Type R and VTEC owners

btw - are all Type-R (FN2) rear windows perspex ? (only just realised)

<edit> doh - its the rear-rear window that the bottom is perspex/plastic ?

the rear (backseat) side windows are glass right (they looked very curved)
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Just the lower rear window from (and including) the spoiler down.

thanks delta

have to say - I've seen a few FN2s now (with view to purchase) - and I've been fairly interested but not wowed

but the CW FN2 looked so so nice - reminded me of the lovely white white of my old Prelude, somehow Honda Rs look great in white (IMO)
No the manual adjusment :p should be somewhere on or around the headlight itself. I'll have a look in the daylight

I did this recently, you need quite a big Phillips screwdriver. Theres a hole in the plastic to insert the screwdriver at a 45 degree angle, then turn to rotate the cog.

Took mine in for waxoiling, also ended up having my clutch fluid changed to see if it lightens the pedal somewhat and improves the bite point (almost on the floor lol) and it has a bit.

Also had the guys check my suspension and discovered my drivers side ball joint was failing (2k after lowering killed it) so had that replaced. Cue two days later I finally give it some hoof and when I go around tight right hand corners with some vigour I get the most god damn horrible loud buzzing vibrating grinding noise, feel it through the steering and it has a braking effect on the car too, saying that I brick it and wind the lock out and slow down.

Taking it back tomorrow first thing, grr, should never have lowered it lol.

Also had to spend most of the day tar and glueing the whole car from wax oil residue everywhere!
Taking it back tomorrow first thing, grr, should never have lowered it lol.

Did you lower it on Standard shocks? I'd always go for a shocks/spring setup if I was to ever lower a car again. I learnt the lesson from my previous car.
I did, but it's been lowered for 2000+ miles now, couple of months, never had such a horrible noise till yesterday. Just the odd little clunk at the front which could be the new bushes (not unknown apparently) but asked them to check the car and they found play in drivers balljoint.

I spent 750 quid lowering my car, new shocks would have been great but another 400 I think, at which point I may as well have bought coilovers. And I really did push myself to spend 750 lowering it. All for looks really, although it did need bushes etc anyway.

I've learnt my lesson now, never again. Next car will be a car I have no intention of modifying and will be great out of the box. At most an exhaust and air filter for noise.

Just want it to drive perfectly, but I can't afford brand new car prices. It does drive lovely (on a nice road haha) but I want to be able to hoon it and not have no horrible vibrations through the car because something is amiss!

I think I have self confirmed OCD about trying to make this car drive and look perfect.

Disheartened and found some weird little air bubbles in a patch of paint near my fuel cap today, gets better, spunked 3k on this car in a year (a lot for someone like me). Sad face time :(

Nothing wrong with the car, infact it's great apart from the above, but I need to pack in spending money on OTT maintenance and stuff now and definitely no more mods.
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£750? Surely you didn't spend that on springs, and had uprated bushes installed too. Even then I don't think it would cost £750!

£3k on a car just on maintenance? Wow. I'm all for a car running tip top and in the best condition as possible, but to spend £3k I would need to get my head checked.

I'm still on the hunt for a nice 2.4 Accord Type-S, though have yet to find one. May just hold out a little longer, as I would like one in red though it's rare to find one in red. May just have to settle for the grey colour. :/
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Makes no difference. I know loads of cars lowered on springs only and have been done so with FRSU and more track orientated setups which have had no issues whatsoever. I've even owned an EP3 and DC5 on springs only which had no issues. As I said, something is wrong.
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