Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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4 Feb 2003
Showing a defensive force does not really need the USA at present, it all helps, but between UK, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Romania it is fair to say there is a huge force there alone, along with other potential countries strengthening defensive positions. I think the latter is more sensible, 100,000's of USA troops flying in is more likely to raise concern with Putin and all these EU countries have USA military bases which are manned anyway, so there is a huge force on standby in EU if required, let us hope it is not required.

But many aspects of Reforger were geared towards the existing defensive deployments buying enough time for Troops to be brought in to man the equipment kept at the POMCUS locations, do the US still maintain the POMCUS stockpiles? If Putin decides to try and mobilize everything to attempt a roll West on what ever nonsense maskirovka they think can fool their people (certainly not anyone in else in the rest of the World,) aside from existing equipment what else does NATO have available at short notice in theatre. All theoretical I know, but a couple of months ago the average person on the street would never of thought they would see such naked aggression on the European continent again.

If Russia decide to start rolling westward there are plans/contingencies in place to deal with this. Military/Civil planning always has plans to deal with eventualities like this. I cant/wont go into any detail as I'm not certain what is and isnt public knowledge.
They may not exercise it on the same scale. However, US would still play a major part should the worst happen and Ukraine alone dosnt satisfy Putin.

It was always exciting when a Reforger was on growing up in the BDR in the eighties, normally Brit only barracks would suddenly ring to the sound of foreign voices and exotic equipment that us kids had never seen before or had only read about in books, plus the tasty treats from other NATO Nations compo rations that were always thrown our way if we hung around enough ;) :D
19 Oct 2008
Tbh, one firing of a nuke against another country we might as well go all in and put the human race into extinction. Maybe humans don't deserve any better. Only planet we know of with intelligent life and look at how we behave towards each other. Yep, this is down to one man it seems but even so, we've created this world.
Not serious really but cannot help feel disappointed with the current situation
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18 Mar 2008
The world's current nuclear weaponry is very far removed from the megaton class of warhead which would actually be a problem, residual fallout dissipates fairly rapidly though some places would be far less hospitable than others (major cities, suspected bunkers).

I'd be rather more worried about warlordism and all the other tropes of post-apocolyptica.
OcUK Staff
17 Oct 2002
Some British arrived to fight.

Just to add some light hearted ness to the situation, Russia is now defeated as a Liverpoolian soldier is going to fight Russia, by the end of next week there will be no Russian tanks and vehicles left with NO wheels. :D

So so brave that people from UK and other countries are going to fight in the name of protecting innocent people and standing up for freedom of speech. :)
22 Nov 2005
Most those people going over to fight from other countries are probably the people who like violence or miss the thrill if they ever fought in a real war.
Wayne couzens probably would have been straight over there.

probably mostly football hooligan types and thugs like the people patrolling the streets of Poland in the previous week and mobbing anyone whos not white that crossed the border.
I don't think our media is showing that footage though?

From what everyone has seen over that last week a Russian armoured battle group would get absolutely minced by a American, French or British one.
from our propaganda sure.
we are as bad as the Russians for believing "we are all that"

all we ever fought was people with crappy weapons for about 50 years, it's like spawn killing noobs in BF or whatever and thinking you are a god.

Ever notice american jets stopped flying over Syria as soon as Russia moved it's AA there and forced a no fly zone
24 Jul 2016
South West
The right thing to do is to decommission them all, but trying to get every country to comply that has them to do that is unlikely.

Even if we avoid WW3 this time and nuclear strikes this time, is it only a matter of time before the human race wipes itself out?

It is a shame that some countries, infact my mistake, some people / rulers have this need for power over others, attacking a neighbouring country on a whim is just appalling, it is proven when countries align and peace prevails, everyone is better off.

It is a shame countries such as China, Russia feel the need to control the people and feed them the propaganda war machine, yet these same countries love the technologies and luxury items of the West.

The future is renewable energies and countries having their own energy supplies it seems.
I think the mistake we make is to think only countries like China and Russia controls its people and uses Propaganda.

Have you seen what Canada is doing to its truckers? Have you ever heard of a man called Edward Bernays? He’s American and far more influential than you can imagine.

The most interesting man in the world.” “Reach out and touch someone.” “Finger-lickin’ good.” Such advertising slogans have become fixtures of American culture, and each year millions now tune into the Super Bowl as much for the ads as for the football.

While no single person can claim exclusive credit for the ascendancy of advertising in American life, no one deserves credit more than a man most of us have never heard of: Edward Bernays.

I first encountered Bernays through an article I was writing on propaganda, and it quickly became clear that he was one of the 20th century’s foremost salesmen of ideas. The fact that 20 years have elapsed since his death provides a fitting opportunity to reexamine his legacy.
5 Feb 2009
N. Ireland
well now the potential of a war or something bigger is going to be vastly more harmful to the planet.
the planet will survive and recover quite well. the human race, not so much. in fact the planet might recover from the effects of decades of industrialisation and pollution a whole lot quicker with much of the worlds large urban environments reduced to rubble.
don't worry about the world dying if WW3 kicks of. the only thing dying will be the human race (or at least retreating back to stone age levels of population!)
21 Oct 2012
London/S Korea
Just to add some light hearted ness to the situation, Russia is now defeated as a Liverpoolian soldier is going to fight Russia, by the end of next week there will be no Russian tanks and vehicles left with NO wheels. :D

So so brave that people from UK and other countries are going to fight in the name of protecting innocent people and standing up for freedom of speech. :)
Going by his age I would expect he’s a Falklands vet and possibly Iraq war.
18 Oct 2002
Just to add some light hearted ness to the situation, Russia is now defeated as a Liverpoolian soldier is going to fight Russia, by the end of next week there will be no Russian tanks and vehicles left with NO wheels. :D

Haha yeah, ship all the scousers over, they will make short work of that convoy :D
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