The supply of weapons is limited because without NATO engagement, I suspect NATO security analysts on the ground would suggest they have won the battle but not the war - meaning that there is a chance of weapons systems falling into Putin's or China's hands. Russia & China's weapons development actually depends on stealing the weapon or the design. However reverse engineering takes time and that's why they are 1-2 generations behind. That was the statement from a public US military report.
Given that the bungled Ukraine invasion is stage 1 of a game play plan involving Russia and China. I suspect China was interested in how a military intervention would go in preparation for Taiwan, but given China has decided to increase it's stock piles of nuclear weapons, it seems that China sees the Nuclear button as the way to safeguard it's desire for Taiwan and/or other countries from allies but also protect against Putin's border-conflict. China sees the conflict evolving so influence through "silk road" has switched to target cheaper options for resources, it can sell it's older generation military equipment to them for their own local conflicts and underpin its currently fragile economy. China and the world (including russia) would have a problem if China was sanctioned now - thus the US and western countries are looking reducing dependencies. China is concerned with Russia - after all it's been demonstrated with Belarus that China's border with Russia is not the only border that could be used during conflicts with Russia's allies acting as conduits.
In the last week the US gave Taiwan a Patriot system too, giving ample time for training.
My concern is, given Australia's production of Uranium, if China has eyes all the way down the islands such as Singapore etc to Australia. However with a Woke Australia, I think it will not be too long for Australia to take Nuclear weapons as a deterrent for China, going against their core stance on Nuclear Weapons. It seems nuclear subs are the first step, a nuclear sub that is capable of nuclear launches would be the best option where ballistic missiles or sub launched hypersonic could be carried later.
China needs resources to fuel it's manufacturing economy.. that's a big motivator for expanding militarily if political corruption and commercials don't work out.. having a look at the latest weapons in the arsenals of the defending countries would be very beneficial to China.
Ukraine, politically, has been subservient to Russia in that it's been willing to not be a NATO/EU country as part of negotiations. That would have reinforced parts of the NATO/EU analysis risk assessment that highlight the possibility of loosing arms to Russia/China during peace time.
Ukrainians are dying. Countries are providing arms as they can/willing to allow Ukrainians to defend their country.
Ukraine will need economic aid given 50% of their economy is gone, they have lost skillsets through conscripting into the military. So the military help is the tip of the iceberg.