Type R and VTEC owners

Ah, the Jordan's looked good 10 years ago. Now they just looked dated and horrible imo.

Just get a nice VTI or even a VTI-S. Though 3.5k, I would be looking at EP3s and DC2's, some good cars sometimes pop up around this price range.
What are the bits of body kit on an EP3 reffered to as?

Is it side skirts? and the bit on the front?

I'd like to replace mine, but I don't know what to look for lol A link with prices would be amazing.


yeah I'd get a vti or vti-s first too - cheaper all round and quick enough for a younger individual. DC2's need real passion and 3k and under will be a dog
Ah, the Jordan's looked good 10 years ago. Now they just looked dated and horrible imo.

Just get a nice VTI or even a VTI-S. Though 3.5k, I would be looking at EP3s and DC2's, some good cars sometimes pop up around this price range.

VTI's are not exclusive enough for me. Neither EP3's are they're common as muck around these parts. DC2's are rare but I just like the colour yellow of the Jordans. A DC2 which is yellow is expensive. The best bet for me would be to try the owners forums as enthusiast owned do seem to be in nicer condition.
Exclusive? I see more Jordan's than I see DC2's.

EP3 are common as muck but they are brilliant cars, shame most have got into the wrong hands though.

Look up VTI-S, I ain't seen one of these about for a long time.
Infact the EK4 VTI-S is that exclusive I can't even find one for sale lol. Which is odd as there was fair few about when I looked a while ago.
Depends on the parts you live in I guess. I always liked the MB6 VTI-S's but now I wouldn't want one. VTI-S EK4's are lovely, there was a lovely example for sale, lady owner real minter and it went for dirt cheap.

I'm going to carry on my search after Winter as I want something I can stick to for more then a year. I get bored. :o
Yeah never make the mistake of buying a very low powered, thirsty 4wd what has the exact same running costs as its turbo variant :p
Yeah never make the mistake of buying a very low powered, thirsty 4wd what has the exact same running costs as its turbo variant :p

I know, I learnt the hard way. Still sounds awesome on full chat imo, just doesn't go as fast. :o Should have thought a lot more before I bought it tbh, oh well learn with experience and what not.
Wheres good to look at for NI/EIRE DC5s?

For NI

Gumtree - Probably the most cars
ReallyMeanSounds - great classified section
Jon44w.com alright classified section

For the ROI all I know of is donedeal.ie

PPS a little pic of my DC5 finally cleaned up :D

Quick pic of my EP3. Fully detailed by my self a few months ago and now debadged with just a new genuine type r badge. Got some work to do in the new year with an LSD and stage 1 clutch. Then sell as Ive been looking at the 09 Subaru WRXS not STI. The Honda is just so much fun I might miss it lol


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