I am after some help here. After my post many months ago regarding changing from an Octavia VRS to an ATR, I actually never got round to looking at one even I have been doing quite a bit of research.
It just happen that one of my colleagues at work is trying to sell his ATR and it was a perfect opportunity for me to have a look/get one. He also let me drove it as it should be driven and it seem to be exactly what I want.
It is a W reg pre-face lift with 110K on the clock. He originally wanted £2800 for it but I found a few problems and talked it down to £2300 which seems more reasonable. I told him I am going to think about it over the weekend. Accordr forum would be perfect for asking these questions but I don't want to ask for advise on there because he is a regular member. It would be rude as he has it advertised on there as well (please don't ask the accordr members to look at this thread over here)
Obviously, it is the first one that I have driven so I think I might be thinking with my heart instead of my head, therefore, I will need your help.
Anyway, I found good points and bad points:
Good points:
With aircon and Xenon lights
Interior in very good condition
Paintwork in generally good condition
Cambelt/tensioner/balancer belt done in late 2013
Drop links/RARB bushes just changed
Mongoose exhaust system with de-cat and orignal cat supplied (sounded good)
No apparent problem with the synchro
Engine pulls well with smooth VTEC engagement
Good brand tyres all round
Corrosion seems OK (i.e. no problem with bulkhead)
Quite a few receipts from reputable garages and seem generally looked after
Now, the bad points:
-The car will not restart when warm, the starter motor will turn the car over but stop like it runs out of steam, he already had the battery and earth straps changed so seem like it needs a new starter
-Dent on rear wing (shouldn't be too difficult to sort out)
-Couple of scrapes on the front splitter and I think as a result, the front bumper is a bit loose
-Oil leak from either the rocker cover or distributor oil seal (should be easy to sort out)
-Missing hub cab as he had the alloys sprayed black as he prefers the look without
-Problematic headlight adjusters (common problem)
-Front tyres need changing soon, it also must have been driven quite hard or tracked recently because he had the receipt for the tyres and they were bought in January. He only does 30 miles a day.
-Some small rust patches under front door seals
I am quite happy working with cars myself, in fact, I think it is part of "knowing" a car, the only issue is time as I have young children at home so work on the car normally progress very slowly.
I think I have 3 options:
1. Go for it as is
2. Run
3. Talk him down further on price
Please give me some advise as I might be thinking with my heart instead of my head.