US: True Detective

I think the number of "central" characters caused the feeling of too much being squeezed into 1 episode. The first true detective really only needed to introduce 2 characters, this time around they need to introduce 4 characters and give you a feel for them.

Got to say, if Vince Vaughn nails this role, his career could really take off.
Wow that was a real let down compared to the first episode of Season 1. The coincidences with the female cops family could have been handled so much better, felt totally shoe horned in.
yes not feeling it as much as first series but maybe a bit harsh after one episode. i did say this might happen after seeing the cast line up.

Matthew basically made the first series.
yes not feeling it as much as first series but maybe a bit harsh after one episode. i did say this might happen after seeing the cast line up.

Matthew basically made the first series.

I don't agree it is a cast problem, the acting and characters I was more than happy with it was the poor story telling. The writing in the first series was exemplary from the first minutes, this felt a lot more forced.

I am sure it will get better, I think they just tried too hard to tell us who the characters were and establish everything in one go. In season 1 the characters were a mystery to us and to some degree themselves. It was a journey of discovery about them and their relationship just as much it was a serial killer hunt.
I think too much happened in the first episode to try getting us introduced to all the characters.

Hopefully we'll start getting more backstory etc with the coming episodes.
Yeah have to echo the posts here tbh, seemed very forced and cheesy in places, it was like they took everything people loved from the first series and then multiplied it massively in the naive assumption it would make it even better!!

The whole tough police lady and getting chucked out the club was so cringe-worthy and such a blatant attempt to avoid any claims of sexism like they got with the first series!
I will certainly give it a few more episodes before deciding for sure, but I was a little disappointed. I think mostly due to my favourite character of recent years changing and Matthew Mcconaugheys performance being SO good.
Poor start, however, considering it is being compared to one of the finest television shows in recent memory what else was expected?
I remember thinking episode 1 of season 1 was very slow but enjoying it.

I don't think it's a strong as the first episode of season 1 but I did still enjoy it. All the actors played their part very well (I thought) and if the story is up to scratch it could be a great series.
I agree that too much happened in the first episode, it was jumping all over the place trying to introduce everyone, though I like how it brought them all together in the end. I'm hoping now that they are all introduced that we are going to get a more cohesive story, but I'm concerned that there are too many main characters. I think they should have kept it to three at most, maybe left out Taylor Kitsch (his character seems the weakest so far imo).

I think this season will be better if you treat it as a totally new show rather than comparing it to season 1.
Just watched ep 1, don't know what to think. There was so much happening at once its all a bit of a mess to be honest. It wasn't bad although some of the writing was a lack-lustre.

nicktay is right, we can't compare this to season 1 unless we want to be sorely disappointed I think.

Who knows, it might pick up.
Over the last couple days watched all of season 1. Was pretty darn well acted. I thought at first this was going to be something special.

I was, however, in the end disappointed that it all ended in such a rush, and in such cliched fashion. I thought they were going to weave the black cops into it all. Or unravel some more of the conspiracy. Or have a plot twist or two.

But it just turns into your bog standard buddy cop movie, with a terribly cliched ending. I mean literally you've seen that ending in a thousand other buddy cop movies. And the post hospital bit was just awful.

Overall good, but the last episode really undid some of the good work from the earlier eps.
Slow first episode as been said.

But with twice the main characters to introduce I can live with that. Already looking forward to seeing how the story starts to pick up.

Definitely has potential.
I didn't really get into season 1 after the first episode either. It wasn't until i watched it all in one go that i really liked it.
Matthew McCaugngheheye is an exec producer, is that just in credits or is he actually inputting to this series?
I did once hear that the exec producer credit was there just to make the "talent" who gets it feel more important but it isn't an active role.
There's no way of telling from the title. Sometimes an executive producer is given the title as a favour, sometimes given it because they've helped pay to make the production, sometimes for creative input outside of the usual roles, sometimes just to have a big name in the credits etc. It's pretty much a one size fits all title.
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