What you need to do is find a Jehovah's Witness near you. Chat to them a bit now and then, establish a relationship. Then one day mention a family member who is going through some rough times and thinks they work for the TV licencing people, despite actually being unemployed. Lay it on nice and thick, tell this Jehovah's Witness that this family member genuinely believes that he / she's a TV licensor and even dresses for it, paperwork and all. You'll need to try and keep gender out of the discussion, so refer to this family member as "my cousin" or something at all times, because you don't know what the next TV licence person is going to be.
Explain that this person comes around now and then, on particularly troublesome days, all suited and booted, asking about your TV licence. Then ask if the Jehovah would mind if he / she could come and have a chat to this disturbed family member and ignore the whole licensor facade, and try to convince this person that God is the right way to go in this situation.
Then all you do is wait for the TV licence person to show up, invite them in and tell them you'll be with them in a sec. Go get the Jehovah, sit them on the couch in the same room, hit record and enjoy.
And pray that the Jehovah's Witness is home.