To me, the bottom line is, which people have already mentioned, is that software is easily scalable from one core to X cores if all cores are approximately identical, ala 360 and Multicore PC's,
When your entire multicore system becomes assymetrical to the extent the CELL is, then clearly you are going to have a pig of a job to redesign your old/existing designs/code to fit to the extent that really you need to start almost from scratch..
At the end of the day, clearly Sony are the ones causing the pain to developers, the good ones have started from scratch which in itself is painful, the bad ones are just plain struggling to get existing designs to work without ripping them up.. whether this pain is justified is another matter..
People seem to think that Sony have gone down the 'preferred' route.. and to some extent I can see some advantages of the theory, but in practice, the 360, that is supposed to be vastly inferior is somehow still challenging even 1st party built from the ground up PS3 games, which brings me to the conclusion that the divergence Sony have gone for is not yielding the results they hoped/promised..
I can't understand where the MS monopoly comments are coming from, brainwashed fanboys or something..
The fact is, all Multicore 'normal' CPU's are symmetrical designs, this isn't just because of windows, it just because we live in a world where we have to evolve technology or face the predicament that you suddenly have a new OS that forces a change of hardware, the market won't sustain that, so we are here by slow progression.. Just becuase the 360 isn't trying to change the market surely doesn't equate to trying to create a monopoly?
I doubt it would be in their best interests to admit it is a DVD-9 restriction etc that is holding up things when MS have paid them so much.
I agree, I doubt it's wise for any company, sony included' to let any game developer say anything detrimental to the hardware, so I think you do only get fluff and nonsense off these companies..
Lets face it, both consoles have some pretty obvious hardware flaws that aren't being harped on about by developers, and I actually think it's right that they don't whine too much and just give us good games..