Type R and VTEC owners

Elliot, why are you selling?

What don't you like about it? I'm just curious.

It's completely pointless me owning it on the roads I live on. All potholed, short journeys, traffic lights, roundabouts... I never get a chance to get it in to VTEC, so what is the point in me having it? Might as well be owned by someone that is going to be able to use it.
It's completely pointless me owning it on the roads I live on. All potholed, short journeys, traffic lights, roundabouts... I never get a chance to get it in to VTEC, so what is the point in me having it? Might as well be owned by someone that is going to be able to use it.

I see where you're coming from. Yeah it would be the best bet to sell and get something more suited for where you live. OR you could keep it and go for long drives on amazing roads. :cool:
I see where you're coming from. Yeah it would be the best bet to sell and get something more suited for where you live. OR you could keep it and go for long drives on amazing roads. :cool:

I don't really have the time to do that apart from at weekends. It also isn't worth the shocking MPG I get during the week either.

I've still got my old car too, so I now have two cars that I don't want :( I fail.
Anyone know of any especially nice S2000s or FN2 Type Rs for sale, up to around £8k? :)

Someone may be buying my Fiesta ST off me - I wasn't planning on selling but have had a good offer on it (and I foresee the new ST causing prices of the Mk6 to drop a bit) and I am considering the following cars to replace it:

S2000 (absolutely love the idea of one of these for the summer...but parked outside all winter and using it as a daily driver I'm not sure about...at 27 with 4 years NCB and low milage should be getting affordable to ensure)

FN2 Civic Type R (more practical an option, much much more refined than the Fiesta ST at high speed, seem lots of nice examples around for the budget as well...).

Focus ST (much prefer the facelift however and doubt my budget will stretch to one, and I think I'd want to mod it to get it to handle anywhere near as well as the car I am used to, which I'd rather avoid due to costs :o).

Mondeo ST220 - fast and comfy, but a bit big, a bit boring I think coming from the car I drive now, and dating a bit now to my eyes.

Civic Type R EP3 - there are not many nice ones around it seems these days, and they are getting a bit dated to my eyes inside and out, poor image.....so not so keen.
That was one of my concerns really, having never owned a rwd vehicle before! I was also thinking a convertible may be a bit cold and damp, even a tiny bit leaky?!
That was one of my concerns really, having never owned a rwd vehicle before! I was also thinking a convertible may be a bit cold and damp, even a tiny bit leaky?!

Only if you have a leak! :D

Just take it easy in the damp conditions, your fuel consumption should decrease nicely too. Plus roof down on ice cold, dry mornings > * :cool:
S2000 (absolutely love the idea of one of these for the summer...but parked outside all winter and using it as a daily driver I'm not sure about...at 27 with 4 years NCB and low milage should be getting affordable to ensure)

Will be postcode dependent with insurance. In Brighton I managed sub £800 fully comp with 6000 miles at the same age and NCB. Not terrible considering the type of car. Tax at £460 is a pain!

Touch wood my S has dealt with all the winter weather very well so far. If I had more country lanes in my commute I'd consider winter tyres. Just wear light shoes!
Isn't it coming up on the time of year that S2000's magically find themselves attracted to ditches, hedges etc etc?? :D

I've been waiting for this since I've owned it and nothing's happened yet.

Personally feel it's more a case of silly people getting in, mashing pedal, then realising why are they facing the wrong way/in a hedge.

As said I drive a 300 mile round trip commute in mine which takes in a combination of motorway and fast A road and never had any issues throughout the mental weather we've been having latter half of this year, even when it had really pap tyres on. New tyres have made things even better :)

As for being cold/damp/leaky, I get a very occasional drip when setting off after a night of heavy rain from one of the window/door seals, I just need to get round to cleaning it up and sticking some grease on and it'll be fine again. The cabin has never felt cold and damp, gets lovely and toasty as it's so small :)
I've driven ungritted lanes for the last 6 years. A car doesn't crash itself.

They don't really leak. Heavy rain can fill the window seals with water that pours out the next time you move car, but that's about it.
Heavy rain can fill the window seals with water that pours out the next time you move car, but that's about it.

Pretty much what I get when I've not stuck some of that grease in the right spots.

I'm sure the seals are designed how they are for a reason, but feels like someone at Honda said 'I know for a laugh lets make these so they actually fill with water then squirt out next time it's driven'.
Mine only really does it on passenger side. I blame the passengers who close the door by pushing on the window. It covered an IAM instructors leg last week :D

You can adjust the windows to press the seals in more which stops them filling up.
Mine only really does it on passenger side. I blame the passengers who close the door by pushing on the window. It covered an IAM instructors leg last week :D

You can adjust the windows to press the seals in more which stops them filling up.

I only really get the roof leak on the passenger side after torrential rain. Depending on who the passenger is depends on whether I warn them about the impending shower!

I should really get round to greasing the seals properly.
Any particular issues reliability wise with the s2000 or things to look for when buying one? I get the vibe they are bulletproof mechanically...!

I'm thinking I want 2004 on, decent tyres...beyond this how much is alignment if it needs work on the adjusters etc?
I'm thinking of getting some winter tyres due to the fact it's getting pretty cold in the mornings when I drive to work. I've spotted some for sale for cheap, size is 205/50/17, OEM size is 215/45/17. I'm presuming that there wouldn't be an issue size wise?
Chris do you still have a ATR? What MPG are you getting. Someone is selling a nice one near where I live so I'm deciding to go view it. It's had the 5th gear syncro issue sorted and cambelts done. It has done 120k miles I think but it looks in good condition.
I'm thinking of getting some winter tyres due to the fact it's getting pretty cold in the mornings when I drive to work. I've spotted some for sale for cheap, size is 205/50/17, OEM size is 215/45/17. I'm presuming that there wouldn't be an issue size wise?

I still have RS2s on my Teg and icey/slushy/snowy commutes are like juggling with throwing knives.

It wakes you up in the morning :D

I'm sure those tyre sizes should be ok, but I'm no expert.
Hello peeps.

Im looking to buy a facelift ep3 for about £3.5k. Just wondering where the best place was to look other than ph.com and trader. Also should I look at ones that have done more than 100k?

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