Shootout was great. Up to that point I was wondering why I'm watching...
This is nowhere near as good as Season 1. It's silly to even call it True Detective - if they are calling it this, they should have stuck to the basic elements of the first season, which was 2 detectives investigating murders set against an ominous environment.
Now we have 4 cops, and there is no chemistry between any of them. I would have preferred if it was just Farrell and the gay guy, since they are the most of whom just got killed and added absolutely nothing to the show
And did anyone noticein episode 2, when Farrell and the woman cop were interviewing that psychiatrist at the clinic, there was some kind of bird mask on the wall behind Farrell. I wonder if it's something like the burned guy in season 1 who appeared in episode 3 but we didn't realise it then.
Shootout scene, didnt feel tense at all.
Im begining to wonder what the hell is wrong with this show, something if not right.
Remember that episode where Rust goes in with the Aryans? What an amazing tense scene.
What on earth is wrong with this show, as an above poster said maybe too many characters?
That scene from season 1 was my personal most tense scene I have ever seen in a TV show. The entire thing was jaw-dropping, and that's when I knew this show was on another level to anything else I've watched.
The shootout in S2 was a total joke.
Entire floor explodes - oh OK, that's weird...oh the bad guy is still alive...what was the point of that? And then the fat guy get's headshotted after doing nothing the whole character he was. Then the lady cop runs into the ground floor of the building (it seemed), but people are happily working and not bothered by the explosion above or the gunfire going on right outside???
Then the cops are just running around like headless chickens with no tactics, not even from the guy who was ex-military. He shot the guy in the window, but then just snuck around the place for ages until he finally got another bad guy. Just boring. And the crowd of protestors milling around waiting to get shot while gangsters fire automatic weapons all over the place.
Such a wasted opportunity for a Heat style shootout.