All the Manchester based journalists and ones on tour are convinced we're not in for Vidal. I wonder how good their information is, I don't think we'd tell them anything but it does seem a bit strange. They're all saying its De Vrij, Blind, Vermaelen and perhaps Hummels. Surely if we wanted Blind or De Vrij we'd have them by now? It can't be hard to sort a deal out with a club like Ajax.
Marotta was asked a bit earlier while unveiling Roberto Pereyra (Juve's new signing) and said he'd be "very surprised" if Vidal asked to leave and there's a "remote chance it could happen", which doesn't really mean much either. He's also made it clear that if a player asks to leave then he can, which would perhaps support the theory we're working with the agent.
The Italian papers have changed their Vidal quotes from yesterday too, to reflect what was actually said - and some also claim Vidal's agent has got a deal lined up with us. He's 27 and under contract until 2017, so that would make him about 30 when his contract expires, if we have hypothetically offered to double (or more) his salary, they'll ask Juve to match it, and if they refuse then they might decide to sell to us at whatever we've offered. You might say it's his last chance at getting a huge contract.
Another thing too, Woodward has really put his head on the chopping block with his bullish interview about spending whatever it takes and being prepared to break transfer records. He could really do with a big name signing and I think it'd be an even bigger lift to the club on top of the huge commercial deals and new manager.
All hypothetical though...