Thanks for the advice guys, certainly helps hearing a lot of different opinions.
So in reality, it doesn't matter how well scrubbed/treated the arches are, once they've started rusting they need to be totally cut back and redone? That sucks the major balls.
Yup. I was qouted a few £k to take out my whole rear quater, get a new one welded in, primed and sprayed. Not worth it, I'll just have mine cut out and touched up as required every 3 yrs, I'm not going to ever sell teh Teg.
Not one viewing since February!
Putting the rust issue to one side slightly for a second I think that given what he's said there, as well as other things I can potentially bring up, he'd probably take £2700 for it. Is it worth that though...? My mind is le blown.
Yup, cheap as chips. If the engine doesn't smoke and the gearbox feels good enough with no crunches then it seems like a good buy. Mine cost me £4k in Jan 2010 and I've spent £5k on it (suspension, brakes, rusty arches, belts, mounts etc etc). Although the paintwork isn't perfect and getting worse as I enjoy it up here, it's mechanically sound, has nigh on brand new suspension with a FRSU and the engine is great.
A car to enjoy!!!!
£2.7k would be cheap if no smoke in VTEC and all goof after checking her out.
Exactly the same issue on the Insights with caulking shrinking and cracking over time.... leads to a water leak.
Odd that it wasnt rubbed out and new caulking put in on the respray though!
My Teg has the same kind of cracks. Going to clean them as best as I can and spray some Bilt Hamber underseal in there to prevent any leaks/corrosion.
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