The only club in England that agrees with you is Everton.
Actually the only club I've heard him mentioned with apart from Everton is Wolfsburg.
No RM, Barca, PSG, Monaco or any other money spunkers trying to get hold of him, there's a reason why they aren't.
Everton likely can't lose, much. He looks pretty decent right now, worst comes to worst someone will take him for 15-20 in a few years. But he could score 20+ goals for 2 seasons and then find those clubs you mention offering 50+ million for him.
He's a risk, big clubs don't need to penny pinch, they can afford to use a 28 year old striker at the top of his game today and buy Lukaku for 20mil more in 2-3 years when he's a more finished product, simple as that.
The big clubs don't have to penny pinch and get them at 19-22 and HOPE they come good, they can just pay more when and if they do come good.
Top four clubs want a solid, experienced starting striker, and players like Lukaku/Morata/Vela/etc didn't get a chance to play games and progress. The more money there is in the game, the less willing and the less need the likes of Real/Barca/Bayern have to buy cheaper younger players.
Look at who has been bought lately. Bayern bought Lewandowski, after previously having Mandzukic, and Gomez. They bought Gotze AFTER he broke though and became a first team player at a huge cost, rather than buy him 3 years early at half the price.
The best teams are fully of players who played a huge number of games between 19-24 years old, playing most games most seasons and improving constantly.
Big clubs have no interest in potential any more, they can afford to buy quality, most of them are finding that they simply throw money away. Buy 5 players for 20-30mil of which 4 turn out to not step up(in part because they don't get enough games) or buy a single player for 50-80mil when they get to 24-25 and have proven themselves. They end up spending less, WAY less when you factor in 4 extra players wages.
Football has changed, everyone is really doing the "galacticos" thing now, just not calling it that.