Type R and VTEC owners

Like I mentioned before, do you make unnecessary trips? Or are all your miles done because you use the car to go to somewhere of importance. It is up to you mate, though the feeling of regret after you get rid of the car sucks.

You could go diesel and there are some good diesels out there. Sometimes you want speed and fun, other times you just want a nice laid back ride with comfort/toys.

This is what made me think of my first Honda car ownership, and what model I would enjoy owning. Fuel never the less is high, as with everything else. So cars like these do cost a small fortune to run. IF you cannot afford it anymore then yes sell it.

Though wouldn't you just save the £££ of buying a new car, and spend it on fuel/wear tear for this? Depends on what your budget is to buy a new car. You could always downgrade to a less powerful petrol model.
I can afford it, it's just wanting to afford it if that makes sense.

Some is work, some is pleasure, some is travelling to see friends and family etc. I could cut it out, but sometimes I just want to get outta the house after a bad day at the office.

Pretty much every car I've had (not many) I've spent loads on, on preventative maintenance and ensuring mechanically it's tip top. I don't add loads of showy under bonnet bits, thats not my thing, but I do like knowing my cars drive and run as good as poss. Ideally I need a brand new, perfect car. But even they go wrong and end up loosening up, so I'll never be happy :) The amount of friends who say I'll never have a car I'll truely love and not want to part with are spot on :)

But, I don't wanna throw money away like I will do selling the Civic early on after spending a couple of grand on it since I've had it.

You're right really with the last paragraph. My car is depreciating but really theres little wrong with it, could just spend money (not a lot now I've done a hell of a lot of maintenance for my peace of mind) running it, swallow the fuel and tax costs but be thankful it'll never throw me a big bill nor ever feel like it will go wrong.

The joy of liking cars! Even the way some pokey diesels drive is fun to me, big dollop of torque etc.

In an ideal world I'd have 4 or 5 realistic to own cars but this isn't an ideal world :D
I can afford it, it's just wanting to afford it if that makes sense.

This statement just screams to me that you're bored of the CTR. That you would like change. That you're probably tired of revving the nuts out of it to get it to move, and would like the lazy dieseltorque wave approach.

You said that you're not interested in under bonnet upgrades, why don't you have a go at doing something, change exhaust system/intake manifold (if you want), air filter if you haven't got one (just for the noise). You could always go down the KPRO route.

Have that as a last resort if you do decide to keep it, I know my suggestion may come across as wrong as you're sick of running it. Though you may find new love for it again.

If you do sell you'll probably get good money for it if it's in decent spec, but imo a good high powered diesel will probably fulfill your needs. Then again spending the ££££ then running it may cost you more then running the CTR.

Depends which manufac you go for, options you'd want, model etc..
If I'm honest I'd really like a Focus ST facelift around 2009 now but that would really chew fuel. I mean, I aren't into making everything look sparkly under the bonnet :) The car has a Magnex cat back exhaust at the mo, unsilenced B pipe, sounds nice. Was gonna do the Hondata mod to the airbox, Kpro would be lovely but power per pound I think it's bad value but no doubt the midrange would be loads better. I will have to look into cheaper options, I know theres K100 but dunno if this unichip idea is good for the money?

I am a bit bored of it, not really how it drives but maybe the power delivery... but it's a good car, it's completely hassle free for the kind of car it is compared to it's competition... and thats something to consider really.

But what I meant was I'd rather start to put money elsewhere, house deposits and all that as I'm a bit behind on that score. But like you say/we all know, new diesels are a nightmare when they go wrong and it would really offset the cheap tax and fuel WHEN it went wrong...

God knows :D I think the winter months ruin things, car is filthy and I look at it and don't feel much love at the moment, need some light nights and sunshine again. And some work done on the roads!
If you're concerned about maintenance seriously get a small car. Get your priorities in order i.e. house deposits etc then maybe you'll have enough to buy a better car in a few months or next year. Don't do the ultimate, buy a car you cannot afford to run. Or you will realise it costs a lot to run when you actually run it. Then you may be stuck with it until it sells, and it's pretty much a buyers market at the moment.

It's not a rush in decision. If you do a lot of miles a year then yeah a diesel will be worth it, especially on long commutes. Though coming from a high revving N/A you'll probably miss the VTEC and handling capabilities.

The decision is yours your car does seem like a good example, so someone after an EP3 will probably take it in no-time as most are abused examples by the average joe who has no interest in it performing as it should brand new. They're the type who have the vtecinnitbruv mentality.
Have you been in an FN2 Stormster?

Obviously it has the same engine but more toys and the interior is so much nicer than the EP3's

To be honest though, house deposit takes prioity, I was lucky to have my Corolla when I bought my flat but I'm selling the flat and getting a house around this time next year at which point the FN2 will get sold and I'll buy something sensible for a bit without batting an eye lid, property > cars
seems like a massive waste to get the suspension totally overhauled and then sell up?

I'm personally looking at doing one of the following in the coming weeks:

- Brake Overhaul [DS2500/Braided Lines/RBF600]
- Suspension [Tein Springs/subesequent FRSU/maybe new bushes
- K100 [mapped to current mods, not planning decat or uprated inlet]
- Wheels/Tyres [perhaps get a spare set of good wheels and slap some AD08s on them]

I would like to do all of them but the impending big service I have coming up along with next years insurance is hindering my progress :(
seems like a massive waste to get the suspension totally overhauled and then sell up?

I'm personally looking at doing one of the following in the coming weeks:

- Brake Overhaul [DS2500/Braided Lines/RBF600]
- Suspension [Tein Springs/subesequent FRSU/maybe new bushes
- K100 [mapped to current mods, not planning decat or uprated inlet]
- Wheels/Tyres [perhaps get a spare set of good wheels and slap some AD08s on them]

I would like to do all of them but the impending big service I have coming up along with next years insurance is hindering my progress :(

Change of circumstances can always force a person to sell.

Out of the list of upgrades you'd like to do. I'd go with cheapest first. No-point spending £££ incase you need the £££ for something urgent. Anything can pop up, though if you do have disposable income, I'd go with brakes/suspension.

Bushes will make the handling feel a lot more tighter so it's a good option to make the driving feel vastly improved.
handling is fairly good at the moment so any improvements would likely be last on the list.

reason for tein springs over the eibach abp is that i dont want any drop really.
there was such a massive improvement when i had my original frsu.
all i would need is springs & camber arms fitting so about £250 in parts and about £100 in labour then get another FRSU done.
depends if i bother with bushes, as cheap as they are, i can imagine them costing a disproportionate amount to fit.

I think I am going for the brake overhaul first. easy to fit most of it myself so no labour costs to incur.

I keep telling myself that I don't want to bother with hondata... but temptation keeps getting the better of me.

i think in honesty, after the brakes, i will go for tyres as i think AD08s will transform the feel of the car a lot more than any of the other stuff i listed.
I was thinking about unichip if I keep it, keep the costs down a bit, not really planning more breathing mods.

rjkoneill definitely rebush if you can afford, especially the front :)

I've always been the same, I spend loads on any car then decide I want a change, sell it for a stupid price, someone gets a mint car then I buy one I go mad on prevantative maintenance again. Always the way :D

Mines at Area Motorsport now aka Brosport just for waxoiling underneath...initially, but I'm having the clutch fluid bled/changed to see if it helps the heavy pedal and low bite point for now, new ball joint on drivers side (passenger side was done in sept) as lowering it has weakened it and split the rubber too. So that will be all sorted too and it'll drive wicked again, I could feel some looseness at the front drivers side so that explains it.

As you can gather I don't let stuff get worse, I just fix it and it's done. Thats why I've spent about 2k on mine since Oct 11, oops :D But that does include absolutely loads of maintenance/servicing, lowering and setup/fancy bits, 6 tyres, window regulator was 230 odd which was a pain... need new front brakes next. Never ends does it with cars irrespective of what they are if you like them enough to show them love.

If you aren't bothered about looks too, then don't go low. It really bothered me, I love the look of mine since it's been done, so I went for the lower springs. But I don't doubt one which aint too low will drive much better on rough ground.

If anyone wants the ad I drafted let me know I'll email via trust as it's not on any sites yet until I decide what I'm doing :) Will should have had it via trust.

I'm babbling now :D
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Looking for a Type-S Accord, seen a few around what I'm wanting to pay.

They say you can swap the k20 head over onto the k24, would this mean I could then change intake manifold to RBC/RRC?

Kpro can be done but I need a Acura TSX ECU. :/

Not aiming for big power, stock is 190. So I'd like 215/220 really.
I did get your message regarding the car Stormster :)

Still waiting on insurance before I can buy anything but I now think I am going to get together the extra cash and buy an FN2. It appeals to me more as a longer term ownership proposition, being a more modern design, and the extra tech/creature comforts are something I will appreciate (yes I know they're not 'purist' type R features).

Getting some quotes today and with declaring the accident in the S2000, I find that insuring an EP3 CTR comes out at around £200 more than for an FN2 CTR which is worth considerably more. Work that one out!
Getting some quotes today and with declaring the accident in the S2000, I find that insuring an EP3 CTR comes out at around £200 more than for an FN2 CTR which is worth considerably more. Work that one out!

That's because the EP3 is;

1. Cheaper
2. The majority are owned by vtecinnitbruvz
3. They tend to get written off by a load of vtecinnitbruvz

This also played a factor for me for the ITR/CTR/ATR. So I'm going for the ATS.
went to look at a CW Type-R today

was very nice - but question - are the side and rear windows tinted as standard ?

the front left/right were tinted, and the rear 2 windows more so

but the front left/right seemed quite tinted to me- you could see through the other side - but only just about

Honda dealer said was standard - but I wasn't sure - and I've certainly seen photos of ones with no front tint at all ?

any ideas please?
^^ HI thanks Milano

was a FN2 Championship White edition

driver/passenger windows were tinted - but you could see through the tinted window the other side - but looked quite dark

the 2 rear quater windows were even darker tinted - your typical privacy glass tint - no issues with these - just the fronts I was concerned about - legal requirements wise
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