What didn't you like about the Group N tune?
I only plan on using it with that map for a short time until I get the other bits that I have planned fitted - namely a Mugen airbox (got a good condition second hand one on its way) and possibly a HKS Legamax or Blueflame exhaust (not decided which yet but I don't want something too loud thats for sure).
I've heard the Group N map likes to VTEC a bit too much, 3800rpm being a bit low, but upping the activation pressure to 0.9 rather than the stock 0.8 apparently stops it being so keen to engage at moderate throttle openings, rather than WOT.
Once I have the mods fitted its either deciding on whether I will let TDI North map it, or go down the e-tunez route with someone like vitviper or civRSA.