
It comes with mavic cosmic elite's.

Oh, sorry. You are correct - i just looked at the picture.

If you think you can cope with swapping brake pads around, you could get a nice set of PX carbons and use them as race wheels for both bikes. (although the cosmic elites are not bad wheels).
You should really check your bike over before race day anyway, so maybe you wont find it that bad swapping pads over. I had 2 sets of pad carriers, so i just swapped the whole thing over rather than the pads themselves. TBH, it wasnt so much the swapping of the pads that annoyed me, my room is such a mess and i'm so disorganised that it would take me hours to find the pads. It really should only take 10 mins to change pads over.
It also means you cant make last minute decisions on which wheels to use. For example, if you get to the race and find it's too windy for deep rims, you cant just stick the smaller rims on.
I guess if you're organised and check forcasts, etc, it wouldnt be too much of a problem.
Pre-registered for the Outlaw Iron distance. Just waiting for the Wales and England entry to open. Eyeing up the 70.3 a few weeks before the outlaw as a warm-up aswell. Bloody expensive these are!

Also, not long until I order the bike. #Excited!

Managed to decrease my 1/2 mile swim time a lot recently. Used to be over 15 but got it under 14 now. If im in a suit id expect low 13's, (maybe even 12's!) I think.
Good progress so far.
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Ironman Bolton..."Your registration is complete." :-)

On other news. I had a sprint Tri yesterday which I had to do 3 laps of a lake for the running part. People were standing by the finish line direction marker and I had massive tunnel vision...ended up doing a 4th lap. Doh!
Snap!! I've just entered as well. The hard work starts now! :D


Entered this morning with a pre-registration code. Will be my first iron distance but I'm looking forward to the challenge! Doing london tri on the 23rd so just concentrating on that at the moment. Will have a rest after that and then crack on building base for next year!

Have you guys done any iron distance races before?
I've done the UK 70.3 in Wimbleball for the last 2 years. First attempt I didn't finish but made up for it this year. Brilliant feeling crossing the finish line, especially after the disappointment the previous year.

Can't wait to hear the announcer say 'You are an Ironman'.

I'm also doing the London Tri on the 23rd. I'm in the very last wave which kicks off at 15:20. Never had a race start that late before so a bit annoyed. Like to get started first thing if possible.
For me this year that would have been a definite no. The UK 70.3 is regarded as the toughest in the world. 4500ft of climbing on the bike and then the half marathon is more like a cross country race.

However, this year I was training for the 70.3, next year will be double so by the time the 70.3 comes round I will be over and above that distance so it might not seem so harsh.

There is also about 6 weeks between the 2 events next year so if you have a good rate of recovery it should be doable.

Furthest that ive done will be oly distance next weekend.

Sweet, 3 of us doing it. This will be good. We should set up a ironman ocuk training thread seperate from this one.

Yeah sounds like a good idea, would be interested to see at what point we are all starting, and perhaps what point we finish at!

What sort of time are you hoping to complete the olympic distance in?
TBH, I dont really have a time to aim for. Just going to have fun doing it but absolutly beast myself all the way.

I know that im aiming for 25mins for the swim. The tri I did yesterday I got caught in traffic at the beginning for a good 200-300 meters. If I hadnt id be sub 13mins for a 1/2 mile swim.
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