for the future. My own graph says its hitting bottom, gold itself is not fab and probably the main determiner + company costs

halifax said:
* Trade UK shares online on Tuesday 18th June for just £3.95 commission between 12pm and 2pm
* Plus, trade international shares online for £3.95 commission between 8am and 9pm that day(please remember that foreign currency conversion charges of 1% either side of the available exchange rate will apply to international trades)

etfs? are those fees charged straight away when you buy those etfs or when you sell them?
Each tradable fund will have a prospectus stored away somewhere, print that off and ideally it should say all in the fine print.
I think the fees are taken each day you hold in tiny adjustments to price, it cant be 'dodged'.

GLD is the gold ETF but I dont hold it. If I was, I'd take CEF which is not an ETF its an investment trust , they can run a discount to assets where as ETF is like a unit trust. You can just treat them same, its no big deal - they all hold stuff for you

what do people think about my quick sells small proffit but regular trades
Theres all sorts of tactics, you should probably buy a book for advice. Take profits regularly I agree with
Its much cheaper to read about mistakes then make them, either way I think if new to investing, its inevitable lessons have to be learnt along the way. Actually reading is not as conclusive so I'd say if new start off with really small trades and obviously you must make a profit or it was a mistake, those lessons will scale up with bigger trades
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30 Dec 2012
Quite an eventful day on the markets.

Was happy to but Aberdeen Asset Management (ADN) at near the days low. Been wanting to buy for a while but now back at January prices seems like a good price.

Had some a couple of years ago but sold them at a very nice profit to pay for new wet room I could get my wheelchair into a bit easier.

Was very tempted to load up on Kazakhmys (KAZ) but just added a 1000 as I think I've probably got enough now. The falling share price is in someways a big benefit because it means that the takeout of Eurasian Natural Resources (ERNC) will likely have to offer more cash as part of the buyout.

Also bought back into DBX MSCI INDONESIA ETF (XMID) only 300 as I will add more when market decides what it is doing.

Very glad I sold my Imagination Technologies (IMG) now as they fell 4.6% today.

Hoping the market will fall back a bit more so I can plough some more of my cash into the market.

Not impressed by many BONDS at thee moment so I'm looking add a couple more funds instead.
31 Mar 2012
Each tradable fund will have a prospectus stored away somewhere, print that off and ideally it should say all in the fine print.
I think the fees are taken each day you hold in tiny adjustments to price, it cant be 'dodged'.

GLD is the gold ETF but I dont hold it. If I was, I'd take CEF which is not an ETF its an investment trust , they can run a discount to assets where as ETF is like a unit trust. You can just treat them same, its no big deal - they all hold stuff for you

thanks silversurfer for the top quality info.
with those closed end investment trusts, does not need to hold them for certain amount of time or can one just jump in today and out tommorow. the question im asking, is it like a contract? does it have termination fees to be paid if one decides to leave it the next day?
30 Dec 2012
Looking at the graphs it's almost at an all-time low. Brave to buy into the down-ward trend.

I might have to look into this company. If the '300' is broken do you see this going further down?

I own 12,000 of these that I've steadily bought into from 402p downwards.

Currently I'm £6793.08 down but I'm holding these long term and wont be looking to sell until 600 at minimum (depending on position of my whole portfolio.

I would never say BUY to anyone but I see 250 as a possible bottom if they continue to fall and loads of long term upside.

KAZ owns 26% of Eurasian Natural Resources (ENRC) which is currently awaiting an improved offer from its founders.

This offer will made of cash and Kazakhmys shares which the Kazakh government own.

The cash will be useful to pay off some of Kazakhmys' 2.47B debt and it can either sell the shares (some or all) or cancel them.

I see the global economics slowly improving and this is all good for KAZ
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30 Dec 2012
Looks like my Aberdeen Asset Management was a good buy near yesterdays lows but what I'm confused about is a US stock I looked at over the weekend.

Luminex (LMNX) rose 6.11% yesterday for no apparent reason on triple the usual volume.

So annoying when this happens. aaagh!

Thats me done complaining for the day.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Brave to buy into the down-ward trend.
It has to come to fundamentals and its majority owned by a not entirely democratic country hence its shares present ruin and much doubt to recovery.

290 is the previous low but I see no hidden strength, so I expect no rise maybe till that date you say
Copper is sideways

A good day for POLY or any major commodity stock should be 10%. Thats how they move when they are really underway even the big ftse ones

Not impressed by many BONDS at thee moment so I'm looking add a couple more funds instead.
Investec emerging bonds is down 14% in a month I see. I guess because they are holding turkish debt and dollar generally stronger.
I think sterling or dollar debt fixed at with lowest base rates in four centuries, would be very poor on average.
Inversely Intel and Apple should gain from their issuances, not sure they even beat on inflation for it ?

with those closed end investment trusts, does not need to hold them for certain amount of time or can one just jump in today and out tommorow. the question im asking, is it like a contract? does it have termination fees to be paid if one decides to leave it the next day?
The funds Im thinking of you can buy one minute and sell the next. They have supercomputers hooked up doing this all day, no exit fees except always read the small print for force majeure and all that.

No doubt if it was a housing ETF and the fund cannot sell, cant pay then its holders must wait. It would be unusual to be caught in exit penalties most of the time, I think it happened with (some) unit trusts in 2008 - these are dealt once each day
ETN of AIG was at one time thought worthless, an ETN is like a cheque. An ETF makes you an actual owner. Barings funds exist still, despite the company itself going the owners are the holders, etc Ditto Lehmans, mostly its fairly simply a share and tradable.
Settlement date is 3 days but I dont think theres a catch except if you are a gold bug then you are paranoid and buy the physical exclusively and pay more for it (short term)
30 Dec 2012
It has to come to fundamentals and its majority owned by a not entirely democratic country hence its shares present ruin and much doubt to recovery.

290 is the previous low but I see no hidden strength, so I expect no rise maybe till that date you say
Copper is sideways

I can see what you're saying and I know I'm a little over-exposed to KAZ right now.

I'm playing it by ear at the moment but would like to stick to my plan of 600p in the future.

Investec emerging bonds is down 14% in a month I see.

My JPmorgan Global Emerging Markets Income Trust (JEMI) is down as well from high of 139 to 122.75p so I dont want anymore emerging markets really. Got other exposure (Still £1160 up on that at moment)

its the same with Aberdeen Asian Income Fund Limited (AAIF) has plummeted from its high.

Had both since last year but I'm happy theyll see new highs. (one day)

Might get some more Microsoft (MSFT) if the exchange rate stays good.
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