Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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21 Jan 2010
And where are they going to land them without being targetted by cruise missiles. Putin's already said he's willing to target bases outside of Ukraine that host Ukrainian aircraft, so could be the blue touch paper he needs to kick off WWIII
They aren't going to Ukraine. Poland is giving them to the US, at a US air base.
29 Jan 2008
Do you subject commentators that you agree with to the same scrutiny?

Yes, I try form viewpoints by thinking critically about everything I read/hear/watch. I am always prepared to change my views. But a source that spouts George Soros conspiracy theories, is a racist, isolationist and an obvious Putin shill is not likely to do so.

I had actually already watched the video you posted and dismissed it as nonsense after googling the guy.
5 Jul 2016
yes 'billions'.:cry: Dude your an actual joke.

It does make me laugh when people feel they can criticise when they're not prepared to educate themselves. Basic grammatical errors are also a red flag.

"Shefir is believed to have created a network of offshore entities for Zelensky and others, such as Zelensky former business partner and employer, and a U.S. sanctioned Ukrainian banking and media tycoon named Ihor Kolomoisky. U.S. authorities allege that Kolomoisky “laundered $5.5 billion through a tangle of shell companies, purchasing factories and commercial properties across the U.S. heartland,” according to the ICIJ."

Use search engines, they're really good.
19 May 2004
I remember when the first mcdonalds opened in Russia, it was a symbol of the fall of the iron curtain and new friendships between East and west.

I cant really see an end to this other than the end of Putin
21 Jan 2010
It does make me laugh when people feel they can criticise when they're not prepared to educate themselves.

"Shefir is believed to have created a network of offshore entities for Zelensky and others, such as Zelensky former business partner and employer, and a U.S. sanctioned Ukrainian banking and media tycoon named Ihor Kolomoisky. U.S. authorities allege that Kolomoisky “laundered $5.5 billion through a tangle of shell companies, purchasing factories and commercial properties across the U.S. heartland,” according to the ICIJ."

Use search engines, they're really good.
That's a different guy altogether, right?
5 Jul 2016
Yes, I try form viewpoints by thinking critically about everything I read/hear/watch. I am always prepared to change my views. But a source that spouts George Soros conspiracy theories, is a racist, isolationist and an obvious Putin shill is not likely to do so.

I had actually already watched the video you posted and dismissed it as nonsense after googling the guy.
Sounds good, well done. I don't think you apply the same standards to people you agree with, you claim you do, seems unlikely to me.

Like I said, sounds good.
26 May 2009
Could back fire and just send a load of angry teenagers into "Putin Youth" clubs
Sadly this is the most logical outcome based on historical evidence, in the modern world this "make the people suffer and they will overthrow their government!" tactic has practically never worked in anything even resembling a functional country. Sadly western governments and corporations seem more interested with headline grabs that target the general Russian public (and in many cases also the general European public lol) than with actually doing stuff that affects Putin, his regime and Russia as a state.
3 Jun 2005
The South
As far as I am aware his 'dodgy dealings' amount to having an offshore account (pre-election) and that he hired someone a few years earlier than he should have.

I think it's the fact he's pushing anti-oligarch policies whilst being a bit of an "oligarch" himself having previously (now in wife and friends names) undeclared offshore accounts and assets. Doesn't make him squawky clean but i'm not entirely sure it's any more than what you typically see in the entertainment industry, ie - Carr or Barlow, for tax dodging.

I think the majority of the Tory bench do at least that and more :cry:

25 Mar 2004
Why the sanctions are unlikely to work to stop Putin or remove him from power :(:

I don't think anyone seriously thinks it will put the screws on the oligarchs enough to stop Putin, what will have an impact is messing up the lives of the regular citizens a bit, they won't be quite so accepting I think.

If this war continues for another month or so it will be very interesting to see how the economy of Russia is actually doing.
21 Jan 2010
You can read the Pandora Papers if you have any questions. Sounds like you're ignoring Zelensky's name, whatever, all good.
Sorry but you are contradicting all of your righteous speech on why this is a discussion forum.

You are saying because Zelenskys name is mentioned next to a random other chap who he once indirectly worked for, Zelensky is one of the most corrupt people in the world and so is the Ukraine?

Wtf have you taken my man
5 Jul 2016
Sorry but you are contradicting all of your righteous speech on why this is a discussion forum.

You are saying because Zelenskys name is mentioned next to a random other chap who he once indirectly worked for, Zelensky is one of the most corrupt people in the world and so is the Ukraine?

Wtf have you taken my man

There are two frustrations.

The first is that you won't actually read anything, even if I provide a link. What's the point in providing links if you're not going to read anything?

"The leaked documents suggest he had – or has – a previously undisclosed stake in an offshore company, which he appears to have secretly transferred to a friend weeks before winning the presidential vote. The files reveal Zelenskiy participated in a sprawling network of offshore companies, co-owned with his longtime friends and TV business partners. They include Serhiy Shefir, who produced Zelensky’s hit shows, and Shefir’s older brother, Borys, who wrote the scripts. Another member of the consortium is Ivan Bakanov, a childhood friend. Bakanov was general director of Zelenskiy’s production studio, Kvartal 95."

That link again, that I've posted many times and you didn't read:

The second thing is the little snide personal comments, why do you feel the need to add those? It's not a good look. It just looks like an attempt to diminish, argue the points not the person.
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