Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Putin doesn't want Ukraine to be a part of Nato, doesn't want things on his borders that could be a threat. He's been complaining about it for years and years and been ignored so he's trying to do something about it.

But that's a "him" problem surely?
If Ukraine wants, or wanted, to join NATO/UN/EU then it's completely in their purview to do so. Having "icky feels" towards NATO, and co, doesn't give a country the right to dictate what a neighbouring independent democratic country can and can not do. Nor does it allow them to invade because of said "icky feels".
Can you imagine if the USA did what Russia has been doing, and did indeed just say the planes were stolen by the Ukrainian's. How dare they! Bare face lie. Throw that crap back in the Russians face with full on sarcasm like has been messaged for years at us.
You're focusing on the wrong things
Thanks for that. I genuinely read through your posts multiple times to see what the point is and it’s always little more than ‘I’m a higher level thinker than you plebs’. You’ve got to have studied philosophy at some point in your life :D
You are making the assumption that Putin would have responded to ‘negotiations’ with sincerity. Why?

He already spent the last few months before the invasion stringing along the west/world, openly stating there was no planned invasion, having meetings with Macron etc saying they were never going to do anything despite more and more troops organising on the border. First it was for training, then it was for a peace keeping mission.

The Russian government are full of it. Now they are murdering people, destroying a sovereign nation, creating havoc. For what? Due to Putin’s own vanity and megalomania, wanting to carve out a legacy. He will have a legacy alright, but it won’t be the one he hoped for.

At least we would have done all we could do, like I said, no one likes compromise by its very definition but we do have to find a way to get along. If he's not willing to compromise on a world stage then that justifies further action/sanctions etc.

I guess when things have gone too far and you're actually planning an invasion you don't tell people about it.

I still don't know enough to know whether the citizens of UKR are happy to be so, the majority at least. It seems like certain areas definitely want to be RUS, that's all I know. In putin's mind I guess he wants those bits back and the rest to be neutral. It's not ideal but it sounds like a better option than all the bloodshed and displacement.

What if Bristol used to be a part of Wales and England decided it was part of England, many of the people still spoke welsh and considered themselves welsh. How would you feel about letting parts of Bristol be welsh again? That's better than Wales invading and killing a load of people right?
...there's still a sense of ownership not only from the Russian government but also some of the populous, the exact percentage is open to debate.

...especially in a region which he still considers to be part of RUS, at least in spirit if nothing else.

But isn't that hypocritical of Putin?
He wants the rest of the planet to recognise Crimea as part of Russia but won't allow a country that has been independent from the Soviet Union for nearly 31 years to independent country.
The fact that they have resisted, and resisted very heavily. The way Putin moved his forces in large columns was like a throwback to WW2 when the allies moved their armies in columns, liberating the towns and cities, I honestly think Putin expected something similar to this. He got it badly wrong.

I didn't like the messaging in the media about zelenskiy, it felt produced, structured photo ops, hero messaging etc. He's one of the most corrupt politicians in one of the most corrupt governments on the planet, I can't get behind him.

The UKR people of course are legends, people always seem to rise to the challenge in these situations, we did it in WW2 so kudos to each and every one of them.
But that's a "him" problem surely?
If Ukraine wants, or wanted, to join NATO/UN/EU then it's completely in their purview to do so. Having "icky feels" towards NATO, and co, doesn't give a country the right to dictate what a neighbouring independent democratic country can and can not do. Nor does it allow them to invade because of said "icky feels".
I think it's more to do with perceived ownership and history and also the sentiment of some of the citizens. The UKR have been pretty sh**y to some of the general populous. It's not black and white.
Thanks for that. I genuinely read through your posts multiple times to see what the point is and it’s always little more than ‘I’m a higher level thinker than you plebs’. You’ve got to have studied philosophy at some point in your life :D
Negative. Sorry if my posts come over like that.

I do like to shoot the breeze though. I happy to talk with anyone, hopefully we can move past all this 'putin apologist' rubbish.

Maybe I'm not great at explaining myself fully, leaves too much room for interpretation.
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