Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
He's lost the plot and has become very unhinged over the last few days and you can see it when he is shown and other day was scary what he said and how his body language said to me he's lost it after watching many interviews of him over many years and I have never seen him like this, he does his famous finger drumming if you watch when he gets annoyed and inpatient and he tries to control it sometimes where he will put his hands together and times he's so wound up and realises he almost pretends to itch his face and put his hands together. Watch some interviews of him and you will see what I mean and watch yesterdays statement from him.. scary really.

Soon as I saw his body language in what few snippets of the Biden Putin video call are available I had my concerns - I don't think he quite appreciated the extent of what some of the cameras showed - unless it was for show but I can't see a purpose in that.
9 Jul 2003
Putin might be playing up to the mad man image as his unstable nature has made Western forces more cautious. Plus how do you win a war against a nutter with nukes, imagine if Hitler had nuclear weapons as an option when everything was falling around him. Would he have pressed the button before killing himself in the bunker, probably.

He might also be genuinely unstable, either way it makes it incredibly hard to stop him. You could push Russian forces back with conventional warfare and then everyone gets wiped out anyway.
29 Dec 2014
I think Putin is finished.
Just be glad us normal people are not the ones making decisions, because though people like Boris get a lot of slate here damn the poor guy got in office and had to deal with Brexit, then Covid and now potential war, talk about unlucky timing to be PM. We just sit back and watch, the real shame is that people are dying.

Imagine what things would have been like, if Jeremy Corbyn had become PM

4 Feb 2003
Out of interest does anyone know much about US plans to quickly deploy units into Western Europe ala Reforger as that was exercised for the last time in 1993 and have since concentrated on Exercise Bright Star into the Middle East instead?

Are the Pentagon currently searching in dusty filing cabinets trying to find the old OOB and law references for the transfer of civilian transport assets into military control!?
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Out of interest does anyone know much about US plans to quickly deploy units into Western Europe ala Reforger as that was exercised for the last time in 1993 and have since concentrated on Exercise Bright Star into the Middle East instead?

Are the Pentagon currently searching in dusty filing cabinets trying to find the old OOB and law references for the transfer of civilian transport assets into military control!?

Showing a defensive force does not really need the USA at present, it all helps, but between UK, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Romania it is fair to say there is a huge force there alone, along with other potential countries strengthening defensive positions. I think the latter is more sensible, 100,000's of USA troops flying in is more likely to raise concern with Putin and all these EU countries have USA military bases which are manned anyway, so there is a huge force on standby in EU if required, let us hope it is not required.
10 Jan 2006
Out of interest does anyone know much about US plans to quickly deploy units into Western Europe ala Reforger as that was exercised for the last time in 1993 and have since concentrated on Exercise Bright Star into the Middle East instead?

Are the Pentagon currently searching in dusty filing cabinets trying to find the old OOB and law references for the transfer of civilian transport assets into military control!?
If Russia decide to start rolling westward there are plans/contingencies in place to deal with this. Military/Civil planning always has plans to deal with eventualities like this. I cant/wont go into any detail as I'm not certain what is and isnt public knowledge.
They may not exercise it on the same scale. However, US would still play a major part should the worst happen and Ukraine alone dosnt satisfy Putin.
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
If Russia decide to start rolling westward there are plans/contingencies in place to deal with this. Military/Civil planning always has plans to deal with eventualities like this. I cant/wont go into any detail as I'm not certain what is and isnt public knowledge.
They may not exercise it on the same scale. However, US would still play a major part should the worst happen and Ukraine alone dosnt satisfy Putin.

Unless they are holding something back I'd be piping down if I was Putin - given what we've seen so far even the recent model T-90s and T-72B3s are going to need like 10 to 1 odds against UK/EU MBTs.
18 Mar 2008
A major lesson to everyone that voted Labour last time..

The Tories are not much better with their exposure to Russian influence, but the previous Labour leadership would been a disaster in this instance and that isn't something I'd say about the current one.

Anyway, not really the thread.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
I think Putin is all in on this one. Whatever happens, he needs to be seen to win. I dread to think how this is going to end.

To be all in means firing nuclear weapons, he does that, he does not win, nobody wins.

If he goes to war and does not use nuclear weapons, then he has no chance, even if China sides with him in the end it would be a very bloody war and there would be no real victors, just victims worldwide, even if the West won a WW3 scenario even without using nuclear weapons would leave so much of the planet destroyed, and to think they are / were worrying about global warming, well now the potential of a war or something bigger is going to be vastly more harmful to the planet.
19 Mar 2006
Russia may have had plans to head west ward but thats before they actually knew just how useless they were. and they do know now how inefective they actually are.

They can't even move a convoy 20 miles to kyiv let alone the thousands of miles they would need to move from country to country,

Whatever Putins plans were they are now on full stop, they wouldn't get ten feet past Ukrains border without the full force of natos air power decending on them.

Sadly Putin will destroy Ukrain, head home and declare a victory, destroying the neo nazis was his excuse and he will use it for a victory speech.
29 Dec 2014
I think Putin is all in on this one. Whatever happens, he needs to be seen to win. I dread to think how this is going to end.

I honestly don't see a logical path to victory for Putin, I think he's overstepped.

If he continues - Ukraine won't fold, it'll turn into a long drawn out nightmare, Russia will become completely isolated from the rest of the world for decades or longer - there's no way the west are rolling back any sanctions now.

If he pulls out without achieving his objectives, it'll be gigantic humiliation for a country obsessed with not being humiliated.
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