
Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
You can wear tri separates, so tri shorts and a tri tank which are probably more for long distance and ease of toilet breaks! Alternatively some people just wear bib shorts and a jersey, depends what you are comfortable running and cycling in.
Good point about separates actually, and it's the reason I don't commute in bib shorts :p

I'm hopefully sorted for the wetsuit - a work colleague who I run with and is around the same height and build is lending me his :)

Second swim this morning. Feeling broken. I'm thinking about paying for some lessons since it isn't that much more expensive than paying for a swim. Technique needs a LOT of work.
27 Oct 2005
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
Considered camping but I'm staying at some cheap service station hotel now which was only £30 or so for the night. Will drive up Saturday morning register, and hang around the place for a bit before going back to the hotel. Think its 30 or so mins away from the watersports centre.

Looking forward to the race, just hope the weather is decent as it was awesome last year.

What time are you planning on arriving on Saturday, same for you Kite?

We could all meet up there if you wanted and have a wander about the place.
5 Jul 2007
Sounds good to me, ideally I'll be aiming to get there before midday, I'm OCD about missing registration! Will probably just register then wander round the expo and watch the races that are on Saturday. Would be cool to meet up though.
13 Apr 2008
Notts / Reading
I aim to get there first thing on saturday otherwise I know i'll miss the last registration! One of my colleagues is competing on saturday too so i'll do a bit of watching wand wonder round the expo too.

Having people to talk too will help my nerves too! i'll send my number via trust.
5 Jul 2007
How'd the day go for you guys?

Will do a proper write up in time but initial thoughts below:

Firstly utterly perfect conditions, it literally does not get better than this, and once again brilliantly organised event.

The swim stank and was seriously weedy, but I felt pretty decent, began tiring a little on the second half but found a good pair of feet and drafted all the way in coming out with a 33 something a minute up on last year :D

The bike was awesome fun, next to no wind and no real problems here bar having to stop for a wee break, and a bird almost flying into me, but came out with a 2.35 @ 22mph.

Onto the run felt pretty good by this point, but slowed from around 8min miles to 8:30's at the end. Would have been couple of minutes faster but I had to make two big toilet stops annoyingly, still came in under 2 hours though which was the aim in 1:57. 15 min improvement on last year.

Overall 5:13, from 5:39 last year.
27 Oct 2005
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
Well done that's an awesome time!!!

I had a tough day in the end - 5:45:31 - 7 minutes slower than last year. Swim was a minute faster than last year. Bike was exactly the same but my legs were totally trashed on the run.

Got to about 4 miles and felt like stopping but I kept going. Took 1:53, not quite the sub 1:40 I was after. Lesson learnt is not to PB a half marathon the week before a 70.3 :D

Also I managed to do a somersault during the run. Just after 10 miles my foot caught a bump and I literally flipped over scraping my back and knee. I just got up and kept going. If I'd stopped to inspect the damage I probably wouldn't have got going again!!

Overall I enjoyed it, and for a change the bike was my favourite part.
13 Apr 2008
Notts / Reading
I completed in 6.18. :D. (Garmin moving time 6.10.)

Did the swim in 38 which I was pretty pleased with. Thought it might have taken 41 or 42 so was fairly on track. I could have shaved a min or two off had I had some clearer water at the start. I started right at the back by the dock.

The bike I did in 2h58 I think. A few weeks ago I did 60 miles in 3h 30 so to go sub 3h I was really happy with. Thats is deffo the fastest I've ridden for that distance so big smiles on my face for the bike split. Loved the route too.

I slowed down on the last few miles slightly to get some energy back and stretch a little. It occured to me that I might get a sub 6 if I run well!

Then I got off the bike. haha. What a disaster.

My lack of brick sessions really showed and the fastest mile I did was 8.45 or something, then slowly increased to 11min right to the end. First 4-5 miles I had two numb feet, only to have pins and needles when I got some feeling back. I eventually found a really REALLY slow pace and managed to stick with it until the end. I got some compression socks at the expo on Saturday; they certainly worked! I could feel cramp try to set in my calves but they kept it at bay.

Disapointed I didnt make my on the fly sub 6h aim but so happy to finish. :D.
I think the 1/2 irons are my limit tho. The full's are looking like a bit too far.

Congrats both!! :)
13 Apr 2008
Notts / Reading
Good job!!

Don't be disheartened about not getting sub 6. I got a DNF on my first attempt at a half so getting in in 6.18 is a great achievement.

Will see you there next year so you can smash the 6 hour barrrier :D

ohhhh yesss....I'll be there for sure! :D:D

Decided to have a crack at the full too as I was um-ing and arh-ing after the event and yesterday. Ive got a entry spot so lets see how far I can get.

New bike on the cards too maybe to help me cross the line; BMC time machine TMR02. :D
5 Jul 2007
Nice one guys, both great efforts. Well done on finishing your first too Jordan, no mean feat!

Get some solid training in over the next few weeks with a good taper and you'll be golden.

Look forward to seeing the BMC too!

Thinking I may enter for next year too as my main race. Half's are a great distance, long enough to be an endurance event, but not so long that you can't actually "race" it as with full IM events.

Would be hopeful to try and get a sub 5 hour finish too if I went for it as my main race for the year.

Dom are you thinking of doing any of the familiarisation events for IMUK this year? I'm going up on the 6th July for this event again this year. Full IM distance swim followed by 100 miles on the course.
13 Apr 2008
Notts / Reading
photos are online. :) Purchased all of mine but yet to get the download link.

Going to concentrate on bike-run brick sessions and gradually increase the distance too. It's going to be a hard two months!

....Then I can have a outlaw ocuk signature.....
27 Oct 2005
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
Outlaw half next year will be my main triathlon but my main focus is getting a sub 3:15 marathon.

Think I will give the training day a miss. I am going to the Lake District for a week on the 14th June where I am doing the 2 mile Great North Swim and also some swimming in Rydal Lake. I don't fancy having to travel down to Bolton and back twice in 2 weeks.
13 Apr 2008
Notts / Reading
Ah, in it to win it!

right, weird question. What are the rules regarding getting changed in transistion? I didnt take much notice. Im going to have to change out of lyrca into some running shorts or I wont make the distance.
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