Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

30 Dec 2012
What you said makes absolute sense but I think ultimately its a knee jerk reaction to a relative "unknown".

Think things will pick up tomorrow?

What I posted is just the start.

After encouraging/demanding China eased lending to stimulate internal consumerism the western banks and credit agencies & others now say that China is facing a loan default crisis with no intimation from Chinese government as to what it plans to do about it.

I've got plenty of cash on the side (more arriving shortly) and hoping for buying opportunities especially Barclays which I'm looking to add some more of but hoping it pulls back some more in the next few days and weeks.

Apart from Kazakhmys I'm not too worried about stocks and funds I already own as I will wait til they recover.

Might have to take a loss on some of my KAZ but ENRC news is coming soon.
6 Dec 2005
Surely it would be easier if a regular someone, silversurfer, firestar or who ever just made a nice new thread with an OP detailing various things from brokers to terminology guides to information outlets etc and then when newish people post their first port of call would be the OP and they will be less likely to have a question swallowed up by the mounds of other info that gets posted as it will have most likely been answered by the OP. Then of course who ever is the OP will be able to update and add things to it in request or as they see fit.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Its all 20/20 in the rear view

The OP did something right which was basically to pick very near the bottom of this bull cycle. Summer 07 to March 09 was bear market

I wouldnt want to lose that history as we constantly swing between should I buy or sell, looking up a past post and comparing the sentiment (ie. prices 'cheap'= :( usually) in the post vs the market prices and future direction.

I will collect together some links, probably out of hours and put it into code tags so its not too spammy

I bought some BP as its bottom of its channel but FTSE itself is hitting a top of 6230ish. Needs to clear that for a proper bounce scenario.
As usual USA will determine direction, Japan is quite serene seemingly, its lows are same as rest of june so no new trend yet confirmed? [3% loss in Yen vs USD does add to its fall I guess}

Here is a lot of ETF but really he posts this as a gauge -

Brokers Braced For Gold Slide After Bernanke Speech

By Tatyana Shumsky NEW YORK--After watching Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke outline a plan for rolling back the central bank's stimulus program on TV Wednesday afternoon, Bill Baruch, a futures broker with ii Trader, braced for a busy night. "I got to bed early, thinking that when Europe opens up this thing is going to hit the fan, and that's exactly what happened," Mr. Baruch said. He went to sleep at 10 p.m. but was back at his computer by 1:30 a.m. to trade at the opening of the European markets, he said. "Days like this you just suck it up and do what you have to do," Mr. Baruch said. Like many of the futures market's intermediaries, Mr. Baruch was gearing up for a day of heavy trading volume as clients, who had a night to digest the Fed news and weigh its impact on their investments, would rush in to sell gold. Mr. Bernanke said in a news conference that as long as economic growth remained on track the central bank would begin reducing its $85 billion-a-month asset-purchase program later this year and could end the stimulus measure by the middle of 2014. The eventual siphoning off of the added liquidity from the U.S. capital markets is expected to raise interest rates and damp inflation, adding further pressure on gold prices. For brokers and the investors that they serve, this signaled the end of gold's bull run. "There was no doubt in my mind when I left the office last night that what the Fed said was incredibly bearish for gold," said Graham Leighton, a precious-metals broker with Marex Spectron. Gold prices had fallen steadily in after-market trading Wednesday, as the Fed's policy decision and Mr. Bernanke's subsequent news conference occurred well after Comex floor trading ended for the day. "What really stood out to me was how often Bernanke mentioned the potential slowing of asset purchases throughout the press conference. That was by design, it was to communicate that that's where the Fed is leaning," said Jason Rotman, president with Lido Isle Advisors, a commodities investment management firm. Mr. Rotman said he started betting on lower gold prices about a week ago, when gold rallied above $1,390 an ounce. "I had a gold-price target of $1,339. I didn't think it would be hit in the next five hours, but it was hit last night," Mr. Rotman said. He is now looking for gold to sink to $1,242 a troy ounce. Gold's losses accelerated overnight, as investors in Asia and Europe had their first chance to react to the news. "The perception of the gold trend has totally changed. It's becoming an incredibly difficult environment for gold," said Yu-Dee Chang, head trader at commodity trading advisor Ace Investment Strategists LLC. "This morning, we anticipated it dropping, but I would never expect it to be down 80 bucks," Mr. Chang said. Gold for August delivery, the most actively traded contract, was recently down $82.70, or 6%, at $1,291.30 a troy ounce. The contract breached below $1,300 an ounce for the first time since September 2010 in pre-market trading early Thursday morning. Many of gold's largest supporters have been streaming out of the market since the start of 2013, as talk of a likely end to the Fed's bond buying program grew from a whisper to a crescendo. Large investors like Northern Trust and BlackRock pared their gold holdings during the first three months of 2013, according to filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. "If you're handling $2 billion, you have to look a year out, and with inflation low and Bernanke talking about an exit, you have to do something now. So you've been seeing all of these big funds already get out of gold, because when you're a big investor you can't just exit on a whim," Mr. Baruch said. "That's why we've seen gold move already, just over the last several months. Because the big fund managers are preparing for that already," Mr. Baruch of ii Trader said. Gold bullion held by exchange-traded funds, which trade and store the physical metal on investors' behalf, has slumped 20% to 67.88 million ounces from a record of 84.6 million ounces in December 2012, according to data from TD Securities. "Over the past 10 years, we've had this huge build up in gold holdings not only in the retail sector, but also in the institutional sector, and people are just getting better returns elsewhere right now," Marex Spectron's Mr. Leighton said. "Gold is an asset that costs you to hold it," because you lose out on gains elsewhere, he added. Still, billionaire investor John Paulson, who owns the largest stake in SPDR Gold Trust (GLD), the world's largest gold-backed exchange-traded fund, chose to stand pat during the first quarter, keeping his stake in the GLD unchanged, according to regulatory filings.

Dow Jones Newswires June 20, 2013 12:54 ET (16:54 GMT)
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
That is a good one, you can do ratios like oil vs stocks. EWU is FTSE so EWU:GLD relates to Ftse bought in gold coins, similar to a preset website given below

I think this thread has to be strictly informal 'chatter' for reg reasons. I use these sites pretty often, they 'might' be useful to others or irrelevant

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30 Dec 2012
Trading Websites

Merged suggestions into one.

Don't know how to space them evenly. (or couldn't be bothered)

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30 Dec 2012
Well Kazakhmys (KAZ) dropped below the 250p I thought would be the bottom after the ENRC news but I was able to get 1000 just under the 240p mark this morning (early bird catches syphilis and all that).

My break even point is just under 324.88p and I'm not worried that it wont reach that again now that they will have money to pay off debt and fund their expansion plans.

I am pleased to see British Land (BLND) dropping back and have just nibbled in @ 566.50p which is 22p below where I sold them previously.
30 Dec 2012
Anyone buying Barclays (BARC) today?

I'm very tempted. Have even got as far as geting a quote then cancelling it.

Seems like support at the 200 day moving average and the PE is solidly below 8

Looking like a bargain but I cant pull the trigger. Yet
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Only as very short term. I'm more interested at 260 and its reaction to that. XLF is a good gauge for finance

There is a possible bounce in general but I'd rather ponder BP or something like that then BARC which from painful memory can get extreme
Still holding Lloyds, Stan and BNC which means I already have too many banks probably.
Its not a bargain to me anyway, I see them not breaking new ground so much as continuing with old demons which means 200 or lower is the bargain I'd want ideally

Copper is down 2.9%
#KAZ has offered to sell its share in ENRC at offered price, seen -10.92% lower @ 240.6.
#ENRC seen 4.03M shares traded after founders prepare offer valuing company at $4.7Bn.

Kazakhmys / ENRC: exit wounds
Ouch! It is painful to accept a lower price to sell an investment than what it cost to buy it. That is where Kazakhmys is heading with its stake in Eurasian Natural Resources Corp. On Monday, the Kazakh copper miner accepted an offer from ENRC's three founding oligarchs and the Kazakh government to take ENRC private. The bid is comprised of $2.65 per ENRC share in cash and 0.23 Kazakhmys shares for each ENRC share. That amounts to 234p a share - well below the average 575p a share the copper miner paid for ENRC since it started building up its 26 per cent stake in 2007.

DUST - an etf inverse to gold miners and leveraged hence spikey
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30 Dec 2012
Kazakhmys was more down to ENRC bid being accepted I think though probably partly copper price too.

Chickened out on buying more Microsoft (MSFT) at $33.00 and was going to buy Sequenom (SQNM) then bottled out.

Both have risen today. Serves me right for not following my convictions.

Don't know why SQNM rose though.

Dribbling my money into the market on these pull backs.
4 Jan 2013
Are there people who will invest on your behalf? My father is in the process of retiring. Part of his package is just under £100,000 which he is trying to get advice on. Or is a traditional bank investment the way forward?
30 Dec 2012
Are there people who will invest on your behalf? My father is in the process of retiring. Part of his package is just under £100,000 which he is trying to get advice on. Or is a traditional bank investment the way forward?

My first port of call would be to an independent financial adviser.
Is the 100K cash / company stock / saye or is it his pension?

If he is going to be needing the cash to fund or part fund his retirement he will be advised to take a very low risk option.

If it is cash he has no need of then they will advise some low and some medium.

But you need to sit down with a specialist, even if it is just the adviser at his bank. So that he can work out where he stands financially as a whole.
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