Type R and VTEC owners

I've just realised that I havent shared with you all my rusty roof situation Fox will have a field day and tell me the car is a POS and will spontaneously combust in the next 6 months however I feel it kind of makes the FN2 a lot more like the DC2

So I did a fair bit of research when buying my FN2 but somehow managed to to let this little gem slip through the net
I was browsing Civinfo and up pops a thread, 8G rusty roof, for as long as Honda have been making cars they still cant seem to make a car that doesnt start to decompose after a couple of years, its a common fault where the weather strip above the windscreen isnt sufficiant enough to stop some kind of movement that causes wear on the roof and eventually it takes the paint away, water ingress sets in and rusts starts to form

Some of the pics in the thread look really bad, mine isnt that bad at all in fact to see it you have to peel back the strip, theres no actual rust but you can see the "veins" forming under the paint and to be honest I was pretty annoyed with myself and Honduh
I read about a lot of the people with the same issue taking it to dealers and having different experiances getting it sorted under the corrosion warranty so thought I'd try my luck

I took it to Swansway Honda Manchester and the guy took my details, took some pics and paint measurements and that was it didnt hear anything for two weeks so I chased them, they said Honda had come back that day and wanted a copy of the service record book so I emailed it over, why they didnt ask for this on the day I dont know. After a bit more communication and a signature it was authorised yesterday, it goes in Tuesday and I get a courtesy car which I was surprised about its a Honda Jazz, great.

If looking at FN2's check the roof where it meets the windscreen! Should only affect early models but it has been seen on some 09 models

Heres the thread

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I've just realised that I havent shared with you all my rusty roof situation Fox will have a field day and tell me the car is a POS and will spontaneously combust in the next 6 months however I feel it kind of makes the FN2 a lot more like the DC2

So I did a fair bit of research when buying my FN2 but somehow managed to to let this little gem slip through the net
I was browsing Civinfo and up pops a thread, 8G rusty roof, for as long as Honda have been making cars they still cant seem to make a car that doesnt start to decompose after a couple of years, its a common fault where the weather strip above the windscreen isnt sufficiant enough to stop some kind of movement that causes wear on the roof and eventually it takes the paint away, water ingress sets in and rusts starts to form

Mine has the same issue, the caulking cracks at the roof to rear quarter seam and then allows water into the cabin and a damp zone. Of course i get away with the rusting aspect but you do get water running and pooling at the base of the B pillar and wet seatbelts and its runs into the reels.

Is yours actually rusty already?

EDIT.... actually looking at that... thats really poor! Guess the paint is being scuffed away!
I can't see any actual rust, if I peel back the strip I can just about see it starting and developing under the paint and the veins are running up onto the roof under the paint

the car is five years old, my prelude was sold at the same age due to rust under the seal that goes between the boot and the car and the arch lips
I just find it funny that Honda can make these engines but cant string a car together, I take it you've had a look through the pics, unbelievable isnt it

The same generation accord also has some rust issues
This is the VTEC owners thread. It usually goes like this:

Ad and Muffin rip on everyone for not having a DC2 because they are both F1 drivers.

+ others


And we certainly don't think we are F1 drivers, just purists with more coolness than an ice bar..................
Gah had my car back two weeks from the work on the drivers front hub and ball joint etc and got stuck out in the bad snow last night and it refused to go around a roundabout @ 5mph, boom straight into the kerb on the roundabout and knocked me steering out and kerbed my luckily already kerbed wheel! lol.

Disaster, had enough of spending on it now but that was my bad last night for being out in it I guess. Might fix and sell now and spend on something else :)
Whilst Honda's have had rust issues, the arches were a common theme! It can be hit and miss, my 6th gen Accord is spotless, and the Accord in general are a much more quality build (unsurprisingly). But Honda's have always had thin paint, that gen Civic suffers badly from stonechips which rust out quickly.
Got my FN2 today....liking it so far but not really pushed it given the weather and conditions!

Not going to compare it to the s2000, but compared to the mountune fiesta its way more stable at speed, feels much more planted, more refined, engine and gearchange are great, much smoother and more eager to rev than the similarly powerful duratec in the fiesta.... It does feel heavier and more nose led, you can feel it wanting to understeer and its not as pointy or eager to turn in - perhaps unfair as the fiesta had an lsd, full polybushing and rear arb! That and its cold which isnt going to help grip with the re050as on this. I am definitely going to get an lsd for this though, it was a revelation on the fiesta so hoping for similar improvement here.

The brakes on my fn2 don't feel great, the only thing ive felt is poor with the car thus far, again the fiesta spoiled me (that was modded with 300mm fronts, ebc ultimax discs, ds2500s, hel lines and motul fluid), so one of the first mods to this will be chucking a similar load of brake bits on to replace the perhaps slightly aged stock setup!
Got my FN2 today....liking it so far but not really pushed it given the weather and conditions!

Not going to compare it to the s2000, but compared to the mountune fiesta its way more stable at speed, feels much more planted, more refined, engine and gearchange are great, much smoother and more eager to rev than the similarly powerful duratec in the fiesta.... It does feel heavier and more nose led, you can feel it wanting to understeer and its not as pointy or eager to turn in - perhaps unfair as the fiesta had an lsd, full polybushing and rear arb! That and its cold which isnt going to help grip with the re050as on this. I am definitely going to get an lsd for this though, it was a revelation on the fiesta so hoping for similar improvement here.

The brakes on my fn2 don't feel great, the only thing ive felt is poor with the car thus far, again the fiesta spoiled me (that was modded with 300mm fronts, ebc ultimax discs, ds2500s, hel lines and motul fluid), so one of the first mods to this will be chucking a similar load of brake bits on to replace the perhaps slightly aged stock setup!

Standard brakes are terrible, borderline dangerous! I upgraded without breaking the bank, HEL 6 line kit, Castrol SRF, EP3 Brembos discs, Ferodo DS2500s. FYI, front discs are the same as EP3 but not the rear, often you will find the same disc costs more for the FN2 than if you select EP3.
I did think the brakes would be a disappointment before i even drove it much, so ive already got ds2500s to go on, ebc ultimax discs, motul rbf600 and hel lines (same as the fiesta). I did one hard stop today on the standard brakes from about 80 to 30mph and immediately thought.....hmmm this is no good! :o

Ive also discovered one of my power mirrors doesnt fold and its gonna go back under honda warranty (which I have until end of march 2014 courtesy of the dealer), will prob get them to chuck the brakes on at the same time seeing as the mirror is just a quick job - im told the relay goes in them (small unit inside the mirror housing) and its apparently a simple fix, and from reading its one of the more common issues with the car.
Does it not fold at all or just half way? Yes the mirror folding module is a common fault and very quick to fix.

Does it not fold at all or just half way? Yes the mirror folding module is a common fault and very quick to fix.

It moves a little and then stops, the drivers side is fine and folds in perfectly. I dont blame the dealer for not testing it, not the best idea to try folding them when covered in ice/snow! But today it was thoroughly defrosted, plenty warm enough, so it should have been okay. A mate of mine works in the honda dealership I will be using for and I have full honda warranty so I cant see it being an issue to get it fixed.
Quick question, one of my nuts on the rocker cover won't screw tight. I tried another, same problem. Turns out it's the bolt that it screws onto? Am I able to take this off as it pokes up through the hole for the nut to screw onto.

So I'm guessing rocker cover off and then it' screws off? I've seen the part on lingshonda and have been in touch with a person breaking their car. Or are they fixed onto the head or w/e?
Standard brakes are terrible, borderline dangerous! I upgraded without breaking the bank, HEL 6 line kit, Castrol SRF, EP3 Brembos discs, Ferodo DS2500s. FYI, front discs are the same as EP3 but not the rear, often you will find the same disc costs more for the FN2 than if you select EP3.

Borderline dangerous, heard it all now, lol.
They are adequate for the car on the road, the FN2 I had for a short time was ok on the brakes, certainly not terrible at all.
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