^ Pretty sure somebody said that it woulnd't charge using that.

Either way i'd be pretty annoyed if it came with no charger..
Not bothered in the slightest about the charger, easy fix like you say. More worried about the strange behaviour MattyG described. Hopefully just a one off and not the whole batch!
I hope mine works. It arrives on Monday. I ordered it on Thursday at 2100hrs ish. So I was expecting it today. But hopefully it took longer as a charger was being added.
It looks good. But is a little heavy Probably due to the metal rear case. The main issue is NOT being able to charge it. The supplied charger is a 2 pin plug which WON'T work in a shaver adapter and we shouldn't have to go and buy a travel adapter to charge it.

Mine went dead overnight and its been on charge via usb for 25 mins and still wont turn on. It's tried to turn on but the screen just flickered with red and green lines and then a constant red screen. I have reset via the reset button underneath but still wont turn on.

Looks like I'm going to have to RMA

Any news is yours sorted or is it still faulty ?
Not sure if faulty. But if I open an app it will then open another app or swap screens etc or auto scroll. Not sure if its due to the screen protector that is STILL on it from factory. Didn't want to remove it if I was RMA ing
Any comment from happy users? I wanted to buy one of these for my father but the tales of dodgy quality and ropey foreign chargers are most disconcerting. Be nice to get some comfort from a happy customer?!
Hi there

Our warehouse shipped some without uk plug, if this hapPened to your order contact returns/cs who will send yOu a uk plug out.

They don't charge via USB.

If your tablet is opening and scrolling by itself remove the protective cover.
Hi there

Our warehouse shipped some without uk plug, if this hapPened to your order contact returns/cs who will send yOu a uk plug out. Will do Today thanks

They don't charge via USB. Actually they do:D

If your tablet is opening and scrolling by itself remove the protective cover.Will do that too thanks

Finger crossed this sorts it

Hi there

Our warehouse shipped some without uk plug, if this hapPened to your order contact returns/cs who will send yOu a uk plug out.

They don't charge via USB.

If your tablet is opening and scrolling by itself remove the protective cover.

I cannot think of any other UK-based company where we'd get a reply from one of the guys high enough to actually make decisions/promises before 6am on a Monday morning. Thanks Gibbo.
Mine locked up on me about 5 times yesterday. I wasn't even doing anything strenuous with it - on the first occasion I was trying to copy a ~45mb file from my home server over Wi-Fi. The other times were just trying to load a web page.

The whole thing locked up on all occasions. I hit the reset button on the back, and it then would sit at "Turning on WiFi" for ages - all I wanted to do was use it for the F1 driver tracker yesterday, and it took until well after the end of the race for the WiFi to enable.

The final time it froze yesterday, it got into a boot loop - and there was an awful squeeling sound coming from it.

It's also practically unreadable when there's any daylight behind you - my sofa is in front of the window, so unless it's dark outside, I can't use it on the sofa.

There's thin black vertical lines every cm or so down the screen, very obvious when you're trying to find an angle where you can read it during the day.

The touch is also too sensitive, when trying to scroll down a list in Settings, it'll select something in the list rather than scrolling, and it keeps trying to pinch-zoom in Firefox (I had to get an add-on to disable double-tap-to-zoom, which made it slightly better)

Usual story applies here I think - as a basic device, it'll do the job, but as an enthusiast (as you are if you're on this forum), you're likely to be frustrated with it.
I just got one that appears to be used!? The plastic packaging inside the box is damaged and there are smears and scuffs on the screen protector (screen itself appears ok though). Also I wasn't greeted with the usual register wizard you get on other android devices, it was sat in the camera. Is this normal?
I just got one that appears to be used!? The plastic packaging inside the box is damaged and there are smears and scuffs on the screen protector (screen itself appears ok though). Also I wasn't greeted with the usual register wizard you get on other android devices, it was sat in the camera. Is this normal?

This happened with the V1 people where getting what appeared to be used Tablets.
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