Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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5 Jul 2016
Neither of those articles say Zelensky laundered money rather a scheme was created by his aide, Serhiy Shefir, to allegedly, i don't think there's been any solid proof of this so far (by all means post a link if there has), launder money for his old TV network boss, Ihor Kolomoyskyi.

Sure the "connections" don't make him squeaky clean and it's likely he committed tax avoidance through offshore accounts but, there doesn't seem to be much evidence to show Zelensky himself is nor Ukraine are...

Out of curiosity, have you read The Panama Papers in their entirety?

I find it strange that even when you show people corruption they still give him a pass. There's literally nothing I can say or do to shift people's view so what is the point in entertaining questions like 'have you read it in its entirety?' Would it make a difference if I hadn't? Would it change anything if I had?

Yes, I've read every page - changes nothing as far as you're concerned

No, I've never even seen the files (and there's a lot of them) - changes nothing as far as you're concerned

Yes but I've only seen the relevant sections - changes nothing as far as you're concerned

Either YOU'VE got the curiousity to explore things further or you don't. There's the water, drink it or don't. I've done my bit, I've shown you the water was there.
2 Apr 2009
Location, Location!
I find it strange that even when you show people corruption they still give him a pass. There's literally nothing I can say or do to shift people's view so what is the point in entertaining questions like 'have you read it in its entirety?' Would it make a difference if I hadn't? Would it change anything if I had?

Yes, I've read every page - changes nothing as far as you're concerned

No, I've never even seen the files (and there's a lot of them) - changes nothing as far as you're concerned

Yes but I've only seen the relevant sections - changes nothing as far as you're concerned

Either YOU'VE got the curiousity to explore things further or you don't. There's the water, drink it or don't. I've done my bit, I've shown you the water was there.

In case you haven't got the hint by now. We don't care.
26 May 2009
Ah gotcha so an 8 year old Guardian article that says the most corrupt country in EUROPE (i.e. the shining beacon of anti-corruption) is what you are regurgitating as the most corrupt country on the planet.

Why is now when you are launching an attack on Ukraine?
It's even funnier because his evidence for Zelenskyy being corrupt is the fact that the Guardian called Ukraine's government corrupt four years before he even became president, on a campaign to clean up Ukraine's corrupt government xD
21 Jan 2010
It's even funnier because his evidence for Zelenskyy being corrupt is the fact that the Guardian called Ukraine's government corrupt four years before he even became president, on a campaign to clean up Ukraine's corrupt government xD
I think he underestimated how hard it is to have original thought that stands up to scrutiny. Hopefully he has more respect for PhDs now.
5 Jul 2016
Ah gotcha so an 8 year old Guardian article that says the most corrupt country in EUROPE (i.e. the shining beacon of anti-corruption) is what you are regurgitating as the most corrupt country on the planet.

Why is now when you are launching an attack on Ukraine?

I grow tired of your input tbh. What point do you think you're proving? I've always pushed the history of the region and the wider context. You've contributed exactly zero to this interaction, you've only made demands.

You don't think the UKR is corrupt? Fine. You think they're great? Wonderful You think I'm wrong? Cool.

What are you bringing to the table? Nothing.

I really see any point in responding to you further.

"Oh but you didn't bend over backwards and do a double backflip, that means you're wrong and I'm right, I win, I'm the best"

Ok, cool.


"No, I'm trying to prove you can't back up your claim that UKR is the 'most corrupt government'"

Why is that important? Is the fact they're really bad not enough?

"No, because you said..."

So what? Why are you being a pedant?

"Because I've got to prove you wrong coz then I win"

Ok win then.

There I just saved us about 20 messages, you win, all done.

Man, you don't wanna look into this stuff, you don't want to read the links, you're just looking to score points. Have a 100 on me.

Me? Why am I "launching an attack on the Ukraine"?

I'm just saying the rosy, soft focus commentary in the media isn't the whole story and the man of the minute isn't everything being portrayed. I was originally highlighting bias in our own media.

Things went how they went and now we're here.
25 Apr 2010
If Russia really wanted to retaliate I don't think that technicality would stop them though.
There are two frustrations.

The first is that you won't actually read anything, even if I provide a link. What's the point in providing links if you're not going to read anything?

"The leaked documents suggest he had – or has – a previously undisclosed stake in an offshore company, which he appears to have secretly transferred to a friend weeks before winning the presidential vote. The files reveal Zelenskiy participated in a sprawling network of offshore companies, co-owned with his longtime friends and TV business partners. They include Serhiy Shefir, who produced Zelensky’s hit shows, and Shefir’s older brother, Borys, who wrote the scripts. Another member of the consortium is Ivan Bakanov, a childhood friend. Bakanov was general director of Zelenskiy’s production studio, Kvartal 95."

That link again, that I've posted many times and you didn't read:

The second thing is the little snide personal comments, why do you feel the need to add those? It's not a good look. It just looks like an attempt to diminish, argue the points not the person.

Do you need to narrate everyone’s actions as if we can’t read them ourselves?

Your not a victim.

Elaborate your points if you post an article, post a snippet from it for example. This helps people get your argument more and doesn’t necessarily require they trawl through the whole thing paper/page.

You come across so condescending. Naturally this is off putting.
15 Mar 2010
It does make me laugh when people feel they can criticise when they're not prepared to educate themselves. Basic grammatical errors are also a red flag.

"Shefir is believed to have created a network of offshore entities for Zelensky and others, such as Zelensky former business partner and employer, and a U.S. sanctioned Ukrainian banking and media tycoon named Ihor Kolomoisky. U.S. authorities allege that Kolomoisky “laundered $5.5 billion through a tangle of shell companies, purchasing factories and commercial properties across the U.S. heartland,” according to the ICIJ."

Use search engines, they're really good.
Serious you have the ability to read and process what you are typing?
Genuinely interested since time and time again you post drivel, then attempt to back it up, and even your own sources aren't referencing what you are directly stating.
18 Oct 2002
They're going to have to accept it.
Could be just the sort of action that triggers the nutjob Putin to perform some kind of "special operation" on a Polish airbase or something.
Things could escalate really quickly.

I hate to say it, but I would rather see the West tread very carefully supplying Ukraine, than risk triggering something even worse.
11 May 2007
Give LCG a break... It's ok to buck the general trend and be skeptical. Critical thinking is important even if we'll never get the truth.

No country is squeaky clean. All countries have Nazis. People from all walks of life have offshore accounts. Everyone knows someone who knows someone who's dodgy AF. I'm sure if there was enough digging there'd be dirt on almost everyone on the planet.

What we can all agree on is that Putin has invaded a country, Zelensky and Ukrainians are doing everything they can to defend their home.

Do we really need to lose sight of the horrors right now? No, we don't.
26 May 2009
Not sure if this has been posted yet but it's quite frankly amazing at the level the explanation it goes into and the information presented, I.E what cool/ingenious stuff Ukraine have been doing to counter Russia that hasn't made the media headlines, The specific issues Russia have faced, what actually went very right for them, etc.

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