Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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21 Jan 2010
There are two frustrations.

The first is that you won't actually read anything, even if I provide a link. What's the point in providing links if you're not going to read anything?

"The leaked documents suggest he had – or has – a previously undisclosed stake in an offshore company, which he appears to have secretly transferred to a friend weeks before winning the presidential vote. The files reveal Zelenskiy participated in a sprawling network of offshore companies, co-owned with his longtime friends and TV business partners. They include Serhiy Shefir, who produced Zelensky’s hit shows, and Shefir’s older brother, Borys, who wrote the scripts. Another member of the consortium is Ivan Bakanov, a childhood friend. Bakanov was general director of Zelenskiy’s production studio, Kvartal 95."

That link again, that I've posted many times and you didn't read:

The second thing is the little snide personal comments, why do you feel the need to add those? It's not a good look. It just looks like an attempt to diminish, argue the points not the person.
You madea claim that he was the most corrupt politician in one of the planets most corrupt countries. I am asking you to substantiate that claim.

All you have posted is a single Guardian article that says he has interests in off shore companies. Then you made some other remark that was irrelevant pointing to a person who had nothing to do with anything having billions.

What exactly led you to this conclusion:
I didn't like the messaging in the media about zelenskiy, it felt produced, structured photo ops, hero messaging etc. He's one of the most corrupt politicians in one of the most corrupt governments on the planet, I can't get behind him.

The UKR people of course are legends, people always seem to rise to the challenge in these situations, we did it in WW2 so kudos to each and every one of them.
19 Oct 2008
I remember when the first mcdonalds opened in Russia, it was a symbol of the fall of the iron curtain and new friendships between East and west.

I cant really see an end to this other than the end of Putin
Yep, either voluntarily (unlikely) or forced, whether that's by someone in his regime or an uprising of those who see past the nonsense and want a better life for themselves/country. Ukrainians are fighting for their freedom, maybe time Russians did too and showed the world they want an end of their oppressive dictator led corrupt regime. Right now the future of the Russian people seems wrecked. I've heard 70-80% support the war but I'd be surprised of that, personally. However, we've seen with the likes of Trump how people can fall for the lies and BS and many here are brainwashed to an extent by our media and government :D.

How will it end? who knows at this point.
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Isn't his name spelt wrong there, Should be Zelenskyy if you go by how it is spelt on his twitter. I've seen multiple news outlets spell it wrong the past week to lol.
7 Jun 2020
*UK Energy Minister Hands: We Are Prepared to Collaborate on a Global Scale to Reduce Our Reliance on Russian Gas – Ceraweek.
*UK Energy Minister Hands: The Country Is in a Good Position in Terms of Natural Gas Supply, but It Is Vulnerable in Terms of Price – Ceraweek.
*Fitch Ratings: The Recent Downgrade of a ‘C’ Rating for Russia Reflects Belief That a Sovereign Default Is Imminent.


3 Jun 2005
The South
It's actually billions of pounds worth of 'offshore investments'

Neither of those articles say Zelensky laundered money rather a scheme was created by his aide, Serhiy Shefir, to allegedly, i don't think there's been any solid proof of this so far (by all means post a link if there has), launder money for his old TV network boss, Ihor Kolomoyskyi.

Sure the "connections" don't make him squeaky clean and it's likely he committed tax avoidance through offshore accounts but, there doesn't seem to be much evidence to show Zelensky himself is nor Ukraine are...

one of the most corrupt politicians in one of the most corrupt governments on the planet

You can read the Pandora Papers if you have any questions.

Out of curiosity, have you read The Panama Papers in their entirety?
5 Jul 2016
You madea claim that he was the most corrupt politician in one of the planets most corrupt countries. I am asking you to substantiate that claim.

All you have posted is a single Guardian article that says he has interests in off shore companies. Then you made some other remark that was irrelevant pointing to a person who had nothing to do with anything having billions.

What exactly led you to this conclusion:
"He's one of the most corrupt politicians in one of the most corrupt governments on the planet" do you think the Ukraine government is not corrupt? Does his involvement in the pandora papers not back that up? Have you seen what's in there and the scale of it? If not, please have read, it's interesting stuff.

I know you like me to post links you won't read so here's something that backs up the claim that Urkraine is the most corrupt government in Europe:

There are many other sources that back up this claim but I try to stick to mainstream media and you'll dismiss anything else offhand, you're not even reading anything anyway so what's the point?
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
21 Jan 2010
"He's one of the most corrupt politicians in one of the most corrupt governments on the planet" do you think the Ukraine government is not corrupt? Does his involvement in the pandora papers not back that up? Have you seen what's in there and the scale of it? If not, please have read, it's interesting stuff.

I know you like me to post links you won't read so here's something that backs up the claim that Urkraine is the most corrupt government in Europe:

There are many other sources that back up this claim but I try to stick to mainstream media and you'll dismiss anything else offhand, you're not even reading anything anyway so what's the point?
Ah gotcha so an 8 year old Guardian article that says the most corrupt country in EUROPE (i.e. the shining beacon of anti-corruption) is what you are regurgitating as the most corrupt country on the planet.

Why is now when you are launching an attack on Ukraine?
26 May 2009
Poland is going to give their MIG 29 jets to the US, so they can give them to the Ukraine, is that going to escalate things? Cant see the Russians accepting that.
There's nothing they can do about it, their literal only way of trying to stop it would be to threaten nukes and that's an empty threat because Putin isn't going to bring about the end of the world just to stop Ukraine getting 20x 50 year old planes, especially when there's zero chance of them turning the tide of an air war Ukraine is already winning :p
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