Maybe I should just buy this one and have done with it! £8k :/
Maybe I should just buy this one and have done with it! £8k :/
His car does have a slight idle issue, the garage have diagnosed the Idle control valve, they've tried cleaning it but i think i'll give it a go too as its not helped.
Can you not just clean the idle control valve?
One of my best mates is a honda mechanic and can also get trade price on parts. I'm also confident with most mechanical things apart from engine/gearbox internals.
But bodywork & rust is something I could never tackle myself and something I'm worried about being bodged by bodyshops. It's also one of the reasons I'm getting rid of my 99 UK MR2, its starting to creep in![]()
29K miles?!?! Engine aint even been run in properly!
After all the rattling and non starting of my brothers EP3, all is now well.
The garage changed the chain and tensioner, luckily no valve damage and hopefully he's learnt a lesson in the process.
His car does have a slight idle issue, the garage have diagnosed the Idle control valve, they've tried cleaning it but i think i'll give it a go too as its not helped. The garage said the IACV was a Honda only part at approx £200!
So I'm probably going to go for the DS2500 pads on Friday when I get paid but I'm still shopping around for cheaper alternatives.
Saw this on ebay.|Cars+Type:2.0+Type-R&hash=item35b5e85516
Now Brembo are supposed to be a reputable brand but are these just more bling over function?
They seem awfully cheap.