Type R and VTEC owners

looking into it further, the h1 bulb appears to go into a H4 holder with one of the prongs missing? is this a H7 fitting?


also, the ballasts make a slight buzzing sound, is this normal?

H7 fitting bulbs have two prongs, H4 has three prongs (dual filament bulb so an extra live needed with a shared ground), and H1 has 1 prong on the back as you know from looking at your bulb...

I think most after-market HID kits I've seen made a very slight buzzing sound, perfectly normal although its only noticeable up close.

In other news...hoping to get an FN2 Type R soon, anything specific to look for? They seem cheap to insure for a car of their type, plenty of nice looking ones around on an 08 plate. Deffo has to be a GT pack, I'd like a late 09 one if I can get it under budget just so it has the xenons and other niceties...
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Hmm. I was going to get an Evo, but I've started looking at DC5's while I save up a little more for that mint/special Evo at a good price which I can't seem to find right now. I've got my eye on two CW ones, just waiting on the sellers getting back to me.
Hmm. I was going to get an Evo, but I've started looking at DC5's while I save up a little more for that mint/special Evo at a good price which I can't seem to find right now. I've got my eye on two CW ones, just waiting on the sellers getting back to me.

Do they want £8k and some magic beans?
I was thinking of a dc5 as a possible s2000 replacement, put off a bit by the relatively high prices though. Well more about how much I'd lose come selling up time as it'd only be for 6 months or so.

Don't know what the private 2nd hand market is like for them, a friend of my folks runs a place that brings in and ells a lot of them so may be able to get a bit of a deal, but you're still talking 8k for a 10+ year old Honda :/

I'd be worried about losing 2k or something daft in a short space of time.

Or I'm totally wrong and they hold up well and do sell ok privately, I just don't know.
The prices are steady now. They were falling but in the last year a mint car will command the same price. Obviously there are sheds that go for 6k but you're still paying over £8k for a 2004 ish one that is in good condition, about the same as they were last year.
I was thinking of a dc5 as a possible s2000 replacement, put off a bit by the relatively high prices though. Well more about how much I'd lose come selling up time as it'd only be for 6 months or so.

Don't know what the private 2nd hand market is like for them, a friend of my folks runs a place that brings in and ells a lot of them so may be able to get a bit of a deal, but you're still talking 8k for a 10+ year old Honda :/

I'd be worried about losing 2k or something daft in a short space of time.

Or I'm totally wrong and they hold up well and do sell ok privately, I just don't know.

Why not just keep the S2000 for 6 months and sell it in the summer when it will go for more?
tbh, im returning this HIDS4U kit. the ballasts are massive which i have no problem with but they simply dont fit anywhere securely enough for my liking. one of the spade connectors for the power came off yesterday too.

in my opinion, i cant tell that much difference between their kit and a £30 ebay kit bar the ballasts being a little more substantial.
tbh, im returning this HIDS4U kit. the ballasts are massive which i have no problem with but they simply dont fit anywhere securely enough for my liking. one of the spade connectors for the power came off yesterday too.

in my opinion, i cant tell that much difference between their kit and a £30 ebay kit bar the ballasts being a little more substantial.

Can't go wrong for the price. My ballasts are really slim. I'll take a pic of where I mounted them
Found my rear tyres today balding massively on one side.

They were brand new when I bought the car 6 months ago and I'd expect the alignment to be done with fitting but nope, it's way off.

Car is going in tomorrow for 2 new tyres and a full alignment :(
Found my rear tyres today balding massively on one side.

They were brand new when I bought the car 6 months ago and I'd expect the alignment to be done with fitting but nope, it's way off.

Car is going in tomorrow for 2 new tyres and a full alignment :(

IIRC you don't have a FRS yet - in which case I didn't think there was any adjustment on the rear?
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