Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

18 Oct 2002
Thinking of somewhere low risk to place to stocks and shares ISA.

I was thinking BP now they've had a little bit of a drop but i'm now thinking of putting towards LLOY given their dividend strategy over the next few years (lower tax on my dividends given it's in an ISA). Additionally I feels LLOY has quite a way to go with regards to SP.

I already have some BP and a ton of LLOY for the record.

General opinions?
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
BP at this price was good in June and now slightly worrying no one picks it up. I have both and Lloyds could be at 100p but I dont think so this year.
I would probably have sold by the time it got there, it would be a 71bn bank at that price and its not international - gigantic
HBOS was 40bn big in 2007. I think Lloy is closer to the top then bottom right now and BP is not going anywhere in particular
Why havent they floated off those branches yet

Top stories

The Sunday Telegraph: A hedge fund which helped to trigger the Royal Bank of Scotland's disastrous purchase of ABN Amro has emerged as an investor in a vehicle designed to profit from the near-collapse of the state-backed bank.
The Sunday Telegraph: Lloyds Banking Group is set to sell its German insurance business for less than half the €1 billion it was worth two years ago as it continues to scale back its international operations.
The Independent on Sunday: The new powerhouse of world mining, Glencore Xstrata, will unveil its first set of half-year results next week with analysts expecting bumper profits approaching $6 billion (£3.8 billion).
Mail on Sunday: Taxpayer-owned Royal Bank of Scotland could miss the deadline at the end of the year to sell 316 branches by more than two years.

Gone for a punt with CREE
I saw they dropped 20% but thats not much overall

I was feeling smart for selling CNR at 120 or so when they fell to 100 but this is a very fast recovery. Gold is also doing much better then I thought, if it confirms that next week it could head to 1500 but theres not enough reason for it to properly recover its former trend. This is more then a bounce but I doubt it'll fly
CNR positive above 131 targets 161 179
22 Nov 2005
is there someone you can play the stock market but only pay a fee on withdrawals and not individual transactions?
I'd love to have a go but wouldn't want to put more than a few hundred into it which seems to make it pointless because the fees would eat any profits?
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Yea Economies of scale are a major factor. By the same logic you should do a unit trust which is a shared investment, you can piggy back everyone else in the fund and share costs but only a percentage which for 500 hundred is tiny per year

I was trying to get someone to sign up to a cashback deal but since I did it myself they raised the min to £5000 which is no longer the no brainer it once was. But in any case the idea is good and you should consider 50 a month as your minimum and you can browse pretty much any market you like, play the sectors.

There is skill in that but its a hell of a lot less like a minefield then stocks. Anything from L&G Tech (narrow high risk) to Malaysia (over specific high risk ?) to boring old but familiar FTSE (actually FTSE is not mostly uk and its not low risk).
Nearer to next April I would guess on cashback offers perhaps so helping you play smaller size but new people should do monthly investing in any case
Theres only 8 months left to this tax year's ISA if you wanted to use that up

Soros and Paulson sold half their gold last quarter which mystifies me as neither are wrong in general. As managers their actions are forced some possibly by their customers, they are selling low imo
Last edited:
16 Dec 2008
I'd think gold prices over the medium to long term will continue to fall towards the pre-2008 figures given that the world economy is starting to pick up again finally so people don't perceive investing in the safety of gold as such a necessity anymore.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Amara is so strong, looking at charts yesterday I was thinking I should have bought more because its not in the price
Im not Jesse Livermore so Im not chasing it doubling up bets but thats how to get rich in theory or very broke
If it dont get 20 in a month I call that a failure and I was wrong again

Bit of a gold rush

Make enough predictions and you'll never be wrong :p AMA is 20 today but fallen back however yet again its look like a prize fighter - not a sell but more of a tradable buy still which is remarkable as it already doubled

still will take some profits most likely. gold still for now
30 Dec 2012
What did you short at the first time with your prediction of Gold going below 1100?

If you look back through the posts you will see I have consistently been shorting gold.

I always have very tight stops so if it goes the wrong way I lose very little and when it drops significantly I take the profit.

I also had some very good shorts & longs with US Crude and I'm keeping my eye on that as well. But with all the trouble in Egypt the price seems to be only going upwards.

The GBP/USD also looks like a possible short this week or next.

Will also be looking to take a short on Kazakhmys this week now it is above 300p as a hedge against any drop back to 280-290p for the 13000 that I already own.

On the equities side I am looking to buy more British Land (BLND) if the price stays where it is also possibly adding some more Victrex (VCT)

As a punt and with the exchange rate at a decent price I might buy some Sequenom (SQNM) today

Will definitely be adding more ITKY etf this week as well.
30 Dec 2012
Im interested in this comment.
Could you please explain your thoughts behind it isonomicjedi?


Basically because for all the pro-UK£ & anti-USD news that there has been the pound hasn't even reached the June 17 high yet.

I would expect any half-decent news from the US to bring Sterling back down.

Which is one of the reasons I am looking at Sequenom and maybe more Microsoft today as the exchange rate is what is consider to be high in the medium term which make US stocks comparatively that little cheaper.
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