Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I think Putin is all in on this one. Whatever happens, he needs to be seen to win. I dread to think how this is going to end.

He told Macron in no uncertain tones the Russian military was staying in Ukraine until the "task" is done, he doesn't seem to have any intention of backing down and I think Macron is starting to realise he was played for a fool.

To be all in means firing nuclear weapons, he does that, he does not win, nobody wins.

Russian psyche, at least those stuck in the past, do not see nuclear war as "the end" like we do - they spent a lot of efforts in the cold war era preparing to survive and rebuild post all out nuclear war and I suspect Putin's advisors are still telling him that level of preparedness is ready even though that is no longer the case.
Quite surprised that NATO haven't stepped in due to the attack on the Nuclear Power Plant, this would affect the world 6 times over if radiation was to leak as Chernobyl was 1 power plant but 6 of them if they get control and use the plant as bribery.
Yeah the Conservatives have done an incredible job in power. /s

What do you think Corbyn would have done in this situation? Probably sit there, do nothing and tut at Putin while he rolls over Ukraine.

At least the Tories have supplied vast quantities of extremely valuable equipment that has been put to incredibly effective use while the rest of the EU sat and did nothing.
I think Putin is all in on this one. Whatever happens, he needs to be seen to win. I dread to think how this is going to end.
That's the biggest question at the moment. He can all ways declare that he wiped nazis out of Ukraine and job is done. Media back in russian could spin it the way they want to see. But inner humiliation is still there. So what do you do?
Russia may have had plans to head west ward but thats before they actually knew just how useless they were. and they do know now how inefective they actually are.

They can't even move a convoy 20 miles to kyiv

That's not their intention, they are staying out of Kyiv's defensive range and setting up a staging area to bombard it with artillery, whilst encircling it and cutting it off from supplies.

Back to standard Russian tactics 101
I’m not sure Russia wants to be releasing radiation. Looking at the radiation map after Chernobyl it hit Belarus and Russia pretty hard.

Why people still discussing this in regards Chernobyl ???

Prof Robin Grimes from Imperial College London says a nuclear reactor's pressure vessel "can withstand considerable damage from phenomena such as earthquakes" - but "it is not designed to withstand explosive ordinance such as artillery shells".

However, he adds that it seems unlikely that the impact would result in a "Chernobyl-like nuclear event".

Prof Tom Scott from the University of Bristol says that "shelling nuclear power plants is against the Geneva convention and this is obviously very worrying".

Earlier, our science correspondent Victoria Gill reported comments from nuclear experts who said the situation in Zaporizhzhya was not "another Chernobyl" - but could still be very risky.

Can we just put it to bed now that the fallout of uneducated opinions and the media is far worse than any potential fallout from the actual NPP ?
That's not their intention, they are staying out of Kyiv's defensive range and setting up a staging area to bombard it with artillery, whilst encircling it and cutting it off from supplies.

Back to standard Russian tactics 101

Increasingly looking that way - how long the rest of the country can hold out for and how costly they can make it for Russia could very well be a deciding factor in this war.

You say that like Europe's tanks have first hand knowledge of fighting European foes?

Not quite sure what you are saying there.
Well with reinforcements coming from the west numbering in the tens of thousands, I'm not sure how they intend to encircle Kyiv without themselves getting pincered.
In the grand scheme of things why good is our 160 nukes against Russias 1600?

You do realise those 160 nukes we have could destroy Russia along with the rest of the world.
whether its 10 or 1000 just firing 2-3 of them is enough to cause huge harm to the planet and firing 10+ is pretty much dooms day level stuff.

Why Russia, USA feel the need to have 5000+ is because they had an arms race after WW2, just stupidity really. :(
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