Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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22 Oct 2002
Boston, Lincolnshire
That's the biggest question at the moment. He can all ways declare that he wiped nazis out of Ukraine and job is done. Media back in russian could spin it the way they want to see. But inner humiliation is still there. So what do you do?

There is only two ways this is going to end. Putin is ousted/assassinated from within or he takes Ukraine.

The latter is more likely as he is in some bunker in the Ural mountains somewhere more than likely.
24 Jul 2016
South West
You do realise those 160 nukes we have could destroy Russia along with the rest of the world.
whether its 10 or 1000 just firing 2-3 of them is enough to cause huge harm to the planet and firing 10+ is pretty much dooms day level stuff.

Why Russia, USA feel the need to have 5000+ is because they had an arms race after WW2, just stupidity really. :(
Ok so why do we need more. The US has 1500 or so, France has 400+. What good is a deterrent if Putin is actually as deranged as people make out? Our 160 nukes won’t mean a thing to him.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Look if Putin launches 160 nukes at the UK the UK is gone, if we launch 160 at Russia is Russia completely destroyed?

Yes. 160 could take out every strategic position of importance, then the remaining fall out destroys Russia totally along with the majority of rest of world too, just firing a few of these weapons is bad news, let alone the 100+ arsenal some countries have and Russia and USA have over 10,000 between them, NUTTERS!
Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Look if Putin launches 160 nukes at the UK the UK is gone, if we launch 160 at Russia is Russia completely destroyed?

160 nukes is more than enough to decimate Russia's strategic assets and large population centres which is enough to enforce a situation of mutually assured destruction.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Ok so why do we need more. The US has 1500 or so, France has 400+. What good is a deterrent if Putin is actually as deranged as people make out? Our 160 nukes won’t mean a thing to him.

Your missing the point totally, just 1 is bad news.

Putin is not going to fire nukes, firing nukes is world ending full stop! He fires them, Russia is wiped of the face of the planet, no let me rephrase that, the planet is dead totally.

Nukes are propaganda, E-penis flexing, nothing more because to use them is game over for everyone, so it won't happen, if it does just hope your near the main blast, you won't know about it.
22 Oct 2002
Boston, Lincolnshire
Being able to engage and destroy your enemy before they can shoot at you helps, Russian tanks have nowhere near the range of NATO tanks

Tanks are irrelevant in the modern battlefield really. They are a relic of the 20th century. Nothing compares to experience either. Maybe the west's tanks are better but their troops will be battle hardened. Training is one thing but first hand experience of the battlefield is another.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Ok so why do we need more. The US has 1500 or so, France has 400+. What good is a deterrent if Putin is actually as deranged as people make out? Our 160 nukes won’t mean a thing to him.

Oh and nukes clearly mean a huge amount to him, he is scared of Ukraine getting even one, after all is that not one of his reasons for this special operation as he calls it?
24 Jul 2016
South West
Yes. 160 could take out every strategic position of important, then the remaining fall out destroys Russia totally along with the majority of rest of world too, just firing a few of these weapons is bad news, let alone the 100+ arsenal some countries have and Russia and USA have over 10,000 between them, NUTTERS!
Maybe I’m getting mixed up with a previous post. I thought someone mentioned that it would take quite a few to render the World inhabitable.

Pandora’s box has been opened. Either create more and more in the name of mutually assured security or decommissioning in the name of self preserved sanity. Problem is like Carlin said everyone is paranoid that the other wants to bend him over first.
29 Jul 2010
Your missing the point totally, just 1 is bad news.

Putin is not going to fire nukes, firing nukes is world ending full stop! He fires them, Russia is wiped of the face of the planet, no let me rephrase that, the planet is dead totally.

Nukes are propaganda, E-penis flexing, nothing more because to use them is game over for everyone, so it won't happen, if it does just hope your near the main blast, you won't know about it.

I think you are getting a bit over excited, over two thousand nukes have been detonated on the planet already, 500 of those were atmospheric tests, so not all deep underground.
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
1 nuclear missile would create such horror and devastation that it would take decades to recover from. And the long term tensions as a result would be significant.

A dozen nuclear missiles would be the end of normal life as we know it and would make teh covid lockdown feel like a breeze.

However, let's not focus on this, nukes are unlikely to play their part - and if they are all this talk about it will be irrelevant.

It's just a shield that little men like Putin use as a way of flopping on the table.

The nuclear power plant is quite a worry though - hope they at least are able to shut it down and make it safe (presumably they have?).
8 Dec 2008
Quite surprised that NATO haven't stepped in due to the attack on the Nuclear Power Plant, this would affect the world 6 times over if radiation was to leak as Chernobyl was 1 power plant but 6 of them if they get control and use the plant as bribery.

Yes I too am surprised they haven't kicked off WW3. :rolleyes:
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Maybe I’m getting mixed up with a previous post. I thought someone mentioned that it would take quite a few to render the World inhabitable.

Pandora’s box has been opened. Either create more and more in the name of mutually assured security or decommissioning in the name of self preserved sanity. Problem is like Carlin said everyone is paranoid that the other wants to bend him over first.

The right thing to do is to decommission them all, but trying to get every country to comply that has them to do that is unlikely.

Even if we avoid WW3 this time and nuclear strikes this time, is it only a matter of time before the human race wipes itself out?

It is a shame that some countries, infact my mistake, some people / rulers have this need for power over others, attacking a neighbouring country on a whim is just appalling, it is proven when countries align and peace prevails, everyone is better off.

It is a shame countries such as China, Russia feel the need to control the people and feed them the propaganda war machine, yet these same countries love the technologies and luxury items of the West.

The future is renewable energies and countries having their own energy supplies it seems.
7 Dec 2010
I think we need a light hearted moment on this thread and remember who is also sticking up for us all in one way and our way of life.

Just a reminder who is giving Putin the biggest headache of his life that may actually take his life (we can only hope...KGB maybe watching).

Presenting president Zelensky before he was president a comedian..

Zelenskyy won the Ukrainian version of Dancing with the Stars in 2006

Also before he was elected, Zelensky starred in a hit TV show where he played a teacher who accidentally gets elected President. The clip has him swearing its funny really and not nasty in any way but how funny this clip is in the current time from his show, so I will just add the link to it only and you can watch it on twitter.

Also this is another one that's great:-

OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Yes I too am surprised they haven't kicked off WW3. :rolleyes:

Thankfully they seem to have good leaders, avoiding WW3 is what matters, it is just drawing the line, give Putin an inch, he will take a mile, but become to aggressive and it could get very messy, very fast. let us hope NATO leaders can avoid war at all cost, whilst protecting us all in the West.

I hope and think Putin will stop once Ukraine is taken, I hope he will actually call a cease fire and go to the bargaining table, killing innocent people, destroying peoples homes is not war or a special operation, it is just mass murder and there was never any reason for it.
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