Treefrog Card signing / get well soon wishes

Otacon said:
Understanding his condition better now, I'm coming round to the audio message idea. I propose going with your suggestion of people emailing MP3's of their messages (to myself probably, I'm close and can easily sort a CD(s) out when ready...
Otacon's on point. Let's get those MP3s rolling! :)
/clears space on the mail server

Bring it :cool: Recording mine now :)

[edit]If people are stuck for software or anything, we can do it via MSN, using voice clips. I can fetch them out and burn them no problems. All you need is a mike, and you can find my MSN addy to your left.
Otacon said:
I would advise against this Paul. I dont think the business would be a suitable hub for this, having seen how busy the place gets. Besides, Spie is unlikely to be able to gurantee any time, particulrly on short notice.

Understanding his condition better now, I'm coming round to the audio message idea. I propose going with your suggestion of people emailing MP3's of their messages (to myself probably, I'm close and can easily sort a CD(s) out when ready), that we can get to him ASAP to let him know we're thinking of him. We'll then have a little more time to thing about cards etc, and maybe even replacing those glasses.

Thanks for that mate, fair enough. - Apologies to Mark for the idea! :o

Mox 3D is happy to set up a gmail account for e-mailed messages with audio attatchments, as would I. ???

If you would be so kind as to drop me a mail with your addy and / or a contact number, I'll happily meet up with you and discuss this further ???

Again & again, many many thanks to all. :)

I'll make sure we have a recorder at the BBQ and we'll record some key moments from the weekend including some conversations around the campfire and show him that we're missing him, I may even go on Vertigo in his honour

Matblack said:
I'll make sure we have a recorder at the BBQ and we'll record some key moments from the weekend including some conversations around the campfire and show him that we're missing him,
Excellent idea :D
Let me know if you need an email recipient or not. I can set up a gmail for example and simply give you the access etc.

The idea with the audio is to get the message across in the short term (which Jim will be able to hear), and any gifts, cards at a later stage. Obviously the signing en masse all over the place will take time so there is a kind logic to this.

As much as I'm certain everyone wants to get the messages to Treefrog asap, please alllow me to politely remind everyone of the status, in that he cannot manipulate things with his hands such as cards. This means we all have time to arrange that and it will be a good thing!

Audio will be sooner, lets say over the next week. I thought if folks could keep the messages from being too long (perhaps say up to 20 seconds or so max) which would enable expedient email delivery and retreival, and would also help get more messages into less space for example.

So if you wish to make an audio message for Treefrog, make it. The hold on to it until we have the recipient of all audio/wav type files sorted which should be a matter of days and then we can post an addy and folks can send those in to it.

Did that all make sense ? Hope so. The news has still to really settle with me. I'm just dumbfounded at malady of this level to someone as cool as Jim and it completely sucks for him. He's a totally stand up guy and this event is so wrong.

Thoughts are with you Jim.
Matblack said:
I'll make sure we have a recorder at the BBQ and we'll record some key moments from the weekend including some conversations around the campfire and show him that we're missing him, I may even go on Vertigo in his honour

I've got my Archos AV7100 here (100GB hard disk-based media recorder). I'll try and source the A/V cables for it, and maybe a microphone as well. If I can agree getting some power to charge it with you, I can then do audio/video/stills/whatever you want. Some external speakers (which I've got) would add MP3 playback as well. Would that help?

The only downer would be if I didn't make it due to bad weather, but I'm certainly going to do my utmost to avoid that.
I sent a card today, and it will hopefully get there tomorrow. I understand that maybe a card wasnt the most practical thing, but I just wanted to let him know that casa tiggy were thinking of him.

Ordinarily, I would phone the hospital and ask them to pass on a message, but obviously I didnt think it'd be appropriate. Sending a card was the next quickest way of sending our get well wishes to him :)

And I understand and appreciate why cards wont be able to be taken with him once he moves, I can always send another card then ;)
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Berserker, awesome! Thanks for picking up point sir.

I'll get mine balled up into an mp3 and away shortly to you.
Mind you, I do see one heck of a party coming. The coming home party don't ya know!
Otacon said:
Everyone is quite welcome to send me their messages right now, as I say, I'm a stones throw from where he is and have the facilities neccesary to do it :)

[email protected] <-- Lets be 'avin' ya.

Sent mine.

I hate recording my own voice and will only speak to voicemail if I have no alternative but I made an exception for this. Hopefully hearing from us all will cheer him up a bit :)
Daz - I'll add you to msn when it lets me log back in if that's ok? I don't have any recording software, but I do have a microphone.
I doubt I'd be able to make a meet to sign a card, but if there will be a collection of postcards then I'll add one to it.
No problem Vix, I'll be around for another hour or so at least :)

[edit]Though it seems my public MSN has also just kicked me off :/ Typical.
[edit2]nm, back again.
I don't like recording my own voice (I'm silly like that), and I'm also utterly useless at thinking up sensible stuff to say at times like this, so I'll just think happy thoughts and sign whatever cards we decide to arrange.
I'm going to find my mic now, will send it to you otacon :)

edit: cant find the thing :( will have to do it tomorrow morning
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