US: True Detective

Not a fan of Farrell an I think his performance will be fairly predictable. However really love the idea of Vince Vaughn playing a totally serious character and I fully believe he will be the one that steals the show.
I know its just the format of the show, but I'm seriously disappointed in the fact that McConaughey and Harrelson are not returning next season. I think Rust especially is one of the coolest characters ever and McConaughey plays him just perfectly. I would to see him play a similar type of character in a movie or something.
haha why its leagues ahead. :confused: thew real funny thing is the guy who films directs true detective worships copies Hannibal david slades style :p

I enjoy Hannibal, and I think it is good. However, True Detective is sublime filmmaking it is in a different league to most television shows.

My professor of film described each episodes as having 'Hollywood style production' and he is right, each scene, each shot and each episode is absolutely excellent.
i enjoyed true detective don't get me wrong i just think that it borrows some of Hannibals style.

personal preference :p
Every modern television show borrows from each other, due in no small part to the hybrisation of genre and style.
Can't wait for this, I just hope it's not going to be terrible. That trailer gives me hope.

On a separate not, imo mini-series containing Hollywood stars (future or present) such as this are the future of TV, rather than the 20+ episode 'procedural' trash that the US networks seem to depend upon. It's no coincidence that some of the best TV shows ever have been on HBO, Showtime and, recently, Netflix, and the majority of them have been condensed series of 8-13 episodes. The networks have to fill a set time slot for a set amount of weeks, and the quality of a lot of those shows suffer as a result.
Just finished the first episode of the new season and really liked it. Thought it was so so at the beginning but got more and more into it as it went on.

I wasn't expecting them to be together like that at the end. Up until that point i kept thinking is that this is setting them all up to collide with each other in the future.

One bit that bothered me was when he was on the bike. I have never ridden one but going from 100mph+ to that instant stop after losing control seemed weird.
Yeah that bike bit was bs. Although he slid the bike around on the gravel with supreme control so he probably does motocross in his spare time which perhaps makes it plausible.
A couple of points about the first episode of season 2.

Rachel McAdams has a nice panty clad backside and Vince Vaughn should do more straight roles.
Wasnt feeling it at all after that episode, almost felt like too much was trying to be introduced in the hour. It may improve with time and as it expands out will stick with it
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