Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I agree, what's going on in Yemen is disgusting. But since you're dead set against anything being done in Ukraine you also, therefore, must also be against anything being done in Yemen? That's your logic right now.
You pulled that bolded statement right out of your ass. I also never stated what they were hypocritical about so another ******** statement about my "logic". Nice try with strawman though, better luck next time.

Gotta love the calls of hypocrisy not realising it makes them the hypocrite.
Washout used Reflect.
He hurt himself in his own confusion.
But isn't that hypocritical of Putin?
He wants the rest of the planet to recognise Crimea as part of Russia but won't allow a country that has been independent from the Soviet Union for nearly 31 years to independent country.
I never said it was good, I also hate how China views taiwan.

We can't change those things though, we have to work with them to find a way forward before people start getting in tanks and shiz.
"9000 permits" I see you took the headline as fact.

American Exploration & Production Council (AXPC) CEO Anne Bradbury "It's really a distraction from the fact that this administration has paused leasing on federal lands, something that we're concerned about and something that we think needs to continue right away,"

"Bradbury also said the Biden administration is "required under the law" to sell oil and gas leases on federal lands. "

American Petroleum Institute (API) president and CEO Mike Sommers
"when asked about Psaki's comments. "Once you lease land there is a whole process that you have to go through. First you have to actually discover whether actually there is oil and gas in that land. Second of all, you have to get a permit to actually develop that land."

"Sommers added: "Right now we actually are developing more leases than we have in two decades so the White House certainly doesn't have their facts straight on this."

More to it than meets the eye.

Just 6 weeks ago.

The fact remains that oil companies could increase production but these oil prices are incredible for their profits.
I didn't like the messaging in the media about zelenskiy, it felt produced, structured photo ops, hero messaging etc. He's one of the most corrupt politicians in one of the most corrupt governments on the planet, I can't get behind him.

The UKR people of course are legends, people always seem to rise to the challenge in these situations, we did it in WW2 so kudos to each and every one of them.

Who cares. The man has turned out to be an incredible war leader. His country is being destroyed, his people killed and he hasn't run, he's stayed and is wining the PR war against Putin as well as inspiring Ukrainians to fight. Churchill was a bit of a **** but I'd never deny he was exactly what the UK needed in WW2 and no doubt helped the country and its people whether the storm.
Who cares. The man has turned out to be an incredible war leader. His country is being destroyed, his people killed and he hasn't run, he's stayed and is wining the PR war against Putin as well as inspiring Ukrainians to fight. Churchill was a bit of a **** but I'd never deny he was exactly what the UK needed in WW2 and no doubt helped the country and its people whether the storm.
However, I bet if Boris was doing the same as Zelensky, people would still be on his back over other issues such as the bloody parties
do need to engage with them and discuss things before they go too far. At least we've learned that ignoring Putin isn't an option, he will back up his words with actions. I just wish those in charge had taken him seriously sooner otherwise we have to deal with the fallout.

As far back as the Kosovo War they were duplicitous. It's always like the Fox and the Scorpion with these guys. How do you negotiate with that?
I didn't like the messaging in the media about zelenskiy, it felt produced, structured photo ops, hero messaging etc. He's one of the most corrupt politicians in one of the most corrupt governments on the planet, I can't get behind him.

The UKR people of course are legends, people always seem to rise to the challenge in these situations, we did it in WW2 so kudos to each and every one of them.
Proof? Quite the accusations.
However, I bet if Boris was doing the same as Zelensky, people would still be on his back over other issues such as the bloody parties

More like “I’d love to say we will fight them on the beaches but i’m in hock to them for 400k”. Don’t bring Boris’ backbone into this it’s an embarrassment for us all. Events demand restraint but he will have to pay the bill.
Just 6 weeks ago.

The fact remains that oil companies could increase production but these oil prices are incredible for their profits.

You should read and understand what I posted.

Yes you have a right by law to have a permit.
But the biden lot are not letting companies on federal land so they can use the permit.

Again for you " this administration has paused leasing on federal lands,"
so 9000 permits with NO LAND TO SEARCH
*State Dept.’s Nuland Calls Poland’s MIG Offer ‘Surprise Move’
*Nuland Says U.S. Is Looking at Putting Some Patriot Missile Batteries in Poland

*US Commerce Secretary: Chinese Companies That Aid Russia Could Be Shut Down – NYT.
*U.S. Could “Essentially Shut” down Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation or Any Chinese Companies That Defy U.S. Sanctions – Commerce Secretary to NYT
*U.S. Could Cut Off Chinese Firms from American Equipment and Software They Need to Make Their Products If They Defy U.S. Export Restrictions – Commerce Secretary Tells NYT

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He's one of the most corrupt politicians in one of the most corrupt governments on the planet, I can't get behind him.
but is he better than the opposition - Boris, Aung San Suu Kyi
... are the clandestine investments he has any less than Boris,Cameron ...

I still don't know enough to know whether the citizens of UKR are happy to be so, the majority at least. It seems like certain areas definitely want to be RUS, that's all I know.
reminds you of those who wanted the sovereignty of the UK restored - the way it was, how are we succeeding trying to achieve that economically.

Takes accessorising to a whole new level! I dig it!
With the rear sight that high, she must be looking to push out some range!!!
top trumps - radio4pm had an interview with their top female sniper Olena Bilozerska - national womens day.
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