Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I don’t think Russia would want to do as it impacts them significantly as well. Especially as the plants would release 6x more radiation than Chernobyl. Significant portions of Russia and Eastern Europe would be uninhabitable.

Sounds like Fake news to me. ;)
I’m not sure Russia wants to be releasing radiation. Looking at the radiation map after Chernobyl it hit Belarus and Russia pretty hard.
Exactly it doesn’t just have an effect on others it effects them all. It a good story but c’mon get a grip. Snake island, mobile crematoriums ect.
How is the war looking now? are russians still useless or was that a lot of western propaganda?

Last i checked Ukrainians were doing well, perhaps maybe even being able to repel the Russian offensive.

Well it is what, day 9, that says Ukraine have done better than the Russians ever predicted. Russians have certainly increased levels of shelling though putting more innocents at risk.

It now really all depends I guess on how quickly supplies, weapons and more people willing to fight can come to Ukraine aid on how much longer they can hold out.
If Kiev falls one would hope they already have a backup location to go too or even already operating from.

The best solution is for Putin to stop this, no matter what he may believe this unwarranted aggressive and war or as he calls it special operation is uncalled for, Russia was not under any threat from Ukraine or the West and if Putin truly believes that to be case then he should have gone to the bargaining table with Ukraine and the West stating his concerns and what he wants and then negotiating over it and threatening war (special operation) if something was not done. Problem is he just went in guns blazing and blatantly lied before the invasion stating he was pulling out, which now will make it hard to believe anything, just hope he either comes to his senses or he is removed from power and someone more peaceful takes his place and truly builds Russia into the true yet peaceful super power it could truly be.
I don’t think Russia would want to do as it impacts them significantly as well. Especially as the plants would release 6x more radiation than Chernobyl. Significant portions of Russia and Eastern Europe would be uninhabitable.

This plant is VVER so should be much safer than Chernobyl, which was RBMK. I'm not saying no radioactivity, but much less. From the VVER wiki page:

"Compared to the RBMK reactors – the type involved in the Chernobyl disaster – the VVER uses an inherently safer design because the coolant is also the moderator, and by nature of its design has a negative void coefficient like all PWRs. It does not have the graphite-moderated RBMK's risk of increased reactivity and large power transients in the event of a loss of coolant accident. The RBMK reactors were also constructed without containment structures on grounds of cost due to their size; the VVER core is considerably smaller"
Also, can you imagine OcUK forums being strategic command for a future war? :D

HEADRAT must not have any decision making powers! :cry:

:cry:.. would be comical really... Half would be planning where to loot GPUs from and a quarter will be playing which weapon is best at taking down a tank and if 10GB RAM on that weapon is enough to hit the target (of course never ending argument that one) and then you have the remainder that will be sticking tanks on ebay scalped of course or in their back yard as a plant pot or worse trying to figure out if they can mine crypto on them.
Despite claims otherwise looks like Kazakhstan are shifting some resources to support Putin in Ukraine and other units in Russia being moved to Ukraine (despite claims they are just exercises in long range logistics...) doesn't seem like Putin has any intention of stepping back yet.
Well it is what, day 9, that says Ukraine have done better than the Russians ever predicted. Russians have certainly increased levels of shelling though putting more innocents at risk.

It now really all depends I guess on how quickly supplies, weapons and more people willing to fight can come to Ukraine aid on how much longer they can hold out.
If Kiev falls one would hope they already have a backup location to go too or even already operating from.

The best solution is for Putin to stop this, no matter what he may believe this unwarranted aggressive and war or as he calls it special operation is uncalled for, Russia was not under any threat from Ukraine or the West and if Putin truly believes that to be case then he should have gone to the bargaining table with Ukraine and the West stating his concerns and what he wants and then negotiating over it and threatening war (special operation) if something was not done. Problem is he just went in guns blazing and blatantly lied before the invasion stating he was pulling out, which now will make it hard to believe anything, just hope he either comes to his senses or he is removed from power and someone more peaceful takes his place and truly builds Russia into the true yet peaceful super power it could truly be.

Sadly I don't see this stopping at Ukraine now, especially with Belarus involved and their nutty president (dictator) that also wants the old soviet union block back. This is just part of their games and the never ending testing the air space of other countries with fighters in recent days is saying he's trying to get them to do something and then blame the west and NATO and then it will really kick off this sadly looks like the start to me. I really hope not I have friends and family in most of Europe, Ukraine, Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, Czech Republic :(.. This is turning into a nightmare and yesterdays stupidity at the nuclear plant was just unreal to me and I know he has Chernobyl under his control too and many more nuclear plants in the country yet and if he causes an issue at any of them we have the worlds largest nuclear dirty bomb. It will destroy Europe if he creates a big enough problem this mad man.

He's lost the plot and has become very unhinged over the last few days and you can see it when he is shown and other day was scary what he said and how his body language said to me he's lost it after watching many interviews of him over many years and I have never seen him like this, he does his famous finger drumming if you watch when he gets annoyed and inpatient and he tries to control it sometimes where he will put his hands together and times he's so wound up and realises he almost pretends to itch his face and put his hands together. Watch some interviews of him and you will see what I mean and watch yesterdays statement from him.. scary really.

Yesterday reminded me of this photo...


After yesterdays events at the nuclear plant, we all got our answer a total mad man.
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This has probably been posted and critiqued earlier in the thread, but who can keep up? I've finally got round to watching David Starkey's take on this, and on the state of Western existential beliefs. I find it... sobering. I want to disagree with some of it, but I find that hard to do.

Well worth half an hour of your time IMO, but it boils down to the West living in a liberal belief bubble of its own making. I admit he echoes doubts I've had for a long time, so there may be some confirmation bias in play.
This has probably been posted and critiqued earlier in the thread, but who can keep up? I've finally got round to watching David Starkey's take on this, and on the state of Western existential beliefs. I find it... sobering. I want to disagree with some of it, but I find that hard to do.

Well worth half an hour of your time IMO, but it boils down to the West living in a liberal belief bubble of its own making. I admit he echoes doubts I've had for a long time, so there may be some confirmation bias in play.
I haven’t posted so you should be fine.
Sadly I don't see this stopping at Ukraine now, especially with Belarus involved and their nutty president (dictator) that also wants the old soviet union block back. This is just part of their games and the never ending testing the air space of other countries with fighters in recent days is saying he's trying to get them to do something and then blame the west and NATO and then it will really kick off this sadly looks like the start to me. I really hope not I have friends and family in most of Europe, Ukraine, Russia, Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, Czech Republic :(.. This is turning into a nightmare and yesterdays stupidity at the nuclear plant was just unreal to me and I know he has Chernobyl under his control too and many more nuclear plants in the country yet and if he causes an issue at any of them we have the worlds largest nuclear dirty bomb. It will destroy Europe if he creates a big enough problem this mad man.

He's lost the plot and has become very unhinged over the last few days and you can see it when he is shown and other day was scary what he said and how his body language said to me he's lost it after watching many interviews of him over many years and I have never seen him like this, he does his famous finger drumming if you watch when he gets annoyed and inpatient and he tries to control it sometimes where he will put his hands together and times he's so wound up and realises he almost pretends to itch his face and put his hands together. Watch some interviews of him and you will see what I mean and watch yesterdays statement from him.. scary really.

I hope for us all it does not happen, but I do hope all the Western/EU countries are moving all their armed forces to high alert and everything else they can do so in preparation for a protentional invasion without potentially looking too hostile to make Putin think its an invasion or move to put troops on the ground in Ukraine.

If Putin starts getting upset by it the West just needs to speak his language, you've become hostile and we now see Russia as a threat, as such if you invade our airspace or land then your starting WW3, all bordering countries need to be on high alert and armed to the teeth defensively to repel any potential threat, if he attacks a NATO country then it really will be game over especially if he has totally lost it and is happy to fire nukes and end his own country and rest of world.

Just be glad us normal people are not the ones making decisions, because though people like Boris get a lot of slate here damn the poor guy got in office and had to deal with Brexit, then Covid and now potential war, talk about unlucky timing to be PM. We just sit back and watch, the real shame is that people are dying.
This has probably been posted and critiqued earlier in the thread, but who can keep up? I've finally got round to watching David Starkey's take on this, and on the state of Western existential beliefs. I find it... sobering. I want to disagree with some of it, but I find that hard to do.

Well worth half an hour of your time IMO, but it boils down to the West living in a liberal belief bubble of its own making. I admit he echoes doubts I've had for a long time, so there may be some confirmation bias in play.
Whenever you feel yourself having several of your itches scratched at once, you should really consider why that is so :D
Panasonic, a major Japanese multinational conglomerate company suspends all transactions with Russia.
Could this be anymore of a weaker statement?

"Due to the economic, logistical and other practical challenges, we have in principle decided to suspend transactions with Russia."

Like, they'd totally keep going but the rouble is screwed and its hard to get flights in and out. And then we haven't actually made a decision, it's just an "in principle" decision :cry::cry::cry:
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