If we handled situation in Ukraine differently, Putin already wouldve been on pitch forks...
All we had to do, is show the Russians that a country can rise up against its greedy leaders and throw them out while maintaining independence from outside influences and elect people who had sense in their brain and were truly interested in well being of the whole nation.
Instead, we showed Russians that we bank rolled weak fascists who are licking western bum hole, flash EU flag more than their own and salute their Nazi past.
Try to ban Russian language the first thing they came into power and refuse any talks of federalization to allow eastern regions to hail its own heroes and language.
All we had to do is make Maidan about people taking matter in their own hands and being strong independantly, rather than running around with Nazi-filled portraits and flags along with EU flag, once Yanukovich was gone, we should`ve pushed through a leader who represented both East and West rather than the West to which the eastern population responded as a defeat and took up arms to protect themselves, you can not expect Russians to sit back while what in their eyes seem as a Nazi government being imposed on them which forbids their language and burns down any hope of decentrilised power.
If the Junta wasnt so pro western and so far right, Crimea would never have happend, only reason why Russians had any chance there is because people in Crimea truly believed that their being/language/history were at risk... And guess what, they were right.
People seem to forget that Donbass, only requested for federalization to take place which would allow people in the east to protect their language and way of life.
Instead they first got called federalists, then seperatists and then terrorists... Now they are just being called Russian forces since the Ukraine media outtake on the situation that people of Donbass are pro-ukraine and the only people fighting there is the Russian army.
Over and over the Ukraine government has shown it gives absolute zero damn about opinion of nearly of half of its country who consider themselves Russians.
To Russians in Russia, it all seems as if we pushed through a Nazi party who is doing everything it can to eradicate the Russians while being widely supported and bank rolled by the West.
Good luck convincing them otherwise now, because I cant blame them for thinking that way, we showed it to them that way.
It just seems as if we messed up on every single stage on purpose to consolidate Putins Power in Russia... I just refuse to believe that thousands of intelligence personnel did not see how this would all play out in Putins favor, its either we have planned it from the begining or we are truly dumb beyond belief.