That's not suggesting there is currently mission creep, rather that this so called "training" group may not only be training in the near future...
I'm aware of that but you used Libya as an example, where the mission didn't creep at all. support rebels, get civvies out of there, bomb gaddafi, help co-ordinate strikes, done then left them to it.
Or look at the French in Mali still going at it.
That said I think "mission creep" is a poor and misused term. Threats and the situation evolve. you cant keep doing the same thing a year later if everything has changed on the ground.
What should happen is, weigh how far we can commit, *dont announce it* and then work within that border, reassessing periodically. Again the french have been doing this brilliantly in mali.
skodamart said:
The days of the British empire are long gone, reality check maybe??
This has nothing to do with any empire, can we stop wheeling this tiresome fallacy out.
Have you watched the Falklands war documentaries, do you realise how badly our forces were stretched?
Any War stretches resources. your example is entirely mute.
Or how about the poor equipment supplies to squaddies in Afghanistan, and Iraq. - Lads were having to buy their own boots for ****sake!
And for years now we've had very good personal kit. The lesson there is about being prepared for a tasking not "why bother".
Freddie said:
Training is a part of the problem though, there's been plenty of noise on twitter and FB from Ukraine troops about the poor leadership skills from their officers but I do agree new equipment is badly needed, everything from new gun sights with night vision to artillery pieces.
Quite. They have also started conscription and currently have the 3rd largest army in the EU. they have masses of untrained troops. It's actually similar to the massive inflated afghan/iraq armies in that respect but lets hope without the culture and motivation problems.
The Americans are sending a battalion to train 3 battalions as well and Poland and Lithuania have joined a Brigade with Ukraine to help them train with nato forces (both Nato countries)
A lot of our training will apparently be medical, comms and logistics.