Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

30 Dec 2012
Slightly worrying story

Can they really expect to make shareholders liable for a company's bailout?

Can't see it troubling me at moment as my largest holding is 35K

They should just let the company go bust as that is the risk you take when investing.

Probably a lot more the story I haven't read yet.

On the trading front I am neither buying or selling at the moment.

Might buy into a small amount of Gold if it goes below $1150 (which is the price I quoted a while ago from a couple of blokes on Bloomberg and CNBC, I think on the "Anyone Investing In Gold" thread that I cant find.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
^^ Shareholders cant owe money but they may stump up cash required via rights issues like Firstgroup just did. What that really means they might just go broke as it costs more then its worth being a shareholder.
Funny thing is that was the system anyway for hundreds of years before gov had an idea to do otherwise

But you need to sit down with a specialist, even if it is just the adviser at his bank.
Go over to MSE is best to discuss there and ask. A bank is self biased, an IFA just some self employed guy is less of a setup and no less able afaik

Gold continues weakness, see 2010 Jan high as a target apparently. opinion of same trader who foresaw this 'dip' now -and many others though John Paulson is a staunch holder of gold which steadies my nerves slightly :p

Despite all the cheap miner prices, Im holding off till its cooked up a right panic. CNR at 40 would be ideal and so on. I can only add a bit anyway so might as well make it count as much as possible

I sold back part of BP I got recently, nice rise today and bought a bit of AGK which is generally in the right place for a rise though I never know of course.
Questor says they good and as the worlds largest portable power provider they are naturally suffering this year from the lack of Olympics or other big events
He also likes PFC but I couldnt concur price wise at least, I already hold it. Generally I want to trim back things if this little market rally can continue a little longer, then buy later
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30 Dec 2012
Would this be through a CFD I-jedi?

Yes it will be.

I've taken out a small short on Gold this evening. Something I should have a while ago but while I'm not buying or selling any stocks a small one won't hurt.

I think the hedge funds and other shorters are gonna drive it down to $1100 quite rapidly.


8 Dec 2004
May I ask how small is small? A few quid a point?
The consensus of users on IG index is nearly 80/20 to go long on Gold.

Never understood that tbh.

Ftse it was 65/35 in favour of going long.
Wall Street was the opposite 65/35 In favour of going short (or thereabouts).
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30 Dec 2012
May I ask how small is small? A few quid a point?
The consensus of users on IG index is nearly 80/20 to go long on Gold.

Never understood that tbh.

Ftse it was 65/35 in favour of going long.
Wall Street was the opposite 65/35 In favour of going short (or thereabouts).

I shorted 10 units of Gold @ $1218.6 last eveening and I've also taken out a short on US Crude this morning 10 @ $97.42 hoping to make a few quid today and getting out of the crude short but I'll see how it goes.

As far as the IG users go I can't read whats in their mind but this and many other articles by pros suggest its gonna tank.

All the guests on Bloomberg & CNBC I have heard talk about gold for the last month, all see $1150 as the next stop then $1100 then $1000 this year.
30 Dec 2012

Worst case is it goes back to 6 imo

Triad are in an incredibly overcrowded market.

They seem to rely a great deal on government funded projects that could well dry up with ever increasing budget cuts that we haven't really taken bite yet.

Don't know what their current contracts are.

Been around for a while though so imagine they have a deal of knowledge that may be interest to others in same market possibly buying them out.

Good Luck Lizard King
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
I think its closer to the bottom then top but ideally we should find market ignores that in a trading crescendo type move

I heard the Chinese stepped out the way, they had been bidding at 1550 but why should they if its apparent others wont take up supply. I think they are a bit sneaky in their buys, hopefully they are just playing dead.

China negotiated to buy ABG at 400 but wanted cheaper, well its now under a pound showing a yield over 11% :o Still Barrack the owner doesnt have to sell it. Mine cost per ounce is $1100 I think
Since China has 1bn+ people on a tight rein, can basically make or break the market with their annual shopping list. I still presume ABG is worth a lot closer to 400 then it is to 100 or zero even

I hate most trading platforms are based off flash or Java, is IG also? It can clog up the cpu for me which on an i7 is ridiculous, I got flushed out of more BP at close by stop loss. Easier to sell then short

Gold Erases Losses; on Track for Worst Quarter in Decades

--Comex August gold recently trades up $3.10, or 0.3%, at $1,214.70 a troy ounce --Stronger U.S. consumer sentiment data triggers rally, gold erases earlier losses --Gold set for worst quarter in decades on Fed unwinding concerns, strong equities --Demand from top buyers India, China muted despite price declines By Matt Day and Clementine Wallop NEW YORK--Gold erased its earlier losses on Friday as traders closed out bets on lower prices ahead of the weekend, but futures remained on track for the steepest quarterly loss since the modern gold trading regime began in the 1970s. Gold for August delivery, the most actively traded contract, was recently up $3.10, or 0.3%, at $1,214.70 a troy ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange. Futures early Friday fell as low as $1,179.40 an ounce, the lowest intraday price since August 2010. Silver for September delivery surged 4.6% to $19.41 a troy ounce. Gold pushed into positive territory Friday after a reading on U.S. consumer confidence came in better than expected. Strong U.S. economic data can weigh on gold, as investors seek higher returns in growth-sensitive assets. But Friday's data didn't bring on a new wave of selling in the gold market, a sign to some traders that the recent pressure on the market was easing, said George Gero, a vice president and precious metals strategist with RBC Capital Markets. "Bargain hunters found few remaining sellers after strong consumer sentiment," Mr. Gero said. Futures were poised to snap a four-session losing streak that took prices down at one point by more than $100 an ounce. Investors have been selling on concern that the Federal Reserve will trim its $85 billion-a-month bond-buying program, which has provided support for gold prices. Gold was set to end the quarter down by nearly 25%, the weakest performance since the gold price was detached from its peg to the U.S. dollar in 1971. Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke last week outlined the steps the central bank could take to unwind its stimulus effort, the latest news pushing investors to reassess their desire to hold gold. Relatively buoyant global equities markets have drawn investors to shares instead of gold. Rising U.S. interest rates, which make yieldless assets like gold less desirable, have also limited demand. The amount of gold held by exchange-traded funds that store metal on behalf of investors is down more than 20% from the December peak. "There are plenty of bears out there," said Miguel Perez-Santalla, a vice president with online gold and silver exchange BullionVault. When gold prices tumbled in April, India and China, the world's biggest buyers, snapped up coins, bars and jewelry. But during the current selloff, consumers in both countries are holding back. "At the moment, there's no sense of a bottom for gold, and people don't know when the price will stop falling," said Yvonne Wang, gold analyst at Beijing Antaike. "Investors prefer to keep cash in the bank rather than buy gold because it's declining every day." Traders in Hong Kong--where some shops sold out of coins and bars in April--reported slow buying interest Friday and a ready supply of bullion. Meanwhile, recent moves by India's government to clamp down on gold imports, meant to curb a wide trade deficit, are also hurting demand. Buying had already flattened earlier this month because of a higher import tax and restrictions on credit for bullion importers. The rupee's fall to a record low has also limited buying by making imported gold more expensive in rupee terms. India is the top gold consumer, followed by China
1 Jun 2004
Had another cheeky short on US Crude when it spiked back up and just closed it when it hit my order @ $97.12

Trebled my Gold Short position on the rebound back @ $1218

I hope your stop was close.

I bought a monster box of maples at 13:00, got the invoice and awaited their call to take the deposit. Had to call them back and of course they were no longer honouring it. w4£££****rs :mad:
30 Dec 2012
I hope your stop was close.

Yeah my stop was at $1222

So no biggy. Still made a profit on the day with my crude shorts.

Have a US Crude Oil Long position that I bought late Friday @ $96.55 (nicely in profit) I'm monitoring closely

I still believe GOLD will tank to $1100 and have taken out another short @ $1242.30

Kazakhmys recovering nicely today seems to be a bit more bullish now the ENRC takeover seems like a done deal. and copper stores in Asia at a low point so copper price may recover a bit now as they restock
30 Dec 2012
Just closd half of long US Crude @ $97.45 for a very nice profit left the other 20 going hoping it will get nearer $98

Edit: closed it now at $97.38 looks like its turning down.

Edit: Also just took short position on Kazakhmys 5000 @ 280.60p looking for a quick sell @ 270p
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
You are braver then me, I dont like my chances trying to predict how they move. I shorted Oil in 2008 when it was near 130 and it went down to 30 but it was flipping around so much I closed very soon after, if only I'd had the guts to hold no matter what that would have bought me a Skyline!
There are etf to go short also which I'd probably rather opt with.

Im biased long gold, cant bring myself to short it :o
Should have sold sovereigns I have in 2011, I did sell ABG at 600, which was great but Ive bought it back way too early

CNR has a nice move, looks good over a fortnight but the volume seems no where near good enough
1250 is a hurdle for gold
Does appear to be a false dawn still

I would like to buy quality and take the premium miners like Randgold and Fresnillo if I was taking any now
Kaz 300 is a real peak volume area both recent and '08
30 Dec 2012
You are braver then me, I dont like my chances trying to predict how they move. I shorted Oil in 2008 when it was near 130 and it went down to 30 but it was flipping around so much I closed very soon after, if only I'd had the guts to hold no matter what that would have bought me a Skyline!
There are etf to go short also which I'd probably rather opt with.

Im biased long gold, cant bring myself to short it :o
Should have sold sovereigns I have in 2011, I did sell ABG at 600, which was great but Ive bought it back way too early

CNR has a nice move, looks good over a fortnight but the volume seems no where near good enough
1250 is a hurdle for gold
Does appear to be a false dawn still

I would like to buy quality and take the premium miners like Randgold and Fresnillo if I was taking any now

Kaz 300 is a real peak volume area both recent and '08

Its only a day trade short on Kazakhmys as I reckoned it had hit the day high and would fall back.

I'm still holding 13000 KAZ shares so I win anyway with a tight stop on short.

Should have held my Long on Crude as it hit the $98 I thought it might but I took a very nice profit and up just under £2000 on my crude trades since Friday.


Taken out another short on Crude @ $98.17 seems to be lucky play at the moment.

Gold short closed at $1250
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30 Dec 2012
Made a small long trade on US crude yesterday but closed it quite early for a small profit as I was too busy watching the cycling and tennis to watch it carefully. Could have made a big profit if I had left it.

I'm liking today's drop on equities and hope they fall a bit further so I can go shopping for bargains before I go away for my hols on Friday.

Will set some small buy orders for while I'm away at lower than today (though I will be checking while I'm away I probably wont be trading much cos I want to relax)

Gonna leave a small short running on gold as I am still believing it will fall.
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