Trading the stockmarket (NO Referrals)

13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
Every buy is a sell :p can only tell from the price rising really


Does South Africa have any rumblings with labour law and disputes on wages vs inflation. Every country has this problem, excessive dollars produced means inflation in countries supplying USA. Its not the mining firms fault, HOIL still owed millions by Uganda and the market implies they'll never be able to get it back (it is in escrow)

The deal with RMG is shares can be dealt before official trading. Every day before 8am all shares are bought/sold but for RMG, only tomorrow will all of that clear properly afaik
In theory you can sell me shares on this forum if you like, but its not exactly legit or cleared till the registar acknowledges ~ something like that anyway all RMG trades now could be reversed but they wont be

My dad used to work for them
My dad used to work with/for Hyder, formerly big in UK water works. Thats mostly why I was confident to buy them. More then tripled now and Ive sold them all unfortunately and most likely they are not overpriced, engineering is a genuine UK export and Im told Asia is still slightly lacking per capita or in proportion to their GDP, infrastructure etc

I own a few service companies, PFC. Kenz is another one to watch, the whole sector has good demand apparently
Rockhopper still not strong enough looks like
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27 Dec 2005
My dad used to work with/for Hyder, formerly big in UK water works. Thats mostly why I was confident to buy them. More then tripled now and Ive sold them all unfortunately and most likely they are not overpriced, engineering is a genuine UK export and Im told Asia is still slightly lacking per capita or in proportion to their GDP, infrastructure etc

Companies of this size are multinational anyway - my dad's company is Mouchel, much smaller and actually de-listed and defaulted last year - but he's currently director of the Middle East based in UAE. The market there was worth 10x the UK market last year.
27 Dec 2005
RMG came close to its opening so went in on a spread bet buy for £1 @ 479.73. Already up a tiny amount but will see how it pans out.

Edit @ 16:08: Up to 486 again, not bad. Shame I only stuck £1 on - hindsight's a ***** isn't it :p
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
WG group is another services company I have. I like they are involved with gas turbines, RR have done well.

I did a lot of those offers in 2008, 100/5 so looks ok if not losing more then 20 per trade and/or hedged. Cant find if I have an account with them still but another broker of mine gives me a 'free' day every 6 months which is nice :) They have referral bonus also, many do

I sold some RMG at 481. Generally think I will sell closer to 500 and buy it back closer to 400, strike vote results today?

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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
This one
The twitter founder is making a payment system apparently and twitter is a mobile platform
I like the CEO, seems a good idea. Im more interested in how bitcoins turn out as freely independent currency.
I think mastercard or visa is / has been a smart idea to have as money becomes faster, more virtual, global.
Should be a good trend but I think the big guys have got it covered, what innovation does Moni bring. I mean if computers can do it then so can a modern phone really

GRaph has really spiked recently, strong interest. Good above 35 I guess
A regular rise since 2009, its broken out upwards now. The MacD thing at the bottom says its a justified move, also OBV

Vince's letter on RM sale -
iii says 1.2bn in property alone in London

The share itself doesnt yet look weak enough to fall much, rising after the strike vote should have tipped me off to that.
480 or 470 looks best bet for down

Neil Woodford is off next year to start up his own business.
He is a long term guy so it could be his old funds are more a bargain now on this news. If now IT are at a discount to assets where it was a premium before
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27 Dec 2005
The share itself doesnt yet look weak enough to fall much, rising after the strike vote should have tipped me off to that.
480 or 470 looks best bet for down

Agreed. The massive amount of public interest and investment in RMG makes it quite interesting but I think it may reach 550 after bouncing between 20-30 points every few days. Not sure I've got the balls to spread bet a sell on it though.
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
RMG weaker then I thought so far, 500 as a pivot. I guess up still
Bought some Kenmare titanium!
Monitise - Buyout of Asia Pacific JV PDF download Click for report

Monitise has acquired 50% of Monitise Asia Pacific from First Eastern in exchange for 20 million shares. The company now owns 100% of Monitise Asia Pacific, giving it full control over the direction of the business in the region. We have revised our forecasts to take account of the shift from joint venture to fully consolidated subsidiary.

Monitise provides a mass-market technology platform that enables banks, card schemes, telcos and other financial providers to offer mobile banking, payment and commerce services.
end 	Revenue
(£m) 	PBT
(£m) 	EPS
(p) 	DPS
(p) 	P/E
(x) 	Yield
06/12 	36.1 	(18.8) 	(2.4) 	0.0 	N/A 	N/A
06/13 	72.8 	(32.5) 	(2.4) 	0.0 	N/A 	N/A
06/14e 	109.1 	(22.2) 	(1.4) 	0.0 	N/A 	N/A
06/15e 	144.4 	(7.0) 	(0.4) 	0.0 	N/A 	N/A
Monitise is a research client of Edison Investment Research.
http://www.edisoninvestmentresearch...telephone=&campaign_ID=8102&[email protected]
This was in my inbox. Looking strong
27 Dec 2005
Well done Max.

Hindsight is a ****:

Some of those are crazy! Would be nice to just be able to say "life, done" after one trade.

I'm currently looking at Google (but in no way intending to trade, don't have anywhere near the bank roll for it). As it's trading at +$1000 a share it's regularly changing up to 3000 points in a day with a spread of just 30-70. But it's so fast, one minute it's a 1000 change, the next 600 with no time in between. Mental! I imagine some big whales almost live off that with enough bank roll, balls and some clever limit/stops.
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13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
netting him 51 times his £2120 stake.

sounds worth the risk when they say that. I reckon the main thing is knowing when more then anything.
Most of the time it just veers side to side taking out everyone. Know when it'll go in just one direction and its a Tax free win.

Google I havent the guts for, I was never close to buying even at the IPO. I have owned tech funds though.
Top of its decade trend but genuine strength in the share apparently
P/E 29.63 so expensive but CREE is 100 and shares look strong still (actual results count more and Ive lost that faith :o)

I was right on RMG more or less, it went down but not big and its gone up now and then at some point its probably going down again :confused::D I reckon a bit of a flush out is in order at some point

DSC top of a trend, this computer drawn chart says. Looks strong to me above 200 though
Medu is rising on good volume apparently so well founded?
Anite not so much, above 120 maybe better
SPT sideways and uncertain whats it doing:confused:
Anite did drop badly from 120, thats a win for TA
It was underlying weak for some reason

APR rose 20% but its only back to where I sold it, cest la vie. I own their competitor AGK

I think Faroe Petroleum looks like a reasonable buy. I took some AAZ as gold is breaking its bad trend so Im told
13 Jan 2010
I didn't expect RM to move this high so quickly and appear to stabilise (for now) above 500
Has really shown me not to listen to opinion too much as most advised against it

Anyone interested in the twitter flotation?
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